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drugs tend to have a negative impact on the stock market. Just look at chemical and insurance sectors.

Not true. I know plenty of stim junkies that havnt done anything meaningful with their lives.

I'm getting a prescription.
Finally, I'll be able to put my slightly above-average intelligence to use.

srsly though i've been adhd as fuck for years undiagnosed. It's good to finally not be scatterbrained as fuck and actually able to focus on shit.

preach it bruh

Just try not to waste your time/energy masturbating. Truly this is the weakness of the /stim/fag.

Will it make me rich?

this is the reddest pill, broscience or not

also masturbation can be a metaphor for wasting time in general

Fuckin dock only gave me xr today. How big of a difference does ir make?

xr is better for medical use and ir is better for recreational use

>become dependent
>makes you a sissy trap
>lose muscle from no eating

>not being able to have this motivation without it


>you need it to function normally and the super motivation is gone

>start doing coke, meth

yeah no thanks

No. If you were already productive they might help you be more productive in very short spurts with a cost. If you're an unproductive piece of shit you're just going to be a more focused unproductive piece of shit.

I'm getting 3 30mg XR for 60$. Am I getting ripped?

Yes, never pay over $5 per and try to get for around $1-2 ea.

My friend gets a bottle of 90 refilled for $1 with school insurance.

NYC prices though. Not a college area.

i agree with this, and i've had first hand experience
is the most redpilled fucking advice you can give anyone

you without your dick = you but more initiative, active & better

Those are average prices in NYC, in most parts of the country though that would be ridiculously expensive

Just go to a shrink. They barely asked me shit. (Really do have adhd though)

30 20s for $90

Is it true if you grind up XR really fine that it's the same as IR?

Yes. Half of the beads are already XR

IR* the beads are a 50/50 mix of instant and extended release

Street prices per (instant release)
10mg - $3-6
20mg - $6-9
30mg - $10-12

Exam time at university (instant release)
10mg - $10
20mg - $20
30mg - $30+

Homie prices (instant release)
10mg - $1
20mg - $2
30mg - $3

Also XR of ANY DOSE $5 per (and that's high end of the prices for XR)
any more and you're getting ripped

XR has no real street value

Cool... So is a ground up xr20 an ir20 or an ir40

>first hand experience


Holy shit.
I get 300 pills from the pharmacy for $40.

For adderall, yes I'm pretty sure that's true.
For vyvanse, no.

I guess you don't need a heart. Or a brain that is not dependent on substances.

How do you get this shit in Europe?

well considering without it it's like trying to think through water if that makes any sense

>ITT pussies who can't get through college/life without hard drugs

Same way you get it anywhere.
From a psychiatrist.
Or if you fail to convince them you've got ADHD and got money to burn from a drug dealer / darknet market.

That's like complaining about people not being able to get big without steroids.
At the end of the day I'm still bigger.

>fag gets an A in the class without meds
>pussy gets A in the class with meds
>still a pussy, faggot

And no, it's the opposite of your first sentence. Your second sentence is accolading the result. I'm criticizing the means.

I love that in the US you can literally get prescribed meth (desoxyn) for ADHD.
I wonder how many methhead 12 year olds there are.

I used this maybe 5 times at most in my first year of school. Shit is like cheating.

Anybody who needs narcotics is a weak human who makes excuses about some bullshit mental disorder in order to cope with the fact they are and will be nobodies their whole lives.


Same senpai

how the fuck do i convince my GP to give me a prescription for this?

i'm already on citalopram for depression but idk how to convince her that i NEED this shit

Internal medicine doctors don't like to prescribe stims.
You need to see a shrink.

You're actually a retard if you think this, focus can be learned, its lack of discipline in this world of instant fucking gratification that ruins most peoples focus which is why more and more kids are being diagnosed as add adhd cause their parents don't discipline them and feed them shit full of sugar. and pharma is making it out the ass by giving prescription meth to children. The whole thing is completely fucked learn to not be dependent on a drug. They are similar roids because after using them your fucking your natural ability to focus but at least roids have some permanent benefits to gains unlike addy where youre worse than before.

>brain scans have proven that ADHD is neurological
>ADHD is known to be genetic
>ADHD patients have a deficiency of dopamine of norepenephrine
>ADHD patients have overactive neurons that make it difficult to focus
>retards like you still think it's caused by eating too much sugar
Notice that it's never doctors, psychiatrists, or behavioral health experts who say ADHD isn't real.

