Recently got a new poodle puppy

>recently got a new poodle puppy
>came home from work today and it has ripped and torn up all of my m3's service book and user manuals

well now I'm fucked, I am fuming with rage and I dont know what the fuck to do. resale on my car has just plummeted now, how the fuck do I sell this car with torn up service records and manuals? shit is illegible with dog teeth marks and slobber everywhere

Did you get your service done at a dealer? You might be able to get a copy of all of that since they keep it in their records.

Put the dog down

no I was using an indie

lol, find someone with alldata and print them out youtself xD

The only acceptable option.

this is why you get a cat.

Looks like you're keeping the shitbox.

this is why you get a cat

did you do most of the work yourself? my service book on my m3 is just the old crap ass records from the po and a bunch of receipts of parts i've bought stapled into a notebook with mileage/dates and work done

user manuals are cheap, probably $40-80 on the forums

>have M3 and qt dog
I don't know why you're so angry. Everything sounds okay to me

>not keeping them in a secure place
>wanting to get rid of an M3

Puppy on hood or it didn't happen.


As someone who prefers cats, OP is just a lazy shithead who can't into pet ownership.

>buying a poodle

If it's under 60lbs at adult size it's not a dog, it's a rodent.

thanks Ron Swanson

Why did you leave it somewhere the dog could get a hold of it?

Go buy the service manual from a wrecked M3 and fill it out yourself

implying cats never wreck stuff

User manuals PDF files might be downloadable from your dealer. Chevrolet makes various user manuals available for download. I get one just because it is easy to electronically search for keywords.

This same thing happened to my E30 M3's service book after my mom's cat shredded it.

Every time I see that cat, I kick it. It's beeb violent and destructive because my mom never trained it, and my mom has had 4 cuts which required stitches. I don't know why she doesn't put the thing down, especially since it just got cancer.

Kill the dog it's a faggot poodle anyway

>he thinks service records increase the price of a used car
If it's under 5 years old and under 50k miles service records are a perk.
Otherwise they're just neat.

Sounds like your mom is absolutely shit with animals and should never have gotten one to begin with.

>buy a dog
>don't go through your house and secure everything that the dog could destroy
Fucking dumb shit.

You have an M3, my literal dream car, of course if it's a 2003-2005. Why even be mad

this. literally nobody will give you more money for it. they'll feel better about buying the car at the price they already want to give you, though.

Bmw driver that kicks animals? Shocking.

I only kick it if it attacks me, and it attacks me every time I'm near.


Guess it can sense the inner no goodness.

Owner of 2 BMWs here, have 2 cats that are probably insane as they've never attacked or even hissed at me no matter what I do with them. Never kicked or physically hurt them though.

They're extremely chill with touching their tummy, tail and what not.

Normally I'm good with animals, and I even volunteer at the humane society. I've dealt with a lot of animals in need with behavioral problems... but this cat is beyond saving.


good thing my gsd is 65 pounds

This is what you get for getting a pet. They're like babies, only a bit less retarded. But just as guaranteed to fuck your shit up. Learn from this mistake and improve your future life, starting with getting rid of the dog.

Sounds like both cats and dogs are telling you something about BMW

>Sounds like both cats and dogs are telling you something about BMW

Cats, dogs, and humans have some subspecies that are naturally more aggressive and violent than others. There are also singular exceptions too that are hyper-violent or hyper-territorial or hyper-aggressive once something triggers them.

There are always some singular animals in each species that are beyond redemption.