How many of you are actually elite? You have a minute to sell me on yourself over the internet with nothing but an image and text response,
How many of you are actually elite...
I try and impress strangers on a mongolian underwater basket weaving forum.
I am a trust fund babby.
Got 2 houses
Got 50+ hour a week job
Got part time job
Had a small business that broke even
Starting a small business
Always looking for mentors.
Pic related. I aint fucking around.
Tired of the wagecuck life OP.
I'll ficking kill myself trying to dig my way out.
Debt free this comming april.
This comming may borrowing for house number 3.
>your turn.
>what u got op?
I'm 19 years old.
I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.
I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.
I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.
I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.
Both my parents are alive and in good health.
I have no regrets.
I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.
I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.
I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.
I will live a good life at your expense.
You forgot to mention that you're the most humble man alive.
>real estate
stopped reading
read death of a salesman
Has anyone ever told you that you're boring as fuck?
i fucked a mermaid
Why the fuck would you borrow momey just to have a 3rd house? Are you mentally handicapped?
You sound like someone who thinks he has everything but doesn't really have anything to show for it.
No but m8 what are your assets, you know, if you had to show me your balance sheet what would be on it?
I masturbate to chinese cartoons
He's 19 bruh
Run managed funds
- take 25% management fee
- make money on exposure
-19-41% PA returns.
Own 2 premier propeties
1 holiday house
1 international beach house
Receive 2 10 mil + businesses when the parents retire, still wont make as much as funds do.
What to do with life?
Tall, rich, intelligent white american male weight lifer here.
>take 25% management fee
nice fantasy you've got there
Just because the FBI calls you that doesn't make it so, Pablo.
>weight lifer
pick one
im not elite but prolly in the top 90%.
Not every intelligent person is a fat loser. In fact some of us are smart enough to know that taking care of our physical health is important.
>sell me on yourself
I drink way too much and smoke almost two packs of cigarettes a day.
Get on my level.
you're so cute :3
(make passionate love to me)
Even if he's full of shit, that's actually standard rate
>what is 2 and 20
What's the magazine that puts the quotes on the spine?
>I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.
Holy shit what a faggot
>stefan molyneux
why is tupac drowning that man in spaghetti
If you are black or date someone with black DNA you can't be elite. And you aren't allowed to buy Xbox Elite or PS4 Pro.
I'm a 19 Asian male
I come from a third world country, but my family is privileged enough to give me proper education and send me to Germany for university and future life.
My current bank account is around 10k euro. I have property share of around 40k.
I have no debt.
All of my grandparents are still alive above 80 even though they all live in a third world country.
I speak 3 languages fluently.
I'm currently studying Industrial Engineering for pretty much free.
>tfw no gf because I'm boring a beta virgin
25 is the going rate, and in my country most people are more than willing to pay
Just tell German women that you are Syrian refugee, they wont know any better. Free sex too!!
>I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.
>I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.
Saved for cringe thread
No, called basic investing?...
Borrow money for 3rd house. Move to 3rd house cause its in the country on a dirt road. Rent out 2 shitholes. 6 months latter after saving borrow on all 3 for house number 4.
Continue until make 100k a year after all expenses.
Quit wagecuck life.
Work on houses and do cash money odd jobs.
Live off 50k and continue to reinvest 50k while borrowing against 40 houses every 6 months.
Enjoy a hard earned NEET life.
Pkus, i didnt say it was anything to be proud of. Next year i'll be the proud owner of 3 shitholes. However, 0% interest on all 3 cause I'm the muthafuckin' man.
I'll never stop. Hate on Tai Lopez all you want but if he is half as successful as he shills im doing exactly wtf he says. Namely "the more u learn the more u learn."
I'm a long way from rich but i no longer have the soending habbits of the poor. I cringe when the old lady wants to go out. Every $100 bill i watch pass through my hands bothers me. I don't see a $100 bill anymore. I see the potebtial thousands it coukd have made. I see my freedom being pissed away for a fucking pizza and a shitty movie.
An impending novel at 19. Fuck what yall think. The kids going places.
>borrowing against 40 houses every 6 months.
seems like it would cost you more in closing costs than you'd get in equity, particularly since mortgages on business property carry a higher interest rate than your own home, and you don't actually pay any principle on a home loan until 3-5 years in. Even then it's only a couple bucks.
I'm not sure this plan is very well thought out.
Lol, when u can chug as much vodka as me on a daily bases we'll talk user.
Forbes baybay. Everytime i turn the page i want to eat a bullet. Mutherfuckers shill watches that nobody needs for more than i paid for my house.
It is inspiring tho. And it's nice to get the news highlights about money.
It's not. You make money when u buy not when u sell. I got a fantastic fucking deal on all 3 places. I can afford to watch them rot if i want to. I live in a small town and there is dick nothing to rent because 2 faggot slumloards pricerape everyone. There's a 90% chance i'll have known my tenants my whoke life so i know exactly what kind of people they are.
