Do you agree with this question: the average motorist is inconsiderate and frankly dangerous towards cyclists and more...

Do you agree with this question: the average motorist is inconsiderate and frankly dangerous towards cyclists and more needs to be done to protect cyclists on our roads

cyclists needs their own right lane. and in order for them to make a left they have to wait for the crosswalk to allow them like a pedestrian walking.

People need to be taught how to behave around cyclists, and cyclists need to be taught how to behave on the road.

Cyclists should use sidewalks for their own good, and most importantly learn what a fucking red light and a fucking yield sign are.

I think more people should be inconsiderate of cyclists. They are the most inconsiderate drivers on the road bar none.

this, if I'm already on the road I bully the shit out of cars. I NEVER let ANYBODY go, go through red lights, and have knocked off mirrors from cars and trucks that get too close to the 3 foot wide bike lane where they exist in my area.

But also this, I've been passed by cars and trucks that then ride the curb, then stop at a green light to turn right to which I respond by knocking off the mirror because I'm not the only one fucked by this situation. STOP DRIVING IN THE GODDAMN BIKE LANE. USE YOUR GODDAMN TURN SIGNAL.

You're so full of shit your bus riding as is brown.

Cyclists should get the fuck off the road.

It's not my fault you stop at green lights to turn right and have taken out at least one cyclist this year already, entry level ass nigga

The average motorist is "inconsiderate and frankly dangerous" towards fucking everyone.

The average cyclist is probably staying as far onto the shoulder as they can and trying not to get run over, but there's a significant and memorable number that run stop lights and signs, ride the wrong direction on busy roads, hog an entire lane when it isn't necessary, etc.

I live in rural America, Mr "punched 300 mirrors off cars."

>only 300


>with cyclists riding 4 abreast
>10mph under the speed limit
>not stopping at stop or yield signs
>rolling through stop lights and endangering themselves
>not paying taxes for the privilege

Stay in your lane or your life is forfeit, imho.

In most places it is illegal to bike on a sidewalk
This. Both groups have fuck-ups, though cyclists probably more.
I used to bike to my classes, but I gave up when I had cunts swiping as close as they could to me even though I was in the clearly marked bike line. I gave up when a semi thought it would be fun to nearly kill me.
But, still most cyclists don't see themselves as subject to traffic laws, and it is infuriating to see from the perspective as a driver and a cyclist, because they justify driver's shitty actions.

Normal cyclists are ok. Those latent homosexuals in unitards are fucking idiots and should be gassed.

Once when I was driving home I found out the city scheduled a large bike race to be on the road I live on, without warning anyone of course. So, I turned onto my road to go home, my house was a couple miles down at the other end, and I got stuck behind these cyclists. They saw that I was in a car, and the spread out to block both lanes of the road. Luckily, I was saved by my neighbor in his brotruck. He fell way back and floored until he was right on top of them, then slammed on the brakes just in time. They got right quickly after that.

Daily impotent rage thread. How mad are you that there are extremely fit people that are successful enough to buy a $10k toy/fitness equipment, not work in the middle of the day, and ride around on public roads at their leisure? You will NEVER be successful as the average road cyclist. You will sit in your shitty $2k car on your way to your miserable job, and if a cyclist inconveniences you for two seconds your extreme control issues will send you into a full blown tantrum, but you won't do anything, you'll seethe with rage in your car and go home and whine on an anime imageboard. Absolutely pathetic.

I think bicycles are not cars and should not enjoy the same right to the road as cars. Legally I can't tell you to GTFO the road but I damn sure can tell you GTFB2

The road is for cars.

If bikes want to use the road they should not have the right away.

Go home.

Too bad I'm about 15 years younger and 3x as fit as they are

Out of my way you geriatrics

Well? Is she right, /pol/?

get cyclists their own lane, then use a concrete barrier to divide it from the road so dumbasses on bikes and cars don't wander into each other's lanes.

>inb4 expensive

only way to really solve the issue. "stop cycling" and "stop being an asshole" never works.

She is.
They are faggots.
Faggots wearing faggot clothes with faggot bicycles fagging up all the good roads and fagging into moving traffic with out fagging for stop signs.


It shouldn't really be that hard to share the road.

All it takes is a little decency.

