/lolg/ - League of Legends General

jungle and top lock in assassin picks against a leona, amumu and nautilus edition

previous thread eyosongive.us

First for Rumble

whats that website that lists what youre the best and worst at?


Veeky Forums.org/vg/

do I pick teemo top or TF top

I still need a box on TF and on Yi

but teemo is more fun

buff Lulu now

Rip udyr

>Be supporting a Lucian ADC.
>We're against a Draven/Thresh combo.
>It's no big deal to me, I've dealt with Threshes and Dravens before.
>Keep my poke right where his axe lands.
>Get BOTH of them to 150ish health.
>This whole time Lucian has been passive as fuck. Won't even trade.
>"Ok, good. That's okay. He just wants to control the minion wave, right? All we need to do now is freeze the lane since it's coming our way and when they back we can poke/deny them, shove to tower, and b with item advantage. And when we come back the lane will be on our side and we can do it again. Ezpz."
>He starts hard shoving.
>"What? Why? Oh God no... no no no..."
>He pushes it to tower several times, overextends our lane, and starts trading UNDER TOWER.
>He's now 1/3 life.
>"Lucian, no man, stop, please don't."
>I can see what's about to happen.
>He hard shoves AGAIN. Dives them.
>Flayed, hooked, stand aside, crit.
>Draven collects his gold.
>He died three times like this before level six.
>He was so weak late game he couldn't even 1v1 the enemy support.
>His final score was 1/8.

Someone please deliver me from this nightmare. I can't even gift wrap a fucking lane.

Fuck you you piece of shit ADCucks.

Teemo is retarded.


i'm still mad about what happened
double proced phoenix is 50 damage level one

>clown scene on
>only decent streamer online is annie bot

>tfw a team member picks your main and plays them horribly

against a shen?
even with an already full AD team?

>mfw even if Kled isn't that good he will be played in comp just because his ult is too good to pass on
>mfw he will be nerfed to the ground without a real reason

I fucking love this champion and I haven't loved one in a very long time. Why does no one know how to play with a Jhin on your team? Especially while in lane.

>jungler comes to gank
>giant creep wave next to me
>jungler goes in anyway
>take massive damage from creeps early
>jungler rages at me for not diving in

sigh, he is so shit right now

pic related: me early season 6 when ppl didnt abuse the ap jungle item on him

>another support main
who were you playing as?

junglers don't understand how to lane unless they're Korean

>implying I don't normally mid
Whatever, dude. All ADCs are shit. I haven't seen one contribute to a teamfight. Or even objectives.

>Enemy Jhin will not stop talking shit for the first 20 minutes of the game
>Bound and determined to try and make our bot lane tilt
>Starts whining about tanks being overpowered when I show him that you can't flog the log

Does anyone else know this feeling?

>"Forgiven is doing so well!"

lmao he basically got boosted and didn't have to do much of anything that game

t. Jankos

vander looks so fucking mad he has to play with him

>tfw teammate bans your hover in champ select
>whoops didn't see lol xD
we both know you noticed my hover, i hope your balls get itchy in public.

I'm not saying he's bad, but that one game doesn't prove anything whatsoever. They would've won with fucking Xpeke on adc

Which is the worst Kog'Maw skin?
Why is it Battlecast?

>Think to myself, "Hey, you know, the last three ranked games had DCs in them. Surely the odds are with me?"

Guys, how do I carry a 3v5?


Try Lolskill.net.

Why has aatrox been allowed to be shit for almost 3 years now?

It's deep sea.

>playing support on silver
Is this what hell looks like?

he is by fucking far the worst design in game in every possible and impossible away


What could go wrong?


A better question is why was shitty Tryndamere even released in the first place.

try looking at the fundamentals of his kit sometime

him and vlad should not have been released

Its all about body language, the mask is static so the form needs to express the intent. Look how flippant and showy Jhin is in game animations are, follow that theme. Exaggeration is key for he is a performer and ants to be seen.

Try drawing him without the mask and poncho then add them in once complete

>tfw I can feel how pretentious i sound

It's acceptable and recommended behavior for Yasuos in your team.

How in the literal fuck are you supposed to accomplish anything with Ryze? His damage is non-existent, he takes too long to come online.

If anything, he's absolutely shit tier now.

what makes me even more baffled is that aatrox was released at the same time morello was bitching and removing every heal on the game
also he is ugly
also he is edgy
also his name is retarded
also he has stupid little wings

>soraka isn't most cancerous thing in league of legends

He's getting changed along with other "Divers" after the Assassin update.


I want to make a shitty meme-team of support cucks with supports in every role.

