Just sold all my US stocks, as well as all my stocks with important us relations. Trump is winning.
Good Luck my american friends.
Just sold all my US stocks, as well as all my stocks with important us relations. Trump is winning.
Good Luck my american friends.
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the economy will grow under Trump.. He bring back jobs and shiet.. More money for everyone
I don't care what trump does.
What i do care about is the fact that 99% of wallstreet jocks think trump will be the end of the world.
he's gonna do fine. his policies are modeled after reagan.. and we all know how the economy got gud under reagan
Erroneous. If wall Street knee trump was going to win that'd be fine, it's the uncertainty that the street doesn't like
Thats only partly true. This is gonna be Brexit 2.0 And there will be a lot of extra chaos as we move towards the election, but as trumps winning becomes fore apparent, shit will hit the fan.
Just trust me on this one.
You don't have a clue, dude.
Wall just got ten feet higher
>Thinks Trump is gonna win
>Doesn't invest in Property and Construction industries
If you're gonna be convinced about something, follow it through to it's logical conclusion.
>illegals kicked out
>construction industries
Stick to REITs, trump's a real estate man and will make life easier for them
Companies will just relocate outside the US and change listing if/when the dollar is no longer the reserve currency.
He's going to try to hold back globalist corporations which have allegiance to no one, they are only in the US because of its rule of law. Once rule of law is replaced by rule of man they'll pack up and move along.
There will be a massive sell-off but I'm holding. They may stay US-listed but they'll be able to jump ship and keep making profits.
>trump wins
>fed raises rates because they owe him no political failures
>economy finally corrects and shits the bed
>inb4 fed is impartial and not political (lol)
This was probably the (((plan))) all along. The Fed's partisanism will soon be apparent to everyone.
I think the American Economy will be safer in Trumps hands then anyone else. You Liberals need to stop getting your political Info off of memes on Facebook snap chat tumblr and stop watching mainstream Media it is poisoning you're brain.
>everyone say economy will tank
>they don't buy gold stock
Don't worry senpai.
good job he's terrible for the short term equities. He'll bring about the balance we need
This is a good example of a Trump supporter
>why would Trump be good for the economy?
The globalists have a loaded gun to the back of the head of the US economy. When Trump (an anti-globalist) wins, they will pull the trigger. Expect the fed to raise interest rates and stocks and bonds to plummet. This is an overdue market correction. Also I believe this will be a big blow to fiat and central banking in general, which will only make crypto and precious metals more appealing to the public. Now is the time to buy in.
Ya the market will certainty crash if he becomes president, the market hates uncertainty as i am told.
>hundreds of tunnels
>build wall higher
>trump logic
>not using ground penetrating radar
cum on step it up kiddo
Why would Hillary be good for the economy? (Beyond being paid off by big business and corporate America)
Because she'll continue what's happening now.
You'll call this liberal propaganda I'm sure, but anywhere that isn't a right wing conspiracy theory site will tell you:
>Lowered deficit spending
>created jobs
>Grown the middle class
>dropped unemployment massively
Our economy is already on a massive upswing, especially just a few years after a major recession.
70% of CEOs polled by Forbes say that they plan on large hiring drives in the the next two years. That's skilled jobs being created all across America, that's heading toward fixing the underemployment problem.
We don't need a massive change or whatever Trump promises.
I didn't know one could swallow so much bullshit
How do those boots taste?
Protip: Fed is running out of options to keep up the charade. If you think negative rates haven't been discussed you're delusional as well
I completely agree why do these people Have no common sense? or clue what is happening around them is just a 14 year old kid or is this what most millennials actually believe? its scares me to think that makes me ashamed that I myself am A millennial were not all as retarted as tho I swear,..
And there you have your Trump supporter in his natural habitat.
Nothing to say, because there's literally nothing they could, so they shitsling
It's like watching a drunk monkey at a voting booth. It's both pathetic and sad.
