who /tentliving/ here for frugal reasons
>what I do I do
perform online work
>where do I live
in a collective tentcamp
>what do I do in my sparetime
reading (non-fiction), fishing, fucking
>what happens when it storms
pray it wont
who /tentliving/ here for frugal reasons
>what I do I do
perform online work
>where do I live
in a collective tentcamp
>what do I do in my sparetime
reading (non-fiction), fishing, fucking
>what happens when it storms
pray it wont
What made you want to do this? How do you shower?
I'd consider that, but how do you get power and internet? How do you cook and use the restroom? Shower?
I camp so I know a lot of tents can be 10/10 comfy. Protip, string a tarp over the tent for storms, more protection especially if you're in an area that gets hail.
I pay 800 a month rent...I think it's ridiculous.
How does it feel being part of the first generation of homeless having internet access?
Why not just get a mobile home? If you're going to live like trash you might as well be in a stable structure.
> 2016
> Showering
Occasionally, OP treats himself to a sponge bath with bottled water. His hair is it's own ecosystem, and he gave up wearing umderwear when his only pair got too stiff to bend.
I can't get a job, don't have a degree and here in South Africa you can't get a low wage job anymore if you're white due to affirmative action.
I "shower" 2 to 4 times a week by swimming downriver or when it rains.
We have a wifi-station, multiple solar panel setups, generators and lots of car batteries. When I go to the city I try to visit the public library but as a white guy you're often not allowed to use the public computers there (no t kidding)
We get our food in various ways, some of it through donations from wealthier white people, we also fish and hunt, or I just go to the supermarket with the cash I earn online.
Thanks Google
No cash
Lol, user u better find a place for some shelter. Around here the misquitoes will carry u off. Fuck camping. I bought a cuckshed camper ready for the crusher. Gotta have that ac main.
How long have you been homeless?
Shaft. Well, why dont some of you get together and start bulding cucksheds so you have a structure?
Strangely enough it is actually cool. A, part of me even hopes for you to become some kind of bitcoin millionaire.
I hate tenting.. too much hassle setting it up. I prefer to live in vehicles.. I once lived in my station wagon, had internet tethered to my phone. Got my electricity from the cigarette port, charged via alternator or battery. It was fun while it lasted, but i couldnt maintain that life for too long.
I actually dream of just owning a camper and living out of it. It seems crazy to me to pay so much in rent. I don't need much, and work online so it can be from anywhere. I do like having guests over though.
More pics and stories plz.
I kissed a super hot south african girl once. The women seem slutty.
You know you're just a working homeless person right? No amount of rebranding is going to change that.
You're a bum living in a modern day Hooverville.
>collective tentcamp
Is that the new pc name for homeless camp.
I'd do this if I could find a remote job. It's so hard.
Admittedly, if OP enjoys what he's doing, then he doesn't have to give a shit.
I don't see why people use tents when they all leak.
You can get a 3.5 mill poly drop cloth at
'10x25' for $10 at any hardware store.
I feel bad. If you want to come to the US I can help you get a job here, brother. Abandon that shithole and come home, white man.
How do you protect your stuff? Do you have to fight off other homeless?
he stays in the white parts of homelessness.
Are you making mad bucks OP? How long are you planning to live like this for? When will you move into a proper house?
Not that I live in one, but believe it or not you can find an alright trailer in an alright neighborhood without being a stereotypical redneck