League of Legends general - /lolg/

Kled is a quality yordle edition

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Honestly surprised it took this long for that to happen.


I hereby dedicate this thread to my waifu.


>placed plat 3
>can only win with busted ass Jhin

please help me

gay thread

pls i make new first go here


>trying to start thread wars because you were late

fuck i make 30 seconds after

>Nidalee got into a contest's top 10 at the height of her brokenness
>now she's neutered
>chances to win a contest are now gone

I just wanted more delicious grown porn

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets forgot to post loading screen edition whoops!

>get gangplank on my team
>lose because he's a squishy melee with the most telegraphed spell in the game

Stop spreading the OP GP meme. He's fucking garbage.

losing bot games is a thing


>play gp
>be shit

don-dont fall for the meme guys.

Toned and tight midriffs.

why do people smurf and then act like they're good for shitting on new players?

Why does a Tank/bruiser/assassin/ranged/mobility Champ who shits on every melee like graves gets 120MR for free?

I still think he is too weak, lets say he gets100/150/200/250 MR and 5% crit, what do you guys think about that change?

What do you guys think?

Post mains and rate

Let's play a game lolg! Post your favorite runepage and guess for which champ(s) it's for! Here's mine!

Le ribbon maines

When using GP especially during laning phase, how do I use his barrels efficiently, especially on how to setting up some chains, avoiding it from being destroyed from the opponent, and during teamfights?

Why do I have such good taste in champions?

How did we go from this....


to this

..... to this?


What is with her right leg?

xth for purple

Who should i pick between noxus girl and fox girl for midlane? i have played both and i can say i love katarina fast playstyle once you rack kills, being manaless is a bonus

meanwhile foxgirl got a easier teamfight i believe? i currently have ahri mastery 5 and kat rank 4, i enjoy using both but i must pick one now


Kat is easier to use, just wait for them to use their CC and go.

With ahri you actually need to land your chamr to kill somebody

>put barrel down
>right before the first tick auto the barrel
>q barrel directly after for chain

Teamfight wise most people just straight up ignore the barrels in all the chaos so its much easier, that and lvl13 barrels are so fast most people don't have the response time when they are already tunneling on targets in teamfights.

Mein neger.

tahm model is so pretty

because they cant win in gold and this game is a giant dick waving contest

Ahri is more versatile and consistent, I don't think she has a single really bad matchup.
But Kat is snowballier if you think you can reliably either kill your lane opponent or get a successful roam.


what fucking proplayer made everybody realize how fucking overpowered zilean is

i dont want to see that old boring cunt in a game EVER


>ADC mains


"Yeah, that's my other profession, why do you bring it up?"

I play both and I can carry harder with kat in low elo but ahri in higher. Kat is good but when people start to be less shit at the game plat+ shes can get shut down easy. I tend to play more ahri on my main and more kat on my smurf.

>use this a week ago
>oh man, my score is lower than I thought, I'm going to focus on getting this up
>try to always use my trinket when it's up, try to always have a pink ward down, looking at where enemies are coming from to try and spot them
>feel like i've been really helping our team with vision lately
>check score today
>it went down by 10

xth for rito games is corrupt as fuck


> Kat is easier to use
> With ahri you actually need to land your chamr to kill somebody
This is what delusional silvers actually believe.



Every company is.

Not too bad I guess~

you DONT

So like, do ANY melee champs beat Trundle in lane? You can kill him 4 times but then he hits 6 and the lane is ogre.

>inb4 shitters say Darius
Darius gets destroyed by Trundle.

Oh wow, i knew i was a paranoid motherfucker but not to this extent

trundle can't carry for shit git gud


i dont really think there is a counter to this crap, but i think vlad might be okay with rylais or gp

> do ANY melee champs beat Trundle in lane?
Mister Yen if you play him toplane.

Yeah Trundle falls off harder than Renekton, all you have to do is stall for lategame to collect your FREE (free) win.


c: It's time to hang Sona up and main Thresh again. I love you, Moooooshy~

the dark star skins are fucking legit

>no summer showcase
>no art spotlight
>no journal of justice
>no pro player pick

when did you realize that league has much less content being released now than before?

Illaoi if you can land abilities


if you play an early game champ take your advantage to other lanes. outplay the trundle on the map. If you cant do that either ban him or play him



>tell people to rate
>they never rate

What are you guys using for this?



stacking idiots on their mains edition

league of legends wallpaper editor


holy fuck
i was gone for the last two months

when did this shit come out

this has to be the best looking splash to date

Fuck Jhin, retardedly strong bullshit champ.
>inb4 muh mobility
get fucked.

shibs pls

who was on their main besides moosh

Too bad the ingame skin is underwhelming as fuck.


Sivir is so fucking weird man

up to 1 item: I don't do anything but press R!
2 items: My damage is alright but I'm mostly about waveclear!
3 items: Holy shit I am killing everybody without even realizing!
Full build with Janna by your side: I AM THE GODDESS OF DEATH

all of them

>selling boots for a vampiric scepter
the absolute madman jhin

swedish hmnid

>jhin main
>0 jhin matches in ranked

>five hundred Veeky Forumss as jhin
>it's not my main

Yeah, most crit ADC need three items before they're relevant.


that is a gross exaggeration and you are not me.

i didnt even play well though lmao
lost lane to bard top

what is a good amount of farm to have as jg by 20 mins

>only 450 games

>Jhin, Vel'Koz, Darius, Ezreal, Vi, Jax

I'm surprised at the lack of Yasuo/Riven/Zed/Vayne in that comment.

cancerous waifutard
slightly less cancerous waifutard
classy gentleman

Rate me

Why should I play anybody but Jhin in ranked?

Strong as fuck
Good utility so good even while behind
Strong lane
Can lane into anything
Safe as fucc

>cancerous waifutard
I like them and I got out of gold with them.

I doubt there have been 100 Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums games this year

yordles are garbage

>no escape
>safe as fucc

??? I mean, he's hella strong but he's a fairly easy hero to gank.

100-120 is pretty decent, 150+ is i am shyvana tier