How can one remove themselves from a monetary society while still existing in it...

How can one remove themselves from a monetary society while still existing in it? More so than off-grid living and growing your own food?


Not good at selling things... I'm a nurse by trade, you suggesting bartering the placement of bandaids?

You can't aside from moving to some wilderness and becoming a hunter-gatherer outlaw.

What you can do is exploit systemic loopholes to minimize the system's impact on you personally, but that requires as much effort as rising in the system.

Should have married into money...

I'm too busy working my ass off to pay bills and persuing gainless enterprises like environmentalism to move in any direction.

Become a neet and wait for mom to bring food

Hard to do without parents. Hate my senpai w moms.

Tell me more about systemic loopholes :D

Buy enough land u cant see neighbors. Have enough money to pay property tax.

Good luck OP

U want loopholes start real estate investing.

With 1031 exchanges u can postpone paying property taxes indefinately.

Solar power to reduce electricity. Raising livestock/produce for food and selling your surpluses on a local scale.

You'd still have to have exterior funding from stocks/bonds/whatever, but it would cut down your commitment to society.

1031 exchanges. What does this mean?

So you want to know how to get things you want without paying for them? GL with that. Maybe you can steal or barter exclusively.

Truth is, you'll need some money coming in all the time from somewhere since you will always owe someone something until the day you die.

House free and clear? Properly taxes.

Own your car? Registration and insurance please

It's best / easiest just to build investment income rather than try to skirt around not needing it.

Anyone with thoughts on the Venus project other than "not in our lifetime"

You can't, one or the other. In or out.

The problem is that even if you completely remove yourself any interaction you have with the system brings you into it, even if for a short time.

If you interact with developed society at all you're in and you're fucked.

Literally you would need to be one of those crazy hermit people who live in the woods for decades and never leave a small undeveloped area.

This. Get some friends from various professions. Live in a commune.

>a solar and wind engineer for electricity
>a lawyer to fight paying property taxes
>a mechanic or another engineer to fix cars and generators if you use them
>an IT dude maybe
>a doctor
>strippers or whores to fuck (probably)

Everyone helps farm or hunt varying amounts
Try to establish the relative value of everyones time initially
But let if change w free market bartering

>inb4 doctors and engineers fuck the strippers and leave the lazy faggots to starve bc no one wants to farm. socialism is bullshit

lol at people who think they can go all Walden and disconnect from society. The reality is that, even if you live "off-grid," you still extensively rely on the presence of the government (e.g. firefighters, police, etc.), you'd still have to pay taxes, etc etc.

See also this: Ask yourself: what is it about society that you specifically don't like? If it's commercialism, live innawoods. If it's pop culture, don't watch/participate in it. Etc.

>inb4 doctors and engineers fuck the strippers and leave the lazy faggots to starve bc no one wants to farm. socialism is bullshit
wisdom, except for the part where engineers fuck anything

It's commercialism, it's materialism and waste, exploitation of people and things, it's all-consuming debt the majority of people will face, the unequal distribution of wealth rarely based on merit but rather circumstance. Life is so unfair! :'(...

I'm saddened that regardless how ridiculous money even is, it's all we seem to fight over, work for, lament when it's lost and rejoice when found.

Want to live in a world where people are appreciated for who they are as opposed to what they can offer to a purely monitarily motivated society. Thought for a long time it was the US and that I could move and be cured, but it's the whole world.

I'm not lazy and I don't want to take advantage of any system, I just don't want to be a part of it anymore (without being the crazy hermit alone in the woods). Surely, there are people who feel like I do?

I'm fucking trying! Lol

(Real photo btw)

do you mean 'remove' in the literal sense or in the figurative sense?

i know people that have 'removed' themselves from the high-pressure lifestyle (paycheck to paycheck, no security, etc) by just being frugal and finding a job that might not be lavish, but is easy and necessary instead. (first thought is a CPA or tax preparer)

go easy on spending for a few years and before long, you've built up a financial shelter that can keep you out of the grind for a long time and instead of working 40hrs/5days you can be on-call and work only when needed

one thing i've noticed are that the people who get fucked by the system are the ones that spread their assholes wide. they can't resist making impulse purchases and need to be part of every fad and trend. so of course they're going to go broke right before the next check rolls in

you don't need to be a slave to money. just treat it like food or water and don't waste it or disrespect it

Sounds like you need to investigate an early retirement

It's these darn things called children. They demand and absorb more money and time than even the hungriest corporations. I'm a slave till their grown!

Save all your money in gold in silver

MMM has kids, no excuses, meng! :)