True. How these people can watch their candidate literally say nothing over and over again and still think he's a good candidate or would do anything at all is beyond me.
>regurgitating the half truths the MSM tells
People that stop looking for jobs, who still don't have jobs, are no longer considered unemployed. Illegal immigrants are not only taking jobs but are driving down wages at the same time. Obama has nearly doubled the h1b visa cap in the past few years.
Get a fucking clue.
This is the biggest fucking fallacy, and the main reason why everyone with an iota of education thinks you're so stupid.
What jobs are illegals taking? All our manufacturing jobs are in China. Our skilled work force is overwhelmingly dominated by white dudes. What jobs? Agriculture? Construction? I know you really needed that sweet McDonald's job, user, but it's no reason to get mad at an entire group of people. Maybe pick up a skill.
Nice projection there schlomo, I make plenty of money being self-employed.
How is what I just said fallacious? You didn't refute a single point I made.
And you answered your own question. Or were you being rhetorical? Your post doesn't make any sense.
Explain Why you think Hillary is better choice???
and for... How these people can watch their candidate literally say nothing over and over again and still think he's a good candidate. He has given clear examples of what he wants to do you libtards just have your heads to far up your ass to listen.
Oh. You're autistic.
Well you're not going to get those autismbux under trump, friend. Might want to rethink your stance.
Former techfag from Silicon forest reporting in. Microsoft, HP, IBM, and SUN Micro were all full of h1B Pajeets making 2/3 of their American counterparts. Try again. Also, you can't convince me it's a quality issue, cause these guys were pretty elementarily poor at their jobs.
Move over to manufacturing. Engineering teams in this industry same thing. Full of Pajeet M.SC wizard doctors with insanely high level degrees and education, and terrible practical application of knowledge. Mostly H1B.
When arguing with Liberals be prepared for them to not make one valid point and walk away feeling superior and higher educated. Then they go home and are reminded by mtv news or snapchat or where ever the fuck they get there political info that they are still right and you are just old fashion racist hillbilly white supremacist Nazi if you are a conservative its absolute insanity but i hope more and more people are starting to see how the left work they are evil genius how they divide notice how one mentioned its mostly white dudes with jobs. This is an example of how they try to divide people of course in a majority white country you will have majority white employees see how something that is common sense can get turned into hur dur there racists!!! This is just one example of the many ways the left trick people into voting for them.
FTSE appears to be doing fine, no?
>Poor stupid uneducated Americans don't deserve a job at Mcdonalds, we should not only let them starve and replace them with Poor stupid uneducated Mexicans
Retard with a capital R
didn't watch the video about the radar tech huh.
Yeah, I hold Americans with free access to education and the highest standard of living in the entire world to a higher standard. Sue me. Besides, every time I go to Mcdonalds it's a white person, and they always fuck up my order. There's literally no reason to be retarded in the society we live in, but if you are you can bet some dude who barely speaks English is going to come swoop your job.
look what is being reported and what I'm seeing around me don't match up and haven't matched up for some time.
I see older and older people working high endurance high manual labor jobs. The middle is dying.
I'm competing with my parents for the same entry level jobs just to get by. We're all competent, experienced, educated, smart and hard working, but there is not enough real growth money to go around.
We're pretty lucky that we're getting by but its a long walk off a short pier. I'm cutting into the generations to come in order to stay afloat. Frankly I want to work harder and longer but can't.
Back when the hamster wheel rolled full time it was great but the hamster wheels are broken or temporary.
Meanwhile china has factories operating 24/7 shitting out goods that are getting less and less inferior with fulltime psychologists on staff to make sure people don't work themselves beyond sanity.
What does access to education has to do with this? Some people are stupid. Unless you'd like to cleanse all those who have an IQ that is not high enough for stem this will never change.
And, not all Americans have free access to education, and don't forget - who the fuck are you to tell others what jobs they deserve?
