League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra! she's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream!
She's cute cute CUTE!

Other urls found in this thread:



Is Aatrox literally the most forgotten champion in the game? Riot has at least paid lip service to a rework for Yorick.

I want to urinate inside Kled's mouth and feed him vinegar!

Shit OP desu

The bait

Eve buffs when?

How so?
I didn't include your waifu in the OP f a m

are those triangles her chin and nose?

Why do people just randomly decide to troll ranked games?
Had a fiora run into their Riven level one and die, then leave at 2 minutes so we couldn't remake
Next lobby had someone who put support as their primary, locks in gragas "u guys want grag support xD?"
Someone dodges, then lord knows I have to get him on my team again next lobby, this time "how about rammus support" xDD so funny bro kill yourself

did gearbox design the new champ???

what a fucking abomination of design

People here will literally defend it.

>It's another Lissandra thread

If you're gonna tell lies about Lissandra at least make them believable

How the fuck do you not take so much damage during Jarvan's first clear? I feel like it's a battle against fucking up hard and going behind hardcore.

>Had a fiora run into their Riven level one and die, then leave at 2 minutes so we couldn't remake

rage quitting is not trolling, stop using words you don't understand

>Had a fiora run into their Riven level one and die, then leave at 2 minutes so we couldn't remake
This sounds more like a rage quit than an actual troll



How can I lie when I speak the truth?
I haven't made a thread in about a week

He did it on purpose. He didn't go into lane then lose a 1v1. He literally ran into them at their krugs and died.
I wasn't exaggerating out of anger, it was actually an intentional feed.

Xth for Bad and Bane

Hey anons is rek'sai hard to play?

>Full stacked darius with 3 infernals running at you because of the karma and sivir

>esports is on
>queues are like 10 mins long
even the fucking poro king queues are long as fuck

>I haven't made a thread in about a week
Lissandra isn't your name.


>Queue up for ranked.
>I have a Jhin ADC for once.
>Oh shit, this is gonna be gud!
>He loses lane to a Vayne.

No. Can be hard to win with, but you have the tools you need to get you and your team ahead.


I know
I'm the LissFriend though the one and only
And I share my name with a lol character too

she's not hard but she kinda does nothing

Ways you instantly know you lost the teamfight.

I'll start.

>Your Hecarim decides to ult a screen away from the team instead of waiting for you to set up.

How the fuck do you want us to follow up when you're effectively 1v5 you dipshit?

>Top 3 strongest jungler in the game
>kinda does nothing x)
Damn this general is full of shitters

blub blub motherfuckers

>malphite holds onto his ult at the very end of the fight to kill that 50 hp ashe

noooo waveclear

>Your ADC is front line against a team of assassins.

rek'sai has easy clears thanks to her passive
10/10 ganks with her E and W, and most people build her tanky with warrior/BC to be a knockup machine and still do damage
also you never have to actually walk out of base to get somewhere


Thats the sound you'll be making when I shove my dick down your throat.

>when the enemy ADC locks in Draven, has Fervor and they get a BF sword on their initial backs

I need to stop watching tyler1 so I'm not being disappointed by random Draven players anytime they go the beta build.


fervor is pretty dumb on draven anyway because if you cant kill their squishy in 2-3 autos you are useless

Crit Draven isn't so bad if you're against a tank heavy comp.

I'm having a bad day, /lolg/.

7 losses in a 1 win today.

All of my games had AFKs and level 30 smurfs on the enemy team.

is qtpie voting trump or nah?


Anyone got some cute Shyvanna art?

I bet you think azir and sivir are garbage in soloq too

Anything is good in solo q if you're good enough at it you dumbass.

Also there's a reason why rek'sai is played a lot in high diamond-challenger games.




>false equivalency

but please go ahead and tell me what junglers are stronger on the current patch
Oh wait, you can't. Stay silver you fucking downy.


>solo q
ded meme
riot killed it


Not an argument.

>9th game
Playing LB mid and got a varus that flamed me for "NOOB NOT ROAMING" (even if i went bot but enemies just left)
Titlted hard and finished 2/3/4 with 7k damage done.
2 victories 7 defeats, bronze incoming


She's fine as it is

>10-6 by 15 min
>Top laner is 0-4
>starts feeding and wants to surrender because he's "bored and want to start a new game"
>I'm playing ranked in Plat


At least your not gold and getting stuck in plat games and they pull this shit. Granted I'm only losing 9 LP a game but holy fuck.

It's a lonely road, user. All your scrub friends will be left behind, unless you're getting boosted you fag.

>voting at all

> what junglers are stronger on the current patch
Hecarim, Nidalee, Gragas, Kha'Zix. Talking about ladder and not competitive ofc.

how long did it take to get out of b5 -100 fucking lp
how is your mmr not fucked



Btw how do i avoid tilt?
I have played something like 300 normals so far and i habe map awareness bit sometimes I just play too passively , and if someone flames me i usually dont care but sometimes i just do badly.
How do i git gud?

This is wrong.

Phoenix 1 lets go boys

He is the first champion alphabetically, how would he be forgotten?

>phoneix1's comp
What in the fuck

Anyone have the art for the yordle version of this from Hyuna's Bubble Pop?


>Phoenix1 disrespecting the fuck out of IMT

You can tell they're going for "LOL we still drafted better than you in that TSM match" jab

Rek and Nid are kind of even with all the nerfs on Nid.
And Hec is still broken with the buffs to his items and SSs


Unleash the memes

How can one team be so based?

>inb4 mordefags come in acting like their champ is good and people are gonna pick him after the game

mspudding quit league 15 years ago

I feel your pain, friend. After getting into Gold, climbing between any two Ranks is hard because of how much bullshit players are gathered at the lower Division of the higher Rank. It's where all the boosted players settle and it's an absolute shit show.
Good luck, friendo.


>watch lck vods
>lane swap happens
>monte starts bitching about Riot removing lane swaps

Why does he give a shit about lane swaps so damn much


>Btw how do i avoid tilt?
Tilt just happens.

You can't really control it necessarily.

You can try to just not worry about fuck ups.

People are going to know my secret to winning

Yeah man. This is a real shitshow. I've seen better cohesion in Silver. It's ridiculous. I don't want to end the game on a loss today but playing on weekends is always an exceptional shitshow.



This just made my weekend

My fucking sides.

Why do people insist on playing high skillcap champions ???
Just play Malphite or Master Yi
Why play Kindred of all things??

The only advantage that fucker has is nobody knows wtf he does.

Literally just walk the fuck away from him.

I play like a bitch, /lolg/. Like pussy shit longrange poke kite champions.
I play shit like Jhin, Azir, and Gangplank.

What other champions play like them? I need to expand my champ pool without learning how to go ham.

he's a pretentious fedora tipping retard who actually deluded himself into thinking laneswaps are exciting and interesting

>nostalgia posting mspudding
I'm okay with this

I'd take her into my room and __________ This makes me sad. ;_; _____________ if you catch my drift.


>why do people insist on having fun

Lux and Xerath.

Maybe Syndra???

Artillery mages: VK, Xerath, Ziggs

Great now we're going to see morde jungle in ranked

See you guys next week im done.

Monte is a fucking shitter. He thinks he's right about every single thing and if Riot or ANYONE says otherwise, he starts ranting. He gets fixated and won't shut the fuck up.
>Lane swaps really show the teams' skills!
>Who cares if it is boring? I get to talk more

Who should I be watching C9 VS pls carry me Anivia

Or memekaiser jungle?