Not saying it isnt real, it's over diagnosed. Very few people get fucking brain scans, they see a shrink give and tell them, "my son is very jumpy after he drinks his morning 2 liter coke" and he gets prescribed its about as easy as getting medical in cali

Is Silk Road kill? I really want to order some drugs

>focus can be learned, its lack of discipline in this world of instant fucking gratification that ruins most peoples focus
>Not saying it isnt real

only problem is if someone without adhd takes adderall os anything like it it fucks up the dopamine balance of the brain permanently resulting inn an expensive upkeep and god awful focus and performance and memory and concentration when not on the stuff.

so really only take it if your brain is already fucked.

it's like viagra. it works it works for healthy people too, but it does damage and after a while you gonna need it.

well us is fucked for sure. here it's the opposite. you won't get any drugs even if you can legit prove it you would need to. neither is good trust me. i have adhd i always had shit grades in school can't focus on anything for more than 5-20 minutes. hours are 45 minutes or 90 minutes double class. guess how much i learned in school... well shit sucks but i still turned out okay.

ADHD is a meme psychiatric condition that psychiatrists use to explain why children misbehave in school.

I was diagnosed with it when I was younger, never took adderal once and now I pull six figures as a PA.

All studies related to the condition are pseudoscientific at best.
>In people without ADHD, when the mind is unfocused, there is a distinctive synchrony of activity in brain regions known as the default mode network. Previous studies have shown that in children and adults with ADHD, two major hubs of this network — the posterior cingulate cortex and the medial prefrontal cortex — no longer synchronize.
There is a problem with overdiagnosis in children, and there are patients who lose most of the symptoms in adulthood, but it's still a real disorder that can persist into adulthood, as any expert will tell you.

>patients who lose most of the symptoms in adulthood
it's more like you learn to live with it and still function than losing it.

>it's like viagra. it works it works for healthy people too, but it does damage and after a while you gonna need it.

Do you have a single source for this claim?

99% of people it applies to tard

Which is what you should try to do from the beginning. If that doesn't work and you actually tried to make it work then go to a doc.

>internal medicine doctors


i'm a brit

ah man dat slow release

well yeah you're an adult now. Jumping on chairs is a tell for a kid, but a guy buzzing around the office shuffling papers here, moving some shit there is not gonna raise flags.

>Which is what you should try to do from the beginning.
for a child this is impossible. as you grow up your willpower grows exponentially and to develop the mental techniques to focus and rest and ignore distractions also takes time it's not like these are taught or anything.

unhelpful things like "pay attention!" and "stop squirming/fidgeting!" is all an adhd child gets.

anyways remembering back to school it was pure suffering and boredom. when i tried to follow the lecture real hard my forehead would feel really warm and start to hurt soon enough. if i grew tired i lost track of what was going on i couldn't write fast enough to mindlessly make notes either so i started to draw stuff. doodle on every page. try to look out the window and imagine being out there doing something that was really interesting. my brain wanted information desperately but the subjects were structured wrong. if i couldn't place something into a mental construct immediately i couldn't keep holding it for long. learning something i didn't know what use had or what was it's purpose was impossible.

interestingly i could learn faster than any kid on my own and on my own way. i learned the 4 entire year curse of programming material in half of first year. i got lucky with that teacher since she couldn't teach me anything new she let me play games so long i kept quiet. but most teachers had none of that shit. so really school was suffering.

even when i went to uni which i eventually grew tired of. i couldn't focus for more than 20 minutes. some shit was too basic for me and it bored the shit out of me some stuff was impossibly hard and fast paced and again structured wrong.

this build one brick at a time from basics and in 3 years you will see the house you were building never ever worked for me. and that's what education is like here. i have to see the house and you have to let me take it apart. then i can learn everything about it and how it's made.

>this build one brick at a time from basics and in 3 years you will see the house you were building never ever worked for me. and that's what education is like here. i have to see the house and you have to let me take it apart. then i can learn everything about it and how it's made.

100% me holy shit

Use alphabay

why not just buy a gram of amphetamine for £10 and split it down into micro doses?
Personally I cant stand chemical stims

this is kinda true for continuous heavy users that use it every day and don't need it almost every drug does this even happens to heavy users of marijuana they will get depressed because their using up to much dopamine you just have to take breaks

it's an IR 20. However, it's still not quite IR. The chemicals are in wax, if you grind it good, it'll be like 75-85% IR, but you'll still have a delayed release on some of it. XR is more-or-less just as potent, but it's harder to control the up/comedown.

