/rsg/ - Runescape General

/rsg/ - Runescape General

previous thread: Official World: 42
Official FC: "grindanfc"
Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. No requirements.)

>Official runescape 2017 survey time

>I've been inactive, what did I miss over the past x years

>Latest Update

>Latest Patch Notes

>Money Making Guide

>Gear Guide (Very outdated)

>Latest BTS

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reminder to buy keys

all of you who sustain membership through bonds , what money making methods do you use?

Reminder to get the slutwear during the beach event

daily activities should net you the bare minimum for a bond every 2 weeks. yak hides, vis wax, flasks (do them even if you don't have crafting level)

Literally just playing the game
Not even memeing

I started using NXT a few weeks ago for the increased frame rate, but I've had these weird black patches everywhere since day one (pic related). If I turn textures on, then everything is black (bottom-right of the image). Does anyone else have this problem?

I asked about it before and people just told me to wait for the cache to download, but it's been weeks. I tried re-installing, but it was the same.

I've gotten used to it, but I'd like to eventually be able to use textures and see shit in my inventory properly.


nicely done user

Is it an obscure driver/card issue?
Might be that.
Have you tried raising the general quality?

What's your melee setup? I want to try doing melee but only have Bandos armor. I might decide to buy Malevolent and just use it for spider.

Raising the general quality just leads to the image on the bottom-right.

It probably is a driver issue because I'm on Linux, but I don't think my setup is particularly obscure. I'm pretty sure everything is up to date. I'm curious to know if other Linux users experience this.

>integrated graphics
That might be the cause there, IIRC NXT was actually developed on linux systems so it should work the best on those.

what's ur name slut

AMD Ubuntu Driver master-race here.

No linux issues on my end.

I also suspected that, but I've never seen anyone else complain about problems with NXT and integrated graphics.

I had another problem a bit ago that I had never heard of, either. A soon as I hit the "Login" button, after entering my user/pass, my DE would crash. I found that this doesn't happen if I open the console and run "displayfps" before trying to log in, oddly enough.

Unfortunately I am stuck with integrated for the foreseeable future.

Who is right in the great debate of /rsg/ 2016
Bebop - Harassment is wrong and some shit should stay on Veeky Forums
Cfb - This is Veeky Forums, everything is free game
Stonehawk - if you get reported it's your own fault
Atlas - I just want a girl to sit on my face.

I literally can't find anything wrong with the fc other than Lunar being allowed in it still tbqh.

18th for save my ironman pls Jagex

literally what is the context

Cfb got buttblasted that Beboop reported and muted him. Beboop said Cfb had it coming. Stonehawk said that its your own fault for being muted. Memers start fighting about whats okay and whats not okay in FC.

>be me
>maxed now i can finally try out arc
>bank deposit box; oh i'll use this after i catch fish
>you must unlock from reward shop
>travel to main island
>bank chest
>you must unlock from reward shop

are you fucking kidding me?

it's literally only 100 chimes for the bank box, and you can also use the "unlockable" uncharted isles, the ones you get from the treasure maps, as a bank.
>be me

>speaking fucking weeb

I literally don't care if it's fucking 100 chimes. It's ridiculous for them to even include that as an option for unlocks, if they can't come up with content that's one thing, but making me pay for a fucking reward that is literally the most stupid thing they could think of is incredibly lazy and pathetic on their part.

Won't go back to that shithole that's for sure.

>being this bootyblasted
>proving that capefags are retarded cancer, as usual
It means you can't minmax right off the bat.
There is nothing wrong with that.


jump up u bastards!!!!

Anyone have the picture from the end of Evangelion with everyone standing around @@'ing?


No. We have no idea what you're talking about.

do you guys do warbands on 42
never done them before

Men are better at being sluts

Yo, anyone got any better ideas on P2P than to grind out Ghouls til 60 ATK? I'm dying of boredom here.







