League of legends general /lolg/


6.15 patch notes for retards

no liss or vlad fags allowed
woad ashe best skin



xth for Rumble

xth for Veeky Forums servers shitting themselves

which is more dead

lol or Veeky Forums servers?

ded site

Why do low elo shitters get bodied by voli and hec every game, but refuse to ban them?

xth for this image still being relivent

even pros get dunked by hec

I've started playing again after 2 years, is Brand still dumpster tier?

I saw him played as a support in one game, so is he a support now ?

xth for lonely

>no one understands how powerful this champion is
>no one bans him
>he's literally freelo and easy as fuck to play
>zone your mid laner out of farm all lane and keep up wards for maximum tilt
>buy rylai's and then the game ends

I sure hope you are all on the Sol Freelo train

The fountain... shit; I'm still only at the fountain... Every time I think I'm gonna wake up back in the jungle.

brand is incredibly strong and his new passive is incredible in solo fights and teamfights. his ult is still somewhat RNG but it doesn't matter because the amount of DPS, burst and overall nuking potential is incredible. He can be played mid and support. He's retarded strong as support.

literally a week old of course it's relevant you fucking retard

Yeah,but at least high elos ban him most of the time. In low elo, fucking never. ever. forever. except sometimes

I already play Cassiopeia.

dead thread

Did everyone leave? or just waiting for someone to shitpost?

Does that mean I can post butts with no one caring? while greentexting

>fuggg darshan XDDD

great job riot

I had to dodge. entertain me for 5 minutes lolg

what a fun way to describe Vel Koz

>Play Fiora
>get fed
>splitpush to enemy Nexus
>Renek, Kayle, and Thresh try to stop me
>"Triple Kill!"
>enemy ffs immediately
lol they just had to buff Fiora and make Trinity Force broken.