t. Toyota commercial
T. Toyota commercial
Other urls found in this thread:
thats my fetish desu
Fucking shill
Here's the commercial in OP
>that commercial with the prius on the run
it makes me sad every time I see it.
what is this "t." thing I see everyone doing
really getting sick of asking what the new annoying thing is every month
I've wondered the same thing.
Seems pretty fedora to me
It's supposed to mean "sincerely," is some scandinavian language or some bullshit like that.
Fucking stupid, really.
sure is summer in here
t. summerfags
It's Finnish. It originated in Spurdo comics.
Fuck off, retards.
>being this mad and retarded
>projecting this hard
>being this mad
>so assmad he projects onto others
Smells like summer.
>this assmad
It's been posted on /int/ for years and years.
>all these summerfags in my thread
I don't argue with people on the autism spectrum.
>this assmad
why aren't you buying the tomoda decantea?
>this anally ravaged
Alphonse, when will you do your routine thread purge?
Not for a while, I still have more exams to take. My shitposting levels will be reduced for a while.
>still in high school
Top lel
Nope, college.
I knew that you would be insecure about your age and education level.
okay bud, sure. Thanks for helping me derail this thread. ;^)
You probably don't even own a car you weeb
>projecting this hard
"From, [person]"
>being this assblasted
Pleas reply
>Projecting this hard
>this assmad
Pleas reply
Being this assblasted
>i got caught samefagging
>this assmad
Well this is a productive thread.
Who's the real one?
I wish I could say the same for your life.
We're all the real Alphonse. Always and forever. Shitposting till the end of time.
finnish word
means regards
t. knower
Well known on krautchan int and Veeky Forums int
>tfw you have a bot replying to Alphonse
>still have more exams to take
>it's May
Get a load of this slow learner, exams were finished almost a month ago you remedial fucktard.
Our Lord and Savior Alphonse, pls post one of your pepes
>this assmad
>all these (you)'s
Feels good.