someone picks zed and then feeds all game raging at the jungle for ganks edition
Last thread was shit
someone picks zed and then feeds all game raging at the jungle for ganks edition
Last thread was shit
Any reason to even play this game ranked?
Soraka is the best support in the League. Prove me wrong.
learn to form better sentences pablo
grievous wounds
xth for the First Woman In LCS
Because she isn't Braum.
Janna at high level play doesn't have to spam heals, she just stops people from getting damaged period.
so close
holy shit lads imagine the get our girl remilia could have just gotten
Best support
Braum can only make his ADC's death slower. Soraka can prevent it.
Let's play a game. Who do you believe to be the most nerfed champion in League's history? 'Reworks' to make them 'better' champions don't count. I'm looking at you Malz.
You misspell Soraka.
>When you have one of those absolutely awesome matches that goes to "all builds finished" lategame and win
soraka's cute but she's not deciding teamfights herself anytime soon
She can't protect herself or the adc, why even bother?
you didn't finish your sentence with a period, and you're trying to teach people English.
dear god NA you need serious help.
>When you have one of those matches that goes to "all builds finished" lategame
>someone on your team still hasn't sold their boots
All good answers but wrong. Last I checked it's actually Janna
is malzahar's E DoT noise missing for anyone else?
>Zed top
>Jhin mid
>Kennen ADC
>Lee sin jungle
>I pick janna support
>Team starts blaming me when we start losing instead of their shitty gimmicky team composition
>Enemy team jokes i should had went janna Mid
for fuck sake
All this shade Kled throwing in his interactions, nearly as good as Aurelions
What do people trade their boots for now that Zephyr is gone?
Sounds like you have a bad case of hating fun friendo
I beg to differ.
Are tank junglers like Gragas just a poor choice in normals and low divisions? I feel like it's hard to do anything as him for a lot of the game because of how people just don't react very well to things despite making sure to always ping my intentions. For some reason I've found myself being far more successful playing Warwick of all champions.
Do you think they'll give ahri a useful passive?
Aspiring artfag looking for practice taking requests.
Draw a Tristana riding Aurelion
Not like that though you degenerate
Yeah she already has one
urgot in front with a plane and two minions behind him
practice on this dick
Morgana's Dark Binding missing a Ezrael by miles yet still landing, much to Ezrael's visible confusion.
xth for Ahri's mammaries
>lane sustain isn't useful
now I know they butchered the scaling on it last time they nerfed her, but don't try to argue it isn't a good passive
>can't protect ADC
Are u nigga serious? She is the ultimate babysitter.
Hot Pockets
do i go for the rank 7, or do i try someone else for now
but it is garbage, just like 100 older champs' passives
power creep is bad
Because all she can really do is heal.
I can delete both Soraka and her ADC as Brand.
Then spam my Thriller taunt.
So what is the consensus on Kindred top? Especially since she lost her sustain for a silly jungle passive.
not if you give it to literally everyone
AP's go Luden's Echo or sometimes Lichbane.
So Corki jungle
What runes?
Was thinking hybrid pen marks, hp/level seals, mr/level blues, attack speed quints. Thunderlords masteries, with defensive masteries (havent tried it with a leash to see if I could go offense with it). Not sure if the 5% cdr or the bonus pen is worth it, since he's complete hybrid damage.
What even is his item progression? Still a carry?
>Clearing 20+ minions with gangplank barrels
Is there a better feeling?
janna is carrying me out of elo purgatory edition
doing it twice as fast with any mage or hydra user
And before you unleash your combo I cast silence. You are now useless.
>loading game
>see academy ahri splash
>literally jinx tier flat
soraka can't do much if she gets caught out whereas janna or thresh have better peel
>cast silence on a mage
>meanwhile rengar deletes your adc
place em
You've won this time, Captain Planet!
She can't be the best support when I ban her
and rape her unicorn pussy :^)
Are the dipshits who made Zed and Azir having some stupid DBZ cancer design contest or something?
Zed dudebro designers: "Behold, the most cancerous of designs! Insanely safe waveclear, splitpush potential. scaling, and of course manaless! All of that means high skillcap of course"
Azir dudebro designers: "Not so fast! Behold my power to do that, plus turtle from 1k range, initiate teamfights with complete safety, have no counterplay invincible nidalee spears, and long range!"
*Zed dudebros begin to power up*
"QSS, one of 3 options to deal with my 100-0 potential, now no longer works!"
*Azir dudebros also begin powering up*
"Here is a bug that will now allow us to perform LE INSECS to end the game with very little risk!"
