Does anyone here actually listen to Eurobeat when driving, or is it just an Veeky Forums meme?

Does anyone here actually listen to Eurobeat when driving, or is it just an Veeky Forums meme?

Other urls found in this thread:!EBEBACQL!X2veL1xFQf_GUPIwBh24wg!EBEBACQL!X2veL1xFQf_GUPIwBh24wg

i would

[spoiler] i am bus rider though so i listen to /lisg/ music looking dreamy outta the window [/spoiler]

I do sometimes but desu it makes me drive erratically. I'll look down and I'll be doing 10 over in a residential area.

>listening to shitty eurobeat instead of you powering through the rev range in a straight piped car

I have around 24 hours of eurobeat on a flash drive in my car, of course i listen to it while driving.

Yeah, It is dangerous though. It seems like whenever you are about to hit a corner you get hit by a RUNNING IN THE 90'S and you need to control yourself from powering over and trying to dagumi your way into a wall.

tl;dr super eurobeat is deadly

I do. It helps to have a eurobeat playlist of at least two hours.

Poque no los dos?

anyone who has watched the series and keeps the music on their phone/radio will know what it feels like when comes on

>then you realize you're driving way too fast and destroying your tires

I do, but like others said, it can actually cause you to drive like a maniac. Sidenote, I just ran my first half marathon while listenening to Super Eurobeat and did extremely well

I would if I had a car.

What the fuck, why are busriders even on Veeky Forums?

They like cars, the board is for people who like cars, there's no rule that you have to own a car.

I accidentally start speeding every time it comes on.

No it's shit

That's what the doctors said about you when you were born.

I screwed with my sisters car, now all it plays is Eurobeat.

I only listen to it on the way to the gym, and usually continue at the gym

as everyone else said, i do but it makes me drive too fast. Its helpful when im late tho

This. I don't argue about stuff I don't understand and mostly just read passively.

also listen to while running. For the past 3 months, it's been the only music I listen to when I run

Also, only while driving windy roads

I only listen to it in moderation because whenever I listen to it I find myself having the urge to floor it.

I used to listen to eurobeat while driving until i lost my license for speeding...

I do on occasion for the hell of it. Makes me wish I had a 150 HP miata instead of a 275 HP turbo Genesis so I could fucking gun it and row through the gears struggling to make it to 70 instead of already going 90 in like 4th gear.

this, i only argue aesthetics and save pics and stuff

I to feel like I am a race car while running to eurobeat.

Not when driving in real life cause it makes you go too fast.
It's good if you want to break track records though

My favorite song to flip muh NA to.


I want to live.

I do but I have to turn it off at lower speeds/parking since it just makes me want to go fast.

>Only two hours

This is very true, not even joking

>only 7 hours

>you can go an entire day while constantly listening to Eurobeat


could someone pls give me the link of the mega that's .flac of eurobeat, my google-fu can't find it

If you had every single SEB album and the Initial D SEB albums, there's at least 250 hours worth of Eurobeat.
To listen to it all in one year you'd need to listen to at least 1.4 hours of Eurobeat every single day.

Initial D;!EBEBACQL!X2veL1xFQf_GUPIwBh24wg
Super Eurobeat (have to FTP unless you want lossy);

>only 27 hours

I mostly listen to it at work desu senpai.


Can i have that list I only have 20 eurobeat songs.

Here you go dagumi


Everything from here:

I removed the mixtapes and duplicates and that got me to around 2700 different songs.

I have trouble driving without it now. Used to listen to classic rock while driving. Can no longer do. After you get used to it only certain songs insinuate bad driving.

GET ME POWER. more like get me to the back of a cop car

I always listen to Eurobeat in my car, I have a pandora station set to it and in case of moments when I'm out of cell service I have a backup CD burned with Eurobeat greats.

Same reason why there are noguns on /k/
They like it but can't/don't have it

same here. It makes me drive like a fukboi.

A friend drove from Towson to DC in 40 mins (basically 20 mins less than what it usually takes) while listening to Euro Beat. he was probably averaging 25 mph over the speed limit.

All because he was late for a interview.

Anyway, Eurobeat is fun to drive to only when the roads are empty.

I sit in silence and listen to that boxer rumble.

