Why is it that the two most insufferable classes are the upper-middle class & underclass?
On the personal and collective levels they tend to be awful people
Is there a reason?
Why is it that the two most insufferable classes are the upper-middle class & underclass?
On the personal and collective levels they tend to be awful people
Is there a reason?
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>Why is it that the two most insufferable classes are the upper-middle class & underclass?
Mediocrity, dunning kruger's syndrome.
The poor are too dumb to see why they're dumb and the upper-middle class think they're geniuses, again incapable of seeing why their thinking is flawed and why they stagnate there.
t. 99% occupy wallstreet free college lmao
What did he mean by this?
butthurt upper-middle class detected
Middle class wagecuck detected
How's you new TV you spent a months pay on or that new car you financed for 72 months?
lower classes are forever needy and stupid
Upper middle classes are mostly clueless neo-progressive libshit socialists
When will they ever learn
Actually I'm a college student from an upper middle class family with rich relatives paying for me to graduate debt-free with a STEM degree :^)
The degree of self-entitlement you have disgusts me
>Why is it that the two most insufferable classes are the upper-middle class & underclass?
i find lower class to be more insudderable actually
>i just CANT seem to get AHEAD!
>proceeds to order pizza 20 times a month
>i still have 21 years on my mortgage, ill never pay it off!
>proceeds to buy a $70,000 truck
>i couldnt go to college/university, nor will my kids. Its too darn expensive!
>proceeds to buy $300 Jeans, $100 subglasses, and golden jewelry
>damn RICH PEOPLE! it takes money to make money! why if i was given money itd be different! i could at last do something!
>inherits money from a dead relative and proceeds to blow it gambling, on vacations, and other temporary pleasantries.
>i work a minimum wage job, and i just cant seem to get ahead!
>proceeds to learn no skills in their spare time that could then be used to move up the ladder of paying jobs; instead opting for 4 hours of survivor and other such television drivel every night
your fucking poor cause you want to be poor. Unless you are a disabled quadriplegic getting a pittance from the government you have a chance to make something.
My TV costs $300 which is less than I make in a day, and I don't have a car. Nice projection though.
lol poor people
>win lottery, blow it all, bankrupt in months
just proves how wrong "if i had money i'd be fine!" is
its always funny
>shop clerk
>win lotto
>say you wont be stupid
>be stupid and buy 4 houses, 7 cars and expensive plastic surgery
>cocaine is AWESOME! spend 250,000 on it
I hate the mentality of the upper middle class that wants to pretend to be upper class. They define their tastes and activities not on what they personally enjoy but based on what they think makes them "look" classy.
For example, they think any entertainment is "low brow" unless some reviewer proclaims it's "intelligent", so they must consume it in order to give the appearance of sophistication. And the piece can actually be objectively shit, cliched storytelling.
I'm not upper class myself and I'm not blue collar either. I'm from the same socioeconomic class, and my parents barely taught me or let me teach myself any practical skills while I was growing up since they said that's "below my class". There's a reason those cringy "art of manliness" books exist.
haha stupid poor people. don't they know they're not allowed to complain about anything or indulge in any temporary pleasures unless they spend every second of the day and every dime they earn paying off their debts. why don't they just learn to code and sell an app to Facebook for a billion dollars?
Spotted the poor with negative net worth and no degree
>look mom, i can invent reasons to avoid having to empathize with other peoples' experiences and point of view!
their dumb because they are poor
their are poor cause they are dumb
it seems you fall into this horrible self repeating circle too
im middle class, not upper, not lower, just middle
i buy shoes for $20-$30 on average, and i seen a poor friend with fucking crocodile skin shoes
motherfucker thats not a "temporary pleasure" thats just straight up retarded
its akin to putting a second mortgage on your house so you can go on a trip to Switzerland and buy a few rolex's. Its plain retarded
>unless they spend every second of the day and every dime they earn paying off their debts.
how do you think rich people got where they are at?
>hurr DURR they are all born rich!
>upper-middle class
Pretentious fucks who think they're better than they are, and look down on everyone because they feel their money gives them the right to.
And they have a chip on their shoulder because they are not and never will be upper-class, since that's something you're born into rather than earn.
And they breed facebook socialists who think they know what's best for everyone despite never having worked a day in their lives, and breaking into tears if anyone shouts at them.
Jobless fucktards living off benefits, consuming mindlessly and living beyond their means, then acting like they dindu nuffin man when the police or bailiffs come knocking.
Working or lower middle classes are where it's at. Decent, honest people, work hard, play hard, and know all sorts of interesting things.
Upper-Middle class folk have inferiority complexes against the rich, think they're smarter than they are, and tend to be obnoxious liberals
The underclass is mase up of semi-sapient subhumans
why are Veeky Forums posters so insufferable
Uh huh yeah sure. So what about us third worlders which actually cannot save money worth a shit because our government will tax us to hell and our salaries are below minimum wage.
How did you manage to use the wrong they're and then the right they're in the same sentence?
some black lady won 30 mil in the city next to me and she was bankrupt working a shitty min wage job 3 years later.
I dont even.
if you're born in a 3rd world country, you're basically fucked. Pray that you're adopted as a child or some how make someone notice you and pull you out of the shit hole because they see some value in yourself.
heres how that goes
>oohhhhh mmaaaaaah gaaaaawd!
>Shaniqueah! we won the ball thingy! go tell all the family!
>starts handing out cash to every relative alive and dead; second half cousin quarter removed gets a share
>buys a mansion- no idea of property taxes
>buy 10 sports vehicles- no idea of vehicle insurance
>no idea of investing- taxes galore because of it
>parties every night- money flushed down the toilet every night
>can easily waste thousands of dollars on drugs every night
id say the comedown from being a millionaire to being poor once again would be the harshest thing ever. You could afford FINE DINING before now you are eating Mac And cheese and boiled hotdogs again.
yeah pretty spot on, she bought some escalade and put like a million dollars of nigger upgrades in it. Then bought everyone she knew houses and gave them gifts. Her response on the news.
>well it was fun while it lasted
I remember maybe back in janurary when the power ball was over a billion, people at the job I was working were talking about what they would do with the money, they asked me what I would do then gave me shit when I said I would invest more than half of it in mutual funds/retirement/etc
I have since left that job, but God damn I witnessed first hand why poor people remain poor
i dunno
if i had won the billion (im canadian btw, so after us taxes and turning it into canadian it would actually still be a billion) id find it hard to spend a billion
theres a private island in the bahamas id buy for $8,000,000
then id buy a mansion up here, a nice vintage car and then vacation for the rest of my life.
Even with all that i dont think i could spend more than a hundred million in my lifetime.
Id put a few hundred million into dividend stocks, that would net me a few million every year so i dont think i could burn through it
but then again you hear about morons burning through $300,000,000 lotteries
Upper Class are more insufferable because they think that their success is solely due to them and not due to thousands of variables outside of their control subtlety influencing events in unforeseen ways, I'm not saying that they don't work hard but a lot of established wealthy people generally only stay wealthy through Nepotism and backroom deals
don't believe that memester, I come from a shithole country, my dad was roughly middle class and my mom was full-on low class and their net worth atm is $1,33 million
This theory makes sense. It seems to fit my observations, though subjective I have made a lot of observations and I try to avoid leaping to conclusions.
fringe class best class