When is the next big crash? Brexit didn't bring it. Terrorists don't bring it. Will Trump bring it?
When is the next big crash? Brexit didn't bring it. Terrorists don't bring it. Will Trump bring it?
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Chinese "communist party" autismo.
What is this
Hillary will be your best bet if you're looking for a crash buddy. Why on Earth would you think Hillary would be better for the economy?
U kidin m8 get the fuk off this board
This is the mentality of all Liberals.
Hillary is literally "business as usual" while Trump is literally "crashing this country... with no survivors!"
Hillary is literally "business as usual" while Trump is literally "crashing this country... with no survivors!"
You sound like a 15 year old that just watched their first episode of CNN.
He's right and I fully support Trump.
Hillary is politics as usual. Trump represents change. Markets hate uncertainty, even if that uncertainty ultimately brings about improvement.
Trump's economic policies will not cause a crash but his election could trigger a crash if the deck's already been stacked.
Explain how and why you support Trump. I can't imagine you'll have any factual basis for the claims that he'll improve the country.
Why do you think the establishment is shilling Hillary so hard?
If Hillary Wins America wont even be a first world country eventually how much longer do you think America can keep running a Debt and have growing crime rates. Hillary is business as usual you're right and business has been awful. Imagine owing a bushiness that lost Trillions and not switching management then saying as long as we keep the same people in management we should be good where is your logic in that?
>growing crime rate
But I suppose this is all just "liberal media" right?
Fucking Trump supporters man.
wtf i hate drumpf now
Brings Jobs back into America
Secure borders of Country
Deport illegals.
Lower tax rates
get ride of Obama care.
Lower tax rate on large Business which will help want to bring back huge factory jobs that can employee thousands of Americans. Just to name a few i am sure you know how to use google...
Sorry what what was it about Hillary that you think will help American economy again?
>Lower tax rate on large Business
>they still keep their factories oversees, because fuck you
Great plan genius
>bring jobs back to America
Oh you mean manufacturing sector jobs, the sector we'll never be able to compete with China in?
>secure our borders
This is incredibly dumb, so I won't engage it anymore.
>deport illegals
Oh, I wonder how much money that'll take, which brings me to
>lower tax rates
Hmmm. So take in less money and spend more? Seems like sound financial planning
>get rid of Obamacare
Literally nothing to do with the economy.
>lower tax rates on large businesses
Never heard Trump say anything about this, but I don't have an issue with it.
As for Hillary, all she'll do is keep up the economy and economic plan that we have, which has lowered deficit spending, renewed growth of the middle class, brought unemployment to the lowest it's been since we last had a republican in office.
All sounds alright to me.
Can anyone on here actually give one reason why Hillary is better for American Economy using real facts and logic? Or are all Shillary supporters guy in pic?
You support Trump. Facts and logic would be lost on you.
Neither. There are elements within the "American Economy" that benefit from a continuation of the policy defaults that Hillary would continue. Not everyone that supports Hillary is irrational for doing so. But the interests of those elements diverge widely from the economic interests of most Americans.
I stopped reading after this point
>secure our borders
This is incredibly dumb, so I won't engage it anymore.
I'll bet you did. It's hard when your confirmation bias is challenged, isn't it?
Border security is incredibly foolish, unless you are Mexico, Israel or one of the other countries that is allowed to pursue it without criticism.
Its hard having a discussions with someone that clearly has no idea what is happening in the world around them yes.
Secure borders are fine unless its Canada/America you racist misogynistic homophobic Islamophobic BIGOT! hahah aha ahaha Liberals will be the end of society as we know it.
Thank God im a Trump supporter its more fun anyways.
>As for Hillary, all she'll do is keep up the economy and economic plan that we have, which has lowered deficit spending, renewed growth of the middle class, brought unemployment to the lowest it's been since we last had a republican in office.
there are soo many things wrong with whatever its going on in your mind its a waste of time to even point out. I hope you are not of voting age.
thanks for correcting the record
That's a really good cop out m8. I'm glad you're so skilled at that, because you're going to need those skills to never succeed.