My dad's dating the town realtor and my banker fucking loves me. Closing costs and interest arent shit. If it works cool, if not i'll sell these 2 crackhouses rent to own for what i got in them or more.
I'll branch out into nice homes with better tenants and probably apartment complexes later. The 40 houses was a number i pulled out of my ass. My best friend's dad is a property manager i trust. All the peices just kinda fell together so i ran with it. Short of renting the house next door to a fucking drummer i have no regrets.
I don't think you understand what I'm saying, but it probably doesn't matter.
all I'm saying is if you borrow 100% of the equity and you don't pay anything on the principle of the loan and the value doesn't increase significantly,
in six months you'll be able to borrow exactly 0 more dollars. And after closing costs you'll actually be paying the bank, not getting money from them.
Get your license. It takes 2 weeks. You can take your 3% commission at close or take it off the listing price. Then you can pay yourself a commission when you sell it. That is a 6% return on the total value of the house already. If you are leveraged with a 20% down payment that is a 30% return you are missing out on...
You have no idea.
My family is. Lots of real estate.
I'll probably end up inheriting over seven figures.
But I don't feel like waiting, so I've managed to build a 70k annual income from options at 21.
I'm also pursuing an apartment complex with a friend of mine, that should add a decent annual revenue.
Oh, no i get. Ill run the numbers based on whatever the bank will give me in interest and descide it it is worth it or not. I'm paying near double market value but no interest and the 2 shittiest ones will be paid off in april. I won't over leverage them but until i get an llc set up and find a better cpa i'm keeping them all as leveraged as i can so some fuckwad doesnt sue me and take it. Basically if i think the risk and reward is worth it, and house number 4 is a good deal ill do it. If not ill continue shopping and wagecucking myself to death.
Might jump on the oil bandwagon. It's ~110k to drill a well around here. My dad has some land i'm sure he'd let me drill on. Has wells on both sides of him doing pretty good. Might take a gamble and do that. My buddy pumps the other guys's and he'd easily do mine free if i put 2 cattleguards up so he didnt have gates and let him pump from his truck seat. Ill check on it every few days or plug it if it's a dry hole. The added advantage is a high probability of it being a gas well also. Dad can cut off the city natural gas and if there is enough buy a deisle generator for electricity. Better yet i'll have free gas to run my foundry.
Sweet. Any tips? Everyone i know "took a class" but i live in bumbfuck nowhere and work 50+hours.
Can i do it online?
The google searches are ify looking.
Haha!!! We'd get along just fine user.
I can masturbate and cum without using my hands
>I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.
I can't breathe.
I'm so fucking rich I can eat off the dollar menu at mcdonalds twice a week and still pay the bills.
>I have no regrets.
I'm balling so hard sometimes i skip a day at work and stay at home and watch netflix. Not even sallary.
So.... apparently no one here is elite.
Big shock.
6/10 made me chuckle
you can fuck right off.
verpiss dich schlitzauge, wir sind voll.
I'm a man of my word
I'm a elite NEET. I don't even want to kill myself that much, I haven't even tried suicide (yet)
I hear if you are elite all your money should be confiscated because muh income inequality.
Old money doesn't signal with ostentation, that's for the nouveau riche. They signal with culture.
>You have a minute to sell me on yourself
like i have a minute for a fag like you
>he's full of shit, that's actually standard rate
2 and 20 is common for hedge funds. He never said what kind of fund he's running, and they're all over the board for what you can charge if you're giving them what they want.
I've charged 25% mgmt fees at times for private equity, but I've made them so much money they'd never bat an eyelash at my generosity.
You're making me cringe, and hard. "Haha silly wagecucks, i know what I'm doing. Nuh uh, nuh uh, this plan has noo holes!! U guys wouldnt no, lol cuz ur wagcucks!!"
>read death of a salesman
>I'll ficking kill myself trying to dig my way out.
seems like he already has
I work for BIG government. I report to SERIOUSLY BIG JEWS. I am the man everyone on this fucking forum hates. Pay your fucking taxes, bitch.
force me to, bitch. a good businessman knows how to make money without having to pay taxes on it
2017 is coming, get ready for the storm.
no problems man. last 2 years i got money from the state, they paid quite well the 1st year, 2nd year i only got little money so i made money on my own.
did not even pay one cent taxes on it.
did not even write it down somewhere..
White collar job in eastern europe
Run with a bunch of low lifes
I descend from a prominent family in this area. We're not nobility, but prominent citizens because we became rich in the late 20th century through trade operations.
Before that we were large real estate owners and farmers.
We also have significant bonds with several political parties, enabling us to get a lot done without any juridical problems other people would have.
The trade in combinations with the real estate enabled us to create a powerful patrimony that we're trying to defend in these turbulent times.
Now at 26 I'm buying even more land without even touching the patrimony funds to become ever more powerful. I'm also joining politics actively because of my good contacts in various associations. I'm doing this to get more inside political information for my family.
Oh, have I mentioned I'm an honorary citizen and the family accountant?
Hey, I've seen you.
Don't you shop at the Safeway that's by that liberry?