I don't understand a word you're saying. Say I want to turn right, the traffic light goes green and I start turning right before letting you pass and you'll attempt to knock my $300 side mirror off?
Why the fuck should anybody let you pass? The vehicle in front of you on your lane should finish turning right after which you can proceed to either turn right or go forward?

Cyclists have no business being on the road in any way what so ever. They are soft and hard to spot.


The average road cyclist is nothing but a hazard to themselves and others on the road.

Car: +27
Bycilcists: 34

Now show us the videos where the cyclists blaze through red lights and across junctions or onto the pavements like laws don't apply to them

Lifetime revocation of your license for being at fault in a fatal accident might do a bit to stop the assholes.

Incompetent, distracted, old, and drunk drivers kill thousands of innocent people in cars, and on bikes and motorcycles each year. Letting those people off with a slap on the wrist only encourages the idea that being a shitty driver is OK.

I want to sleep with Yui

Cyclists should have to pay a sales tax on every bicycle they purchase, and they should be registered with a VIN through the DMV.
If they're gonna demand rights on the road, they should have to pay taxes to maintain the road, and their bicycle lanes.
Existing stocks of bicycles should be registered, and all non registered bicycles pulled off the roads and scrapped.

Bicyclists should also be trained to operate their vehicles effectively and safely. Licenses would go a long way to create better cyclists.


>dismiss the argument with autism
Come on mate. Cyclists don't pay taxes on their vehicles. Only new purchases pay a sales tax once. Used bicycles never have to pay a sales tax, which prevents the government from collecting taxes years down the line to maintain the road.
Every other kind of vehicle requires repeated payments of sales tax to keep it on the road. Safety checks as well. Every driver requires training to operate their vehicles on the road. Cyclists never get that training.

We can give a pass for children operating bicycles, but adults should know the laws. And if they don't obey them, they should be fined appropriately. Plate the bicycles, and when cyclists run reds or slow traffic down, fine them.

Again, if they want to be regarded as humans while on the road, they should pay every single bit that the drivers pay. Until then, I'm going to blast the ears of every cyclist when I pass them.

I'll get back to you when my daily commute doesn't involve cyclists riding across crosswalks at full speed without looking and more than 1 in 5 actually gets off their damn bike when they use a pedestrian light.


My lisence, registration, and gasoline taxes are all things I pay to be on the roads. Bicyclists pay none of that. I'll have the right of way whenever I want.

She'd like it anyway

Replace "cyclists" with "motorcycle riders", and I'll agree.
Cyclists can get the fuck off the road, and frankly, they should. Bikers can't, and too many times I've nearly been killed because people can't be assed to do things like "shoulder checks" or "not fucking text and drive".

Always with the I PAY THIS, YOU SHOULD TOO, and never with the WHY DO I PAY THIS, THEY WASTE MY MONEY.

Never change.

>doing any meaningful amount of damage to roads

Road damage is roughly proportional to the fourth power of axle weight.
A bicycle with rider is maybe 80kg, i.e. 40kg per axle, while a normal car has an axle weight of ~700kg.
One car damages the road almost 100.000 times more than one bicycle.

That's a fucking statement, not a question

If you want roads, you pay taxes to maintain them.
If cyclists want roads, they pay taxes to maintain them.
If cyclists want their cycling lanes, and want more of them, they'll have to pay taxes to expand the roads to accommodate the lanes. Putting a tax on the resale of a bicycle, fining unregistered adult cyclists, and forcing adult cyclists to get and pay for a license helps to increase the budget for the roads.
And of course, plating cyclists and fining them when they break the law gives municipalities more money.
>cyclists get licenses and become safer on the road
>more cycling lanes
>motorists hate cyclists less because they break less laws
>better roads for all
>tracking down and returning stolen bicycles becomes easier with a VIN system
>cycling becomes a real transportation system instead of cheap transport for drunks, elderly, disabled, and children
>increased cycling lanes separates the traffic, causing less accidents, slowing fewer people down, etc
>cops get to pull over and fine more poor people to fund more civil gentrification projects
Everyone wins, America is great again

Subsidizing and otherwise encouraging bicycles is considered in the public interest because
>muh congestion
>muh pollution
>muh children

Crossing streets is more dangerous on the sidewalk because the car/cyclist don't see each other as clearly. I have an issue with cycling as a rider or cyclists as a motorist a s long as the cyclist is riding according to traffic rules

>Junkies riding against traffic in the middle of the road on a one way are an example of a true cyclists.