I seriously pray the sake of the Country that you are either under the voting age which you come across as A Troll or do not live in America/ Canada.
And then he said Obama Care had LITERALLY nothing to do with economy.
He forgot to mention the tariff on imports dickhead
Deporting illegal saves money in the long run, you liberal fuck tard. There is research on this search it
why would I waste my time typing a long ass post in the internet? Im here jumping from thread to thread for shits and giggles, the best I can tell you is to educate yourself because its pretty obvious you dont know jackshit of what youre talking about and people here are going to call you out and pick your shit appart.
>Liberals will be the end of society as we know it.
Republicans have been crying that ever since Obama was elected... America is doing pretty good for the last 8 years.
>Republicans have been crying that ever since Obama was elected
the irony...
starting a trade war with china will badly hurt the US and global economy, it wont even do anything to bring back jobs, it'll just make everything a whole lot more expensive reducing purchasing power across the board.
You cant make this shit up. I dont know whether to laugh or cry at this point. How old are you 12? How can you tell someone that use to be able to afford to provide a house food vehicle everything he needs for his family off almost any 40 hour week job that things have been pretty good the last 8 years?
were you working in 2008? It was a pretty fucking scary time, it looked like we were headed for another great depression.
And you think Barack Obama saved you or something nothing the liberal/democratic party does ever helps the economy they are awful with money.
his stimulus package did, yes
Cant tell if Educated Troll or extreme Dumb ass?
This graph is bait and incorrect.
America's total debt/GDP in 2008 was over 400%. That is public + private debt, but not including "shadow" banking.
China's total debt/GDP is 250%. But that includes shadow banking.
Without shadow banking it is closer to 120%. Which is significantly lower than all those others countries before their crises.
Apples and oranges.
The crime rate has risen significantly since 2012.
Not nationally
When Euro hits -100% on interest rates. Well maybe not -100% but economic crisis will start in Europe anyway. Merkel is basically out and whole political scene will change in one night.
Yes nationally
Violent crime != all crime
OPEC will bring it in about 2 weeks.
Here's why:
> Oil is too cheap.
> Intrest rates are too low.
> Russia and Saudi-Arabia want oil prices to go up.
> Iran doesn't.
> Iran loses Russian support.
> The Arabs make a move on Shiite Iran.
> What started as an oil quarrel ends in a massive Sunni vs. Shiite religious conflict.
> Oil sores.
> The new war creates investment opportunities.
> Western economy gets fixed.
> Prominent Western powers and Russia meddle in the war via proxy.
> Conflict gets prolonged weakening both Iran and Saudi-Arabia.
> Economic control over the Middle-East is regained.
> Massive surge in terrorism.
> Mekka finally gets nuked.
And then there's always China...
globalists will crash the economy out of spite if trump wins
Show me your data source, because the one I'm looking at shows both violent and total crime decreasing since 2012
Friend, don't try to reason with retards.
If he had any kind of proof to back up his assertions he would have posted it already. If it's true it shouldn't be hard to find, but it isn't.
>mfw getting spammed by Hillary Bot mail
>mfw every mail calls you friend
My pay went from 90k back in 2008 to about 150 now. If you're worst off, you're autist or just lazy
Since XVI th century actually
This matters to anything i have said how? i am comparing to 70s 80s 90s. Not to mention Makin 90k in 2008 is like making 150k now with house pricing ect holy fuck the stupidity on here blows my mind sometimes.
Literally every response on here made by a Liberal makes no sense.
that's because if it made sense to you you'd already be an liberal.
both extremes are equally irrational.
>typical drumf voter
Omg, is your grammar as shitty as your intelligence?
Drumf??? what you think your some edgy 17 year old?
Notice the lake of any reasoning on how or why I am wrong just an attack on my grammar and childish name calling drumf Typical Hillary supporter tactics they have no good reason on earth to support Hillary so that is all they really have. This is why Liberals need some many words to call conservatives, bigot racists ect... Thats what they do they cant argue with facts so they just try to put the person saying the facts down so people will not want to agree with them. This is how all liberals debate.