>laning against a nidalee
>I have somehow forgot how to dodge spears
>"wow maokai easy lane much?" - nid
>channel my inner sweaty tryhard
>laning ends and I give the tree dick to her team
>wipe her team late because lmao 20% damage resistance
>only she is alive as we start taking the throne
>throws a final spear
>flash into it and start spamming emotes
>"I had an easy lane :^)" - me
>"fuck you tree" - nid

fucking cats

Nemesis Draft soon, user.

aatrox should dive into a wood chipper

i really hope lulu gets meta again so i can go back to adc with the dream dynamo queue karma top lulu mid sona support nid jungle

>implying 5 ADCs isn't the most useless comp that exists

shen nerfs when

Why are you thinking that Soraka is cancer? She is a healthy addition to the game and has plenty of counterplay.

It is, but people consistently draft all supports in nemesis instead.

not to late goat

c'mon just play lulu and get good

>nemesis draft
>constant dodges every queue because nobody wants to play the shit support champ they're given

>get promoted to G1
>people are objectively worse there
>every game our mid gets outplayed and feeds the shit out of either their mid or superassassincarryjungle
>every game out toplaner manages to suck shit, either by dying gorillion times in a machup they should win easily or by getting slight lead and then trying to 1v3 to 1v5 the enemy team
>adc's forget how to farm, position or focus targets
>jungler might as well not be in the game because they won't do shit anyway

I mean even if I am able to keep botlane together or get some form of lead, it goes down the sink when enemy team gets fucking 3 towers and 81 kills in the first 10 minutes every fucking game.
Also if you see a platinum or diamond boarders in your team as a gold player, it's a 100% tell that they are insufferable feeders and shitters, haven't seen them dominate shit in any of the games. FUCK, at least now I'm back in G2 where people were able to play this game, instead of making it feel like some fucking 1v10 game.

last patch retard

One AD item that no one actually buys is not counterplay. Having to bring ignite instead of exhaust/heal is not counterplay.

Having some dumb goat undo all the damage done to me by the enemy in like 6 seconds or less with little to no consequence is not okay. It's dumb.

Pretty sure that was sarcasm


I'm sorry, I told you to pick TF.

I don't really care. Just because something's sarcasm doesn't suddenly make the points null and void.

I want to FUCK Soraka's horsecock!

God I am just a fuck up today.


it is fineee

the more I lose the worse my opponents will get the easier the S is



>counterplay is focusing support

still not tired of winning

I feel bad for Amumu

Hey, Hey bud let me tell you something.
Just pink his stealth



SHIT MAN I thought that was a normal game.

>still not tired of getting carried


I still end up winning more than 50% of my games despite playing champions I have not practiced too much (at all)

round two

Anyone got some cute Riven art?

>enemy kha zix is diving me every fight
>can't get away from him or kite him with blue smite because so much damage
>our vi is screaming about me being out of the fight and off to the side
>have zero peel all game because my support went anivia
>get blamed


God luck

Anyone wants to have some gold ranked fun on euw?


why is illaoi allowed to exist in her current state?
i don't think it's fair to get hit by a single skillshot by a 0/2 illaoi and lose half your health without being able to react as a tank

Kha'Zix is the PERFECT adversary for Rengar

>both are or have been overpowered for most of their life
>both have insanely retarded, overloaded kits
>both have "being overpowered" as their identity (unless you want to say instakilling people on a 3 second cooldown 20 manacost can be balanced in a game)
>both are horribly frustrating to play against

The game would benefit massively from removing both of them. You could just make an event where they finally get to fight each other and they both die, and remove them. Nobody would miss them, and it would be much better for the long-term health of the game.

Why is GP allowed to exist?

>Kha jumps on you from a screen away
>Deletes you in one Q
>Jumps away safely
>Your Thresh flays in the wrong direction

>Ruining a Nidalee's day

I like you user




Why, exactly? Banning them only encourages bad behavior, since they're invariably tilted before the game even starts by your ban. They sperg out and either play something they're even worse with at best, or troll/feed at worst.
>Yasuos: Not even once.

>coaching a guy
>his match history is all Tahm losses
>mentions he has a duo
>"Oh what does he play?"
>'Jungle Olaf and Nautilus :DDD'

You need damage to win folks.

at least you have time to react before gp gets strong
illaoi is not even broken, she is just cancer. i'd rather afk than having to lane against illaoi. it doesn't matter how hard you outplay her, if you mess up ONCE and get hit by a single E, you get zoned out of xp and the lane is automatically lost.

What Kha should be

>non-isolated deals almost no damage
>isolated deals significant damage

What it actually is

>non-isolated does significant damage
>isolated kills you instantly

>why is illaoi allowed to exist in her current state?

She trades early-game damage for falling off slightly late-game.

She's a juggernaut. Mobility and CC are not her strongsuits but in exchange she can shit damage and sustain.

She yells at you to MOVE and she's actually viable now. Before she was a joke, a failure at launch.

Yeah I play Illaoi too so of course I'm going to like the champion. Even if she builds tank she melts semi-quickly in a team fight if she can't get a W off after ulting.

late xth for sleepy foxes

What happened m8

>get a 3 win streak
>afraid of playing ranked again because I don't wanna lose

would you fugg

>the end

>dealing no damage