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hana song


end your life

>it's a Mercy pistol PoTG

nanoboosted mercy

I will protect her smile.

Hana Song

He will protect your smile.

>that widowmaker

Absolutely disgusting


Daily reminder that Widowmaker on offense is very useful



>she sees your dick



>unsheathes fire strike

Haha hey, neat new hero, Blizzard!

Now send her back where she came from, the stupid fucking cunt.


How would you nerf Genji without making him unpickable trash?

If Genji deflects a shot from Ana into a teammate, will it heal them?

I wouldn't nerf him because he's literally the most balanced character in the game.

I wouldn't because he doesn't need one. he's a combo of skill and enemy ineptitude.

>Playing Rein
>Fire strike on cooldown
>Hear enemy Junkrat ult
>Everybody on me team but Widow fucked way off to fight a couple enemies and died
>Just prepare myself to eat the tire
>A Widow snipes it the instant before it touches me

haha good one


>mfw tracer says this too

>you will never make love to Mei
>you will never cum deep inside her
>yo will never cuddle her afterwards

Just a reminder that if you're over rank 50 and you solo queued you either did your placements and then stopped playing or you duo queued. If you solo queued and you still continue to play rank AND you're over level 50 you're a liar. Nothing you do in this "competitive" game matters 50% of the time. That means you go back and forth, back and forth between games until you finally give in and get a partner to help you out. This game is fucking stressful not because it's challenging it's because nobody seems to understand that facing 5 people by themselves as Junkrat isn't a good idea. If you're over rank 50 and you duo queued you have nothing to proud of. You cheated the system.

git gud


Houkoto no Ken skin for Reind when

Ken character when

I am sick a tired of all these fucking random shitters

Faggots have two stars and still don't know that you can hook bastion as Roadhog or block Reinhardts Ult with another reins shield


I solo queued and got to rank 60, but the forced 50 is hitting me in longer waves over time instead of short quick bursts. I didn't cheat the system, I just stretched it.

What does it say?

ITS ________

Genji's high skill barrier is his nerf.

don't nerf him

if you die to genji either the genji is really good or you're trash

if you're really buttmad that a god tier genji is wrecking you play winston or mei and watch as you melt him into oblivion

>tracer's booty

Genji is balanced. He is only too strong with Ana.

can you get banned for scripting soldier 76?

i'm pissed off because of the spread thing and my main dude being underpowered because of the nerf

fuck you blizzard


Everyone's either garbage with him or fucking invincible.

>4 people leave a game after we lose the first round of KotH
>Still lose a rank when we lose

Why is this allowed?

Mei is for _________


I dunno seems like a lot of people bitch about useless Genjis all the time, untill they find a handful of ones that studied under Shadder2k and cry for nerfs. Honestly since people can be utterly useless with him, more often than not, the question is does he need a nerf or should his counters be tweaked slightly to help shitters deal with him?I main Genji in QP since the launch of comp.

>not just putting it there whenever you want

You mean macros? No, they wouldn't have needed to add that nerf if they could.

I would just play McCree for now though. Or learn to track with the spread.


"Fuck off kid, I'm on a 15 player killstreak"

I never understood this mentality "oh we lost the first round? Well no use in trying." Why the fuck do people just give up so easily?

Ive never partied up ever in this game and I placed at 56 (now 63 highest 66), went 6-5 on my placement so epic forced 50 meme is moot, wins arent the only thing that factors in towards your rank.

>Rank 64
>Have like 50 games after placements
>Solo queued all the way because all my friends are sub-45 shitters

I know you're just baiting for responses though.

But I cannot smile because I am not him.

>wins arent the only thing that factors in towards your rank.
Yes they are


Blizzard is taking the helm of overwatch and steering it straight into a cliff face. The current meta is pure cancer

>D'va randomly absorbing ultimates leading to annoying stalemates
>Zenyatta deciding to nullify all positional advantage by pushing a button
>Soldier nerfed into oblivion
>Ana having twice the hps of mercy, making her almost obsolete
>Pharah useless because McCree+Zen

I've got my eye on her.

