

I swear, every fucking morning, there is condensation on the outside of my car's windows. Without fail. And I'm getting really fucking tired of having to squeegee and towel it off every goddamn morning.

Surely I can't be the only user experiencing this. Does anyone else get this? Is there a solution, like a anti-condensation spray?

Full size tarp
Cabin heater

open the window a bit

Tarp, garage, harden up. That's about it.

Try the "cat litter in a sock on dashboard" trick.

pee onto a microfibre cloth and wipe a thin layer on the inside of all your windows, this prevents the condensation from occuring

Open and close the windows and use your windscreen wipers?
Or stop being a little whining faggot

Legit help here: get a fabric bag, put like 500 grams of rice in it and place it under your windshield.

Outside you dumb fucks. Learn to read

Move somewhere warmer.

Claybar your windows and find a RainX spray
for it. Otherwise where you live is the problem.

>Claybar your windows
no, steel wool

Use your windshield wipers
For the back, it goes away on its own after a few minutes

No way this is real. No one is this fucking stupid.

Just take the extra 2 minutes it takes to squeegee your windows you fucking autist

Move somewhere that doesn't suck ass.

Rain X

>has defogging strips on back window
>turn on defogger
>turn on wipers
>roll all the electric windows down once then back up
it's not hard user.

He's not trying to smoke crack. Claying your windshield is legitimate.

Also what car is this? I saw a very similar one this morning that had the same issue.

>turn on wipers
I did that this morning because I was parking outside for a change, big fucking mistake. My windscreen was pretty dirty and my crappy wipers just smeared the shit around.

Wash your car then lol this is a nonissue and you're just a big gay

Umm, wash your car then? You people are retarded

Hahaha you think you have it bad. I get condensation on the inside!

Your annoyance level at wiping may be related to how difficult it is to use the squeegee. A nice squeegee is easy and fast to use. The cheap nasty ones don't wipe easily and thus are annoying and slower to use.

Fucking sad I had to scroll down this far for this.

grab a fucking razor blade, and some soapy water.
Scrape all the shit off your windows you scummy fuck
Apply rainX
Buy new wipers because new rainX + new wipers = invisible windshield

96 Accord.

Steel wool on glass is legit. #000 is softer than glass however it cleans the shit out of it. It's better at cleaning glass than a fucking razor blade

Squeegee from the auto section or shower section of your local store.

Also RainX.

park your car in a garage you autist

Get some wipera that aren't shit.

I just keep an old wiper in the trunk that I use to squeegee water off the windows.