People who are not citizens should not be allowed to get jobs in the country. If they are, it is a direct crime against the weakest and poorest Americans who need help the most, committed by the govt that is supposed to help them.
So, how many children are you going to have?
Because this system is not going to fix itself. It's designed for growth.
Our parents didn't have enough children to support the system, but we could make it better by increasing potential future workers by having as many children as possible. In 10-16 years we will be in an economic system full of potential.
I say 10-16 because children are already being born, but not at a large enough rate.
I've maximized my family potential already, have you?
Depends on my income. and fuck if I could get married. Can't afford to do nice things for myself let alone others. best things in life are free sure, but its not like shitposting on Veeky Forums is gonna get me laid.
I want to meet a girl with hustle, and drive with maybe a little grit but frankly she's gonna be at work, and so am I.
It's hilarios how a reply like this wil be ignored by the liberal shills. You know what I find hilarious? How these desperate faggots are trying do hard that they're literally asking the opinions of people in OTHER COUNTRIES what they think of the potential leader of the UNITED STATES. Please, race traitors, kill yourselves.
LMAO. Free access? You mean the niggers and spics? Fuck you faggot.
Nothing is free. Please stop believing in fantasies. Subsidized education should be given to people pursuing STEMs (which already exists in the form of scholarships) or people who pass a difficult entrance exam ala China. I ain't paying for Juanita's Mexican studies or Pablo's landscaping vocation.
Just curious, which candidate were my fellow Veeky Forumsraelis rooting for?
Trump is going to be fun.
The dollar will go down but so what?
Thats part of making america great again amirite?
In the long run he will be better for the American economy of course.
>Just sold all my US stocks, as well as all my stocks with important us relations. Trump is winning.
In which world does the dollar go down when you cut the taxes, especially the big corporate tax? There isnt a single place in the universe that would happen
Yes, just like the pound dropped a little because the liberals and their (((masters))) bet wrong so needed to make their money back. Ultimately though we're on the up, economy is growing etc. Dollar will be the same, buy the dip of course.
>he will be better for his own economy
which is completely dependent on hospitality and tourism, which as a whole is dependent on low wages at home and high incomes in foreign nations
he wouldn't make a single executive decision that would hurt his business, he's too worried about making sure his children live the coddled life forever
you can not reason with liberals Trump is a racist misogynistic Islamophobic bigot that will destroy America. That is what they are told by mainstream media so that most be the truth. Do you really expect these kids to actually do research?
He will make job markets better, but without cheap labor our exports will hurt. "International relations" stocks dont exist fir the united states.
In truth his economic performance is going to hinge on how he deals with china.
Could this post have something to do with today's closing numbers? (pic related)
considering he has a big bruise on his ego from the failed china deals years ago, he's not going to play nice
he'd just stagnate wages stateside and supplement them with 'federally mandated benefits' and hinder EPA efforts to clamp down on corporate pollution reduction efforts in order to reinvigorate domestic manufacturing to drop China's GDP
meanwhile global warming and unpunished waste dumps destroy the USA's natural resources, ruining our long-term economy in exchange for a few years of domestic profit
and a few other things
who stays at his hotels? the rich and powerful
who runs the corporations that have been spoonfed tax exemptions? the rich and powerful
his business literally hinges on a lack of tax oversight so a few thousand people can rake in profits, so all of his promises of closing corporate loopholes are bullshit
>Trump is winning.
no, he's just losing a little less.
>cut taxes
>more currency in circulation in the economy instead of the great black void of government
>more currency means more money supply
>more money supply means lower scarcity of dollars
>lower scarcity of dollars means lower value of dollar
>lower value of dollar means "dollar go down"
Dont try to justify something with the fat cats meme. Corporate tax rate is insanely high atm, and much of your taxes goto funding fetishized liberal programs that hurt the economy by encouraging people to not work.
>destroy our natural resources
I lold. You cant make this shit up.
