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old bread

First for Terra's thick donkey dick

>Someone finally calls support
>They go janus

Why is Fafnir so fucking strong

best tank

console lord here. just had to wait 3 minutes in queue for ranked conquest.

how long does PC take?

and before you ask 2800 ELO


Delete this

Just fuck my shit up, senpai.

>tfw terra will never face fuck you with her donkey dick as you grab onto her thighs

pls god, I want this so bad

I can do it for you. Although my thighs are pretty fat

Are you terra?

How about we play a game of Shameful Smite Secrets?! I'll go first.

-I have never had a Quadra or Pentakill before.
-I understand the concepts and basics of Conquest, but am too afraid to try it in solo, and my friends do not play Smite.
-I want to _hug Jing Wei.

>tfw I'm pretty sure I am at least partially responsible for HiRez changing Jing's card art and making it a point to mention that she's under 14

I quit smite for Paladins

I only play assault, sometimes arena. I've been playing smite for over 2 years.

I hope you get mosquito bites on your scrotum and penis, you monster!

You're retarded, if they didn't want to attract pedophiles they would have make her older not younger.

She's a child in lore moron.

They were sexulazing her and it was weird.

>"I supp"
>Picks Loki
I have had enough

well this gave me a boner

>Haha I got an idea bob that will fuck him up for even trying to talk to us
>What is it?
>Lets make her younger
>haha I bet he will be steaming
>Kid makes this post
>Bob is this kid autistic?
>Yeah, Frank. He is. Then again our whole fan base is this autistic
>Well back to making her a semen demon since this didn't work

>tfw your awilix doesn't know she can ult scylla/hades dash
>doesn't even do it when you tell her it's possible
>rank 5

Yeah okay, the fuckboys are out in force today

God damn I hate weekends

They made her less sexualized. You're both fucking idiots for completely missing the point.

>They made her less sexualized.
You don't even own the skin though. How would you know? You might be able to see her panties

I love weekends

I love the instalock lokis that feed like crazy

I love the disconnecting scyllas

i love the raging BR shitstain xbals

i love this game so much

We always talk about the people that do shit like instalock Loki and proceed to feed - but do we have the opposite of that? Something Gregorish? The guy that picks Sylvanus and constantly does his best to bodyblock and heal you?

Why would I make a post praising some guy I played with? That's not interesting at all

Conquest can be fun solo sometimes but often it's just shit. If you want to try do your best to talk to people who aren't shitheads and add them after games.

It's as interesting as posting about shit players.
>tfw laning with a Sobek as Artemis
>tfw he lands every throw into a trap without fail

no such thing exists in smite

i want to die between Terra's legs.

I want to die between jing's legs.

That doesn't even make sense. If Jing's tits were bigger she looks older by default. Her lore means fuck all. If that was the case Scylla wouldn't matter, but that's not how that works. You judge based on the appearance. Jing looking older by having larger breast would the opposite of pedo pandering. If anything they're only encouraging it more now. It's hilarious you think sexualization matters when Scylla has zero sexualization attached to her but that's never stopped them.

Why you continue to bitch and moan about this fake character is beyond me. A the very least acknowledge you're being a hypocrite when it comes to Ne Zha.

I want to fuck Jing Wei.

Ne Zha and Scylla aren't going around on official card showing off their ass though.

Her lore means fuck all? What is that supposed to mean? Hirez themselves called her a child.

>ya but you like Ne Zha tho!
That's a lot of assuming there, m8.

honestly, I'd rather have a teammate ult the tank, because at the very least they try to zone him out (though incorrectly) instead of teammates who won't poke the tank/warrior at all, let them walk all the way to their backline and CC chain the squishy, and then cry about it., all because they took "don't focus the tank" way to literal.

It's alright if your subhuman brain won't allow you to see jing as a semen demon

I want to fuck her as she sits in my lap, wearing that skirt and no panties. Fug.

Is Osiris still good? What's a decent build for him these days?

That's not even Jing.
It's some white bitch cosplaying as her.

Not my fault you're a pedo. Don't take your anger out on me.

5 second damage buff on a 6 second cooldown that also gives him the ability to tank objectives for as long as he has mana.

Seems like your fallback reply when you have nothing to say.

>tfw you save your team by giving up your role and playing support because someone instalocked a mage

Feels good man. Geb is best support.

Stop projecting user.

Yeah, I should really reply to something that isn't even an argument.

>It's alright if your subhuman brain won't allow you to see jing as a semen demon

Come back when you have an argument and i'll reply with something worthwhile.

Not until Erlang gets removed from the game like he should be.

>Ne Zha and Scylla aren't going around on official card showing off their ass

What does that have to do with anything? Are you not reading what I'm typing?

The characters will by sexualized by the people that find them attractive regardless. The poses DO NOT MATTER. People were talking about Jing sexually before the mastery art, it doesn't matter. The only thing that's relevant is the appearance.

>Hirez themselves called her a child.
Again, that's not the point. Scylla is a monster, it doesn't stop her from being seen as a child, right? Because if lore matters, she's just a monster. Even her lore implies that she's been alive for awhile. But visually, when you look at her, she's a kid, and that's what matters in this context. Lore means nothing.