Never while I'm driving but in vidya fuck yes I do

Was riding with a friend while blasting Eurobeat today. He was constantly speeding and almost hit a woman in a shitbox Toyota rocketing out of the parking lot.

Would totally ride again.

Can someone post a "good" Eurobeat song that isn't some engrish disaster song from Initial D?

Dave Rodgers is a Japanese?

Thanks user

>Watch initial D again after a year
>Start listening to eurobeat
>Can't stop listening to eurobeat for a month straight

Send help.

I used to but I always would get excited and do something stupid


No, this is good for you.

This happened to me
>watch all D shows
>download any albums I find
>1,5 years later usual playlist is dominated by eurobeat, channel my inner Sanic when driving/walking and car radio/phone shuffle picks an eurobeat song

Literally how do people listen to this trash?

DD an ae86 and yes this is extremely true

especially in the rain

Wasn't there some MASSIVE official Veeky Forums mix that went on for like 39 days or some insane shit?

>39 days
oh mein gott

I did in my WRX when I would drive the winding roads
>No One Sleep in Tokyo
>Go Beat Crazy

eurobeat was made for hauling ass on the autobahn, classical music too but i'm not some snob who knows who actually made classical music

Everyone knows that SEB is music crafted from the gods. Who do you think was the inspiration for Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor? That's right, the gods sent Mega NRG Man to answer Bach's prayers. That fly ass motherfucker went BACK in time and gave Bach a listen to Back on the Rocks to give that nigger inspiration.

Eurobeat is love, eurobeat is life.

europoors are gods people europe is gods country

and thats why they dont believe in him anymore because they are gods people

I listen to it all the time but it makes me speed/take corners excessively fast so I only listen to it when alone....
It's necessary for hektic skids thou

I listen to it while commuting ;_;

more like bach on the rocks

kill yourself you spic nigger fuck you

i listen to euro beat every fucking day. nonstop. as soon as the car starts the beat is already kicking. been nonstop for several years now.
but holy fuck is listening to it super expensive, i blow through my gas tank twice as fast just by eurobeat alone. dont recommend eurobeat to anyone unless they have the pay check for it

>dont recommend eurobeat to anyone unless they have the pay check for it

This, I couldn't hear my stereo even if I wanted to.

I only listen to the SUPER EUROBEAT D-SPEC I mix from youtube. It's replaced 100% of my driving music when I'm driving standard. It just feels so right, even coming out of a shitty little standalone speaker.


I downloaded complete OST to all stages (including battle stages). Bazillion of great full-length songs. The best thing I downloaded in my life.






I do

Does everyone on Veeky Forums play sports?

While listening to eurobeat?

i've been listening to eurobeat while driving for 8 years now. it doesn't get old. (i don't listen ONLY to eurobeat of course...)

>Does anyone here actually listen to Eurobeat when driving,


haha girls are laughing at you, you poorfag loser pedo neckbeard virgin living in mom's basement.

Normal people have iphones.

Socially awkward losers have androids, or a non current iphone.

Applefag that's insecure about his shitty cucked device detected

>not windows phone masterrace

>not blackberry
Git good

your heart would probably explode

nice keyboard lad, got the same thing but in blue. It's probably louder than my engine

bump for this!EBEBACQL!X2veL1xFQf_GUPIwBh24wg

Oversteered and corrected into a double parked car while listening to back on the rocks. I thought my Shitstang was a 32. I have lived up to the mustang meme.

No ragrets.


>ETA is at 10 hours and is changing randomly
I just want to listen to Eurobeat in my shitbox

I did and still do occasionally (dat sped up version of crazy on emotion tho)

now this is my main mix

I've both of my only tickets thanks to eurobeat

it really can't be understated how fast this shit makes you

Meme magic is real, lad. /pol/ was responsible for Ebola and Trump, autism originated in /r9k/ and we've seen a NA Miata drift around angry nogs and nu-males.

Eurobeat makes you faster, somehow. You're always at least 10 over the limit and attacking those corners with guts. Maybe it subtly influences you, maybe it (temporarily) changes your car. Tofu-delivery shitboxes gain the power to take on the invincible GT-R, vapers in base model Lancers and Imprezas drive like middle aged Finnish men in professionally tuned rally machines, and the humble EG Civic hatch with a few simple mods sets a new record time on the Burgerring.

>NA miats drifting around nu males


youtube, "trump supporter doing donuts around protesters"