Where you even alive in the 80s? you realise how low tax rates where then and how everyone was doing much better / stronger economy your reasoning is literally retarted I would love to watch you explain this to an economic university class.
>corporate tax rate
yeah but if you keep getting subsidies and exemptions then you really aren't paying that high tax rate
>destroy natural resources
have you ever heard of a drought
I just did explain it, in economic terms. You haven't refuted a single point.
Inflation was higher in the 80s. Many people mistakenly believe that the term inflation refers to the prices of things going up and "inflating". But this is a symptom of inflation. Inflation actually refers to the money supply inflating. As money supply increases, each dollar is worth less, and prices consequently rise in reaction to that basic supply and demand relationship
isnt that the nazi frog? holy shit hillys right the alt right is real and is dangerous
Oh please, corporations lose trillions more than they get. And cutting subsidities to electric car manufacterors is hardly going to cause a draught.
Obama created government jobs. Not real jobs. Huge difference.
he's right though.
ask yourself, if the government prints the money, why do they need some of it back in the form of taxes?
taxes are there to take cash out of circulation and convince you the paper is somehow worth something.
otherwise the gov would just print what it needed to operate and do all its taxing indirectly via inflation.
so you're one of those corporate sympathizers who thinks that we should pander to them
they're doing just fine and still posting massive profits. closing tax loopholes and taxing offshore profits would benefit everyone
because money is a standard medium for trade
and because even the government is forced to trade in cash, it gives cash authority so everyone else will recognize cash as the go-to medium for easy trade
yes, that's what I said.
the government pretending they need some of 'your' paper to operate keeps people convinced the paper has value.
in reality the government doesn't NEED to charge taxes. They do it for psychological purposes as well as economic. Which are really the same thing.
In the 70/80s you could work at a gas station 40 hours a week and make enough to provide for a family end of story no matter how you try to sugar coat it things were better under Republican ruling. END OF STORY.
and there has to be a finite amount of cash in circulation at any one time. even government budgets work in finite amounts of cash. cash flow in and cash flow out
otherwise the government could just pay everyone out of their ass and there would be no economic oversight and inflation would be rampant
so it makes it easier to keep a finite amount of cash in the world and change the amount as need be instead of just adjusting government spending arbitrarily in order to keep a happy medium
also see, post-recession spending. the government keeps spending without any real boundaries in place and now we're trillions in debt. if we made laws that kept our spending within a close percentage of last years tax income, we'd be much better off.
Do you ever listen to yourself? Here, let me make an actual reply for you.
>having a high corporate tax insures that the money will be circulated through the u.s. economy, vital when international markets are so fierce.
True, but public spending statistically shows to be less efficient than private businesses. Not to mention a majority of that 35% actually hurts the economy by going into things like welfare which explicitly pubish you for working. Our current plan to deal with international markets is showing signs of weakness, as gdp growth over the trade defecit is getting smaller.
>explicitly punish you for working
if by 'punish' you mean 'force you to live in high crime areas and forgo all of life's luxuries in exchange for minimal effort living'
and i'm not talking about public spending, i'm talking about using corporate money to pay for things like educational grants to low-income areas, improving veteran care, improving rehabilitation for drug users, and shifting tax breaks from well-sorted corporations to promising small businesses
you know, being socially conscience and all that
>inflation would be rampant
yes, inflation would replace taxes. Inflation IS a tax.
>if we made laws that kept our spending within a close percentage of last years tax income, we'd be much better off.
sure, assuming the population doesn't grow (no more fucking, you filthy teenagers!). Also assuming GDP and international trade doesn't expand. And assuming personal wealth doesn't grow.
then it would be fine.
except the gov has to get money from the printing presses to the people somehow, and spending is mostly how they do it.
inflation is a byproduct of loss of value
the two are the same thing.
if the government owns the currency and the currency loses value over time, where did that value go? Who gained from it with actual goods and services?
the public that holds real assets gain a little from inflation, but the primary beneficiary is the entity that owns and first spends the currency.