>Aviansies don't drop raw chicken

what do you think they taste like

Sinkholes sucks.

they're ez

Not really sure what the fuck to do in them.

fun times

Should I extend Dungeoneering dailies?

always until you get 120 dungeoneering

prioritize combat totems and make sure you don't horde them too long before depositing

>Play Pest control 9 times

Is it ded or could I actually get a game for it during the busier hours?

>expert lander
>right world
>when it's in spotlight
should have no problem finding a game

It's pretty active. Especially during spotlight. Just go to the hardest difficulty boat.

wtf? what caused saradomin pages to skyrocket? I remember buying them at like super cheap

god books got rechargeable passives when you feed a completed one pages

>The WG can canonically kill Telos (I think)

Can we game the system and defeat the elder gods anons?

autism man won't let you.
that's his magnum opus
it's his raison d'être
he exists only to fulfill his autistic destiny.
like ted cruz

>like ted cruz

Let's say I have the full magic golem outfit except the top where I only have the sapphire one
Do I still get the sapphire outfit set effect if i wear it with the magic golem parts?

lol no

So i'm fucked until i get the emerald and ruby top?

delete cache


>Funorb servers are dead so can't make an account
>This means I'll never be able to play Armies of Gielinor

Won 1500 proteans from that in game sweepstakes. What do I blow it on?

Planks since it's the most expensive.
I would get traps instead though because I hate training Hunter.

I tried that twice already. Have you seen this problem before?

>the divine energy, guthix
>hand it all over and no one gets hurt



>the ultimate quester
>not lorehound

I had issues like that when I used linux too. Just switch to Windows. You can get a Windows license for almost free

How free we talking about?

I got mine from Kinguin for 30 bucks. Some say it's a shady site but most of the time you get a legit key.

As free as the USoA

Can a pker actually tell me what's enjoyable about pking in warbands? Nobody other than other pkers wear armor so they're easy picking and it's not like they carry anything you can sell.

they're autistic powertrippers too self-unawares to understand why everyone thinks they're cancer.

they're cucks who want to "establish dominance"
>this is MY camp!11!!

I do it because I get more supplies.

>Doing warbands on world 42
>Some faggot walks in the camp as I'm summoning reinforcements
>Pillar disappears
>Can't summon reinforcements anymore

Did Jagex intentionally add this feature to make our lives harder or did they think this was something that would add to the event and not be abused as fuck?

they get the vicarious thrill of winning for once on someone not ready or prepared to fight

It's intentional. Warbands is supposed to be chaotic and unexpected. It'll only go smoothly if you're with a group you know.

>Camp disappeared

baka didn't even get the prayer and summ experience.

Is Jagex sincerely deluded enough to think that the game is still social or do they not give a shit anymore.

No, for some reason they want the literal worst part of their audience that left, PKfags, back, and they CONSTANTLY pander to them.
>tfw jagex will never pander to lorefags like they do to everyone else

It wasn't even some guy that didn't know any better, just some griefer that dashed through the camp and went off somewhere else.

I think pkers found their match in autism.

It's not supposed to be. People are supposed to fight for it hence why it's in the wilderness.

Thats because PKfags were the largest portion of RS2/OSRS

>this is what pkfags believe

just did vis wax for the first time
how do i get more profit out of it


use only elemental runes and aim for 70* wax

I have both

lorehound is better than "the x"
it's also more "mysterious"

I have an old account that I think I want to turn into an AFK money maker for me since I've heard a lot of people have an account for such a purpose. What are the methods that people generally AFK in order to make money? I know of those dragon pickaxe dwarves, but are there any other things I can do? Most stats are 60-70 ish I believe

Lads if you do win this raffle malarkey how many death touch darts can you win? I just want to try and get the defender part from nex tbqh

1 per ticket, I think.
There's no reason not to enter though, and you do always win something.

>1 per ticket

I've been doing elder energies. Level 75 divination and a whole bunch of other skills to do the quest. Some say to smith cannon balls but I feel that it's too low.

There's a raffle going on?

You haven't noticed that orange sun thing on you screen yet? Try to keep up lad

>missed a lot of tickets
poor bastard

Wait how many tickets can you get? One a day?