Once you deflect something, the projectile becomes yours and it's as if you fired it.

>tfw Reapers and Pharahs solo ult you when you're about to solo kill them as Lucio

At least they didn't use it on my team.

I am really sick of Genji.

He's in every fucking game I play.

I now have 2 average healing as Genji because of this


>tfw solo ult a Mei as Pharah
>kill the rest of her team anyway as she cusses me out in chat

i play him just fine for now but it's still frustrating that i have to actually work to perform when heroes like junkrat exist

Time to adapt or sit and take the wraths of my blade!

This is the future you chose in letting the Omnics into your lives, your communities and your homes.


Blame seacuck for making him look so cool and making crazy plays because he has a Mercy strapped to his dick 24/7.


>tfw you will never become one with the iris with an omnic grill
Why go on?

Not in placement and you wont lose as much rank on a loss post placement if you did decent in the match, if youre losing a full rank every loss you are probably ranked too high for your actual skill level or you were at the bottom of your team.

>Pick DPS
>teammates die immediately
>pick mercy/lucio/ana
>team doesn't kill anything
>pick zenyatta
>wreck shit while healing

So how come whenever I hook LITERALLY ANYONE I need get a kill from Hook+LMB?

where do you even find this shit

Is it bad that as a mechanic I want a shard of metal to lodge in her skin one of the times she does that?

>not okaying chink or monkey to counter

You only have yourself to blame, not to mention the game is shit so its nothing worth getting worked up over.

I wonder how boring it is to be that Mercy
Does she do anything at all in this game but follow around streamers and damage boost them?


If this is b8, pic related
If not, git gud

You fuckin wut m8?

this is actually the "good" are. You really don't want to see all the brony&furry art.

do you think throwing shekels for commando/night ops is a good idea, i don't really even like the character model but i'm an m16 fanboy

it's not like i see the character model myself much anyway right?

Its not like anything goes through their brain to be aware of how boring their job is unless shes playing the long con and just pretending

you're right about that...

How am I supposed to rank up when I get this stupid shit?

You will not gain more rank for doing well in a match and winning, and you will not lose less rank for doing well in a match and losing.

Me too, and I fucking main him. I hope he gets nerfed or something, though I won't really care if he doesn't.

Working on McMeme to help my team take care of him more often.

How do I attack Anubis B if they have a Zarya and Torbjorn who both have ult

Last I knew yes, she does nothing but fly around with him solo ulting him, constantly healing and damge boosting him. Even fucking pulls out her pistol to get ult instead of healing someone else, I know this site hates streamers but if you're trying to figure out what you're missing while playing Genji watch Shadder2k.

Pick Winston until they learn.

oh god, you poor summer soul

Is hook/LMB/melee guaranteed or just really tight timing? I don't play a lot of Roadhog, but I noticed Tracers slipping out of my grasp with recall earlier.

supporting in her scientific endeavours.

It's real? Didn't think that was "safe" to do

But no, I'm pretty sure she's a fucking retard and deserves any harm that comes from it

>tfw I see Seagull fans saying Seagull is a better Genji than Shadder, even though Seagull himself said Shadder is better and Shadder doesn't have a pocket healer most times
Seagull worshippers are the worst

Former Rank 72 who is now playing in his first ever comp match with no rank 60+ers, ask me anything

I'll give you one for free, the quality of players has hilariously increased over just one rank, from Widowmakers trying to snipe my shield from two yards away instead of contesting, Reapers teleporting right in front of me and a Roadhog, and Pharah's ulting from halfway across the map trying to kill us.

Push with D.va Ult
Push with Rein boosted with Ana ult

Fuck almost any ult. Just go in.


you won't get any advantage out of it anyway
if you can't be bothered to make consisten 4 shot bursts by hand just build an ahk script and be done with it