>she'll continue an ever shrinking economy and those policies
The truth lies in the revised numbers after they release new ones. And those are terrible.
if the government prints more money and it causes the value of each dollar to drop, then the value has just shifted to even out along the rest of the currency
but if the government has not printed more currency but there is a loss of value, then it is literally the nation as a whole losing value
currency is a lot like stock. it might not be pieces of a company but it is indicative of the strength and value of a nation
Theyd live with their family. I get 900 dollars a month in aid and i'm not disabled. I draw art all day. Am I contributing to the economy? No. I am a living oppurotunity cost and burden to my country.
And all those things are luxuries. If we cannot afford them, that's how it is. The United States will not die to supply a few more decades of shitty hedonism.
>if the government has not printed more currency but there is a loss of value, then it is literally the nation as a whole losing value
yes, but again that would require shrinking of the population, GDP and/or personal wealth.
recessions happen but the overall trend in the US at least is growth. Devaluing the currency as a method of leveraging purchasing seems fine to our government, and really it's hard to imagine property owners complaining.
I mean I buy a house for $10k and sell it 40 years later for $350k. I feel like I got rich. Nevermind the fact that the $350k I got is pretty close in value to the $10k I spent. The illusion of growth and wealth remains.
and it's the illusion that keeps people mad about taxes. The idea that it's somehow "my" money the government is spending so I should care how much they spend and on what.
$10k in 1976 would be about $43,000 today
if you sold a house for $350k you'd make a huge profit in respect to what you originally paid
even if you spent $2,000 a year in taxes, that's still only $80,000, so you're still up $200,000 before you take other things into consideration
see, this is what we call autism.
I toss out random figures as an example and you ignore the point to argue the figures.
it's ok, just try to stay focused. The value of money isn't real, it doesn't matter if my example is true or not.
actually i did the math to show that you don't even have a grasp on real inflation to even begin to explain the theory behind inflation vs taxes
and inflation could never be a 'tax' because inflation hurts a country's buying power between other nations since you lose value per dollar
but if you just tax people by concrete means then you don't have to sacrifice implied value and you can keep your trade leverage
>i did the math to show that you don't even have a grasp on real inflation to even begin to explain the theory behind inflation vs taxes
sure you did.
>inflation could never be a 'tax' because inflation hurts a country's buying power between other nations
it doesn't hurt the government's buying power at all.
if the dollar is worth less they just pay more of them.
but what about when they sell goods? why would they need to take in cash from another country when they are a cashless government? without a measured medium for trade how do you calculate how much a country pays for a thousand barrels of oil? do you pay in 10 airplanes? because you can't pay in cash because the government wouldn't need the cash it was receiving.
if the government does use cash and takes in taxes, it can still sell and trade via currency and keep the system moving much smoother
>why would they need to take in cash from another country when they are a cashless government?
what are you talking about?
where do you think cash comes from?
the government literally makes it.
do you sincerely think they won't have cash if they don't collect taxes? You think people make cash or something?
How much money will we owe China after Trump's terms are over?
>unemployment rate dropped
Someone hasn't had their first economics class yet. Care to read me what the labor force participation rate is at pre-teen?
Raid thread. It's happening!!!
So I guess half of America is just sitting around not looking for work and somehow paying their bills.
Oh and don't say that you're paying for their government benefits, because if you took a basic economics course you should know that's not true.
>So I guess half of America is just sitting around not looking for work and somehow paying their bills.
pretty close to true.
women are now supporting the household alone while men can't find work and have stopped looking.
It happened literally 8 years ago, printing up trillions in funny money and giving it to the banks instead of anyone useful didn't help in any regards except on paper, which is all they care about.
this guy gets it, why do you guys think that goerge soros bet 2 billion on the USD crashing (a little bit).
Literally just like BREXIT, dont be a bag holder. Buy stocks once he is election into office in the dip
fucking moron
>they're so terrible that major companies are hiring them