Zed Dudebros: "And here is a level beyond. An assassin update that will give him %hp damage so he can assassinate all targets at all points in the game!"
Of course, endless skillcaps everywhere.
>soraka with no horn
This actually pissed me off. Have a (You), you faggot.
If you are an idiot and get caught that's your problem.
>casts ult
>rengo useless
>casts ult
>rango takes 0.5 seconds longer to kill your adc
>no GP nerfs
>Naut getting overbuffed into relevance again
Why god why
Playing this game on NA makes me so scared for the future.
Sometimes I miss TheRainMang postings. If anything, that assclown was memeable.
But I like that human apperance. Also Celestial skin is ugly.
Pic related: her best availible skin (Reaper is legacy sadly).
If the assassins are going to be given %HP damage, they should have their damage ratios reduced to the point where they can't 100-0 anyone. That way, they will be forced to pick off already wounded targets, heavily wound one target and have one of their allies secure the kill, or risk getting killed by their target after finishing their rotation.
However, I don't trust Riot to be thinking that far ahead.
>If the assassins are going to be given %HP damage, they should have their damage ratios reduced to the point where they can't 100-0 anyone.
You poor, naive bastard. When it comes to Zed anything that makes him even more brainless and strong becomes "part of his identity!" and anything that makes him weaker is "ruining his identity!"
Zed dudebros will be 100-0ing all game against all targets and the only counterplay will be 5 Guardian Angels or Zhonya's. At which point he will just splitpush you to death like a much more viable Tryndamere.
>Being that shit in positioning that you are caught by a kitty.
Going with this, here's the basic composition.
If someone on the development team has a favoritism for Zed, they should be shut out of balancing him and a more neutral development team should be in charge of rebalancing him.
If the entire development culture has a favoritism for Zed, that culture should be stripped out and replaced with one that better fits the needs of both the company and the game.
playing mundo on my bronze friends account where people don't know what grievous wounds is
>assasins already have the worst playerbase in the game
>Rito is gonna "rework" them which basically means they will deal even more damage
>Zed will have over 90% banrate
Even more pandering to midbabies. When it will stop?
I like the expressions here - Trist looks like she's excited by getting to ride a dragon but there's something in her face that makes her seem slightly unsure whether Aurelion is going to eat her or not, since Aurelion doesn't seem exactly overjoyed by having a yappy purple gnome on his back.
>Make new account on another server
>Fast forward to lvl 30 I feel like getting a malphite skin because I love that rock
>Coral Malphite is a legacy skin now
Man this sucks, that skin reminds me of old league.
They already said the overall damage is going to go down.
Obviously they will have an oversight (probably with an item) that for 3 patches lets assassin run around instakilling everything but the idea is to make them burst squishies less hard but be more useful in general and be able to deal with tanks better.
Ideally, an AD or mid player shouldn't feel like there isn't anything he can do to survive an assassin, but in exchange for that assassins will be more versatile.
How do i stop gangplank from freefarming mid ?
Why can he spam parley on my face at lvl 1 without going oom
Because, knowing Riot, they won't.
Anyone have any advice on how I can NOT get dumpster'd on in mid lane? I want to main Taliyah because she is cute af, but being a former top/support main I don't have the experience other mid mains do.
I always buy pinks, and generally keep up map awareness, but some junglers can be creative.
They keep giving him slaps on the wrist.
>we know some people want him to never be viable again but that's not fair to the people that play him xDDD
>meanwhile they have no problem gutting other problem champs and saying fuck you to their playerbase
>cute af
you can't
you literally can't keep GP away from gold, he's going to farm up
you will always have to fight him at full strength because gp can die but he can not miss lasthits or have no gold
it's his IDENTITY so don't you dare thinking it's op
now for real the only way to stop it is to dive the shit out of him and have your jungler gank him but he will STILL have good farm and a shit ton of money, on top of ruining your other lanes with his imbalanced ultimate when his jungler ganks
she's cute to me, okay? ;-;
she is sweet caring and innocent
Also just practice, you really need to know every matchup for your pick to do well
you can attack him back
Maybe in the fanart that fixed her face and makes her not a shitskin
This. Make him die as often as possible to get his teammates to flame him, this won't work in an mmr where people know that he will always catch up though.
How i can get better at the blind monk jungling?
hit your Qs
I read her lore and the shurima stuff too.
She is literally perfect. I love her big nose and bushy eyebrows :)
when you gank, do not initiate with q, walk up to the , hit them, when they try to escape or flash away you q