So again, I'm asking, why do you continue to cry about this fictional character, but not the other that happens to be male?

It's not meant for you then.

It's alright if your subhuman brain won't allow you to see jing as a semen demon

You are honorable and have good taste in support, my man.

You're not winning greatest troll awards with that weak ass shit, bitch.

It's alright if your subhuman brain won't allow you to see jing as a semen demon

>my awilix just ults randomly
>tell her she can ult knockups, like my 1 with jing
>keeps being random and doesn't know what the fuck she's doing

Why are the shitters always on my goddamn team

Guys, I play smite everyday for at least 8 hours a day. Why am I not on a pro team yet? I want to get paid to play this shitty game so I don't have to get a real job

Who fucking cares if they're lolis or hebe? Stop being old hag loving faggots. This shit is dumb ass fuck and you should feel bad for using such easy bait.

Decide to play Xing support, Thor on my team says it's bad because "not picked in league", mfw he is Silver 2 and ends game with 5k less dmg...

It's alright if your subhuman brain won't allow you to see jing as a semen demon

Shame about that face though but nothing a paper bag won't fix.

It's alright if your subhuman brain won't allow you to see jing as a semen demon.

they should give Xing back his damage. It's bad enough he doesn't have an ultimate.

You like that face?

Jing Wei>Scylla

Everything will be sexualized by someone, yes. Point is if hirez push for it themselves with a character. They aren't with scylla but they have been with jing, you can see that in the card art. 'Poses do not matter', oh please, you can't be that delusional to tell me you don't get what hirez were doing with that card art. Go ask hirez to put scylla in a pose like that, it doesn't matter?

Syalla is a monster in lore yes, but she's in the form of a child in smite. For hirez to start sexulzaing her in this form would be wrong. Jing is underage in lore and in appearance. Hirez said during design she's a child, she has a playful childish personality, her animations are child like, with the skipping animation, her voice pack is high. Everything about her design is of a child. Hirez then go and emphasize her ass in a card art. In fact, just google 'jing smite'. I can tell you that hirez are intentionally calling attention to her sexuality.

They change the card art for her by making her tits smaller and her skirt longer. Justifiable changes yet everyone here flips shit. What is the average person to assume if not a bunch of pedos screaming a child is not being sexulazied? Hirez are morons and make stupid choices all the time, this change wasn't one of them.

>So again, I'm asking, why do you continue to cry about this fictional character, but not the other that happens to be male?
Because again, hirez are not sexulzaing him themselves. That's the issue.

Ugly bird tits will never beat Dog tentacle loli.

Loli over pettanko anytime

Wah WAh WAH! The post

English, please

Nice argument.

Did 3.14 change Defense Pots at all? They buffed both damage pots but I was hoping that defense pot would be better.

the 3000 pots? no

That's fucking shit man. I was hoping that they would buff defense potions since they buffed the damage pots. Now defense pots feel even more useless...

Don't need an argument against a crying child

Nice argument.

Fuck off back to whatever normalfag shithole you came from, you goddamn faggot.

Don't need an argument against a crying child

Woah! Now that's a great argument right there! Not a pedo means I'm normal!

>Beta cuck

>Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Yes this is how we will progress humanity through critical discussions.

What's your favorite Basic Attack sound?

Sylvanus's laugh when he tosses those spore ball things

Stop trying to bring whatever faggot moral crusade you are on in here, this is the land of futa, milf and lolis while everyone bitches about hirez's idiocy and jewry.

>Wah WAh WAH! The post is a question
Yeah, not like your subhuman brain could even follow a conversation but keep going cuck

>calls out pedos who can only get sex by manipulating vulnerable children
>called a beta cuck

The only beta here is you.

I'm not even him. I just find it funny that you more or less admitted to yourself that your argument is so ad it should not even be called an argument.

Hey. How about we just drop it, stop arguing and talk about the game? Just let it go, has nothing to do with this general.

Has anyone had any good games with Terra and Hercules playing together? Seems like a pretty fun combo potentially

>progress of humanity
>Veeky Forums general where the first post is "Terra's thick donkey dick"
Here's your badge for moral crusading.

>Falling for shitpost this bad
This general probably has the lowest average Iq with you here


>trying to bait me by saying someone else is baiting

I'm sure you're protecting all these fictional lolis from us bad internet types, mr. white knight.

>Falling for bait again
Thanks QT

jing was a mistake

Jing is fine, it's all these normalfags. We'll never get another loli character because of this.

If we all post this cute girl holding a watermelon this thread will be saved

I agree completely. Xing is mostly playable without his former damage, but compared to how he was in his glory days, he is a mere shadow of his former self. I mean look at the damage Ymir does - why should he get all that damage, but Xing gets the shaft?


How do I build Ne Zha?

CDR, Crits and Pen, with one situational defensive item (if you're not fed/steamrolling) so you don't get BTFO the moment you sash someone.

It's no watermelon but here we go.

Scylla's new card art It's obviously in it's early stages, I don't know what Hirez is thinking!

Dat butt.

>tfw like smite but hate every fucking idiot that lands on my team

It's like the game knows hey, this person has no idea what buttons do what, let's stick this guy with him