Sauce: I used to go through my month's worth of IRs in about 1/3 of the month, then I would use XRs. Whenever I needed to do something in the evening that would normally require an IR, I'd just chew the XR. Last 1/3 the month I spent in bed.

Rough times. My dick still doesn't work the same and my heart hurts regularly. Be careful with this stuff guys.

You have no idea how good it feels. It cured my crippling social anxiety permanently. Also, even if you're normally good, imagine that's like riding a bike. Now imagine you've got a motorcycle. Ever seen Limitless? It's seriously just like that, except it has a comedown and long-term neurotoxicity.

Red bull and Klonopin are all I need to succeed.

Klonopin to take the sociopath edge off and red bull to perk me up once i start to doze off

I use to smoke a lot of weed to calm myself but felt brain dead all the time.

I was thinking of trying adderall but I'm scared of heart palpitations.

>Abusing stims

from where? i don't want to go to the pill dispenser shrinks here that charge $200 per visit

>not being natty
git gud

No, never.

>tfw this is me as well
Glad I'm not the only one

I noticed that IR's would always fuck my shit up because the come down was so bad I would re-dose or drink a shit load of caffeine to get rid of it. Once I switched to ER I never re-dosed and I usually only take one pill a day. ER isn't as euphoric as IR, but that's fine with me because it is way more effective.


Not exactly "all you need". For people who use adderall more than twice a week, the tolerance makes stim use alone unsustainable for more than ~5 years. I've spent some time searching the web and so far have not found any long term "successful" amphetamine users.

Most of the tolerance build up is from the "tail", not the peak. Even when amphetamine users go to bed, their brain still has too much dopamine. Neurons are overexposed 24/7 and quickly become less responsive. Its the same way "edging" is much worse for the brain than the orgasm. The problem is previously there hasnt been a way to stop neuron overexposure after a productive session.

For the past few years some users have been experimenting with "memantine" to reduce/prevent tolerance. Its prescribed as an alzheimers medication, but a side effect of memantine is that it blocks dopamine receptors. That way, neurons are less exposed to dopamine even if theres way too much of it in the brain. When taken at the end of the day, results have been positive and some users claim it helps with insomnia, but it is too early to tell if it will enable successful long term adderall use.

>the more you know

How do I get this in Europe where amphetamines are considered illegal?

>modafinil: 0 results
modafinil is way better than adderall, it doesn't give you that "high" feel just makes you work hard and concentrate. i remember first time i took it i cleaned my room for 50 minutes or so, everything was sorted out and put in it's place.
also wrote all of writing-things for university on it, did fairly good since i didn't study

thinking of getting some more since i am trying to make money online and need that extra grind push

interesting info user

I've been taking ADHD meds for about 8 years now and they're still quite effective on me.
Been on 10mg doses dexamphetamine for a good 7 of those years.
I don't get euphoria anymore, but my ability to work is still boosted significantly.

I am taking Vyvanse 40mg (prescribed), and I feel like it's making me sad, but maybe I am already sad, and the pills aren't affecting me.

Sould I try to switch to Adderall when my month of pills runs out? What are the biggest differences between them?

I would recommend that you take 2 days off a week and see how you feel

That's kinda weird.
Amphetamines generally make people feel happy.
Unless you mean when you're not taking them, which is normal.
I used to get so grumpy when I took a day off

When I'm on them I feel sad, I don't even know if they are working or not. I have a feeling I might be depressed, I will look into it

Ok, I wont take them this weekend, and compare how I feel to today. Thanks

Darknet sells them for about $20 per 30mg. It's hard to get a hold of and no one wants to make an appointment to try to get a prescription.

Am I being detained? Am I free to go now?

Dunno about adderall, but Elvanse is the fucking shit. 13 hours of pure concentration and energy. got 30 pills for 120 Eur, but I´m trying to go through public service so I can get them for 48 Eur
>How do I get this in Europe where amphetamines are considered illegal?
no they´re not. at least not in meds
I´m from Spain, i don´t know if this works for other countries but
This is how I got them
>go to medic
>tell them you are having concentration problems
>they will probably give you some vitamins or something for mental fatigue
>come back every week-two weeks telling them it didn´t work and that this problem is starting to worm you down
>mention some med a friend told you about, show that you don´t know much about whatever you are trying to get
There you go. Maybe there is a better way but I didn´t find one yet. I don´t trust the shit they sell online either

>Its the same way "edging" is much worse for the brain than the orgasm.
wew I wasn't aware of this
I'm fucked lel