How many zip ties does your car currently have on it?

how many zip ties does your car currently have on it?

None. I don't own an ecosystem killer, you monster.

None. Because I'm not poor, and I can afford proper car repairs.

on the outside three holding my front license plate on my bash bar because I'm too lazy to just build a bracket for it. on the inside a bunch holding cables in place.

one for the grill, about 20 in the engine bay separating wires and hoses

Ranger has 4 holding on the bumper

0 that I put on. Might or might not have had any from the factory.

under 20

just for wiring and keeping shit tied up

and probably 30 more because I tied window screen behind my grill

Got six that i discovered holding the wires to my fuel injectors. then about 4 holding the battery back from being hit by the power steering pully. Id fix it but its an off road vehicle so it gets treated like one

I thought the same thing, but after spending $400 sourcing an intact air dam, I came to the conclusion that I can never install it cause its just gonna crack again.

So zip tied my old one in place. Maybe one day I'll install it.


No zip ties but there's a patch of duct tape covering a 4 inch wide hole in my rear bumper. And I didn't even make that hole. My mom did (for real).

Tfw when the duct tape wears off, mum makes patch even BIGGER to cover the worn off crap plus "it has to be rectangular so it looks less messy".

I'm too poorfag to give more fucks about a hole in a bumper.

i can now proudly say zero

Die, you show offs.

Just two; I used them for fixing the lock in my door. Had to remove the actuator (it was stuck in the up position), but at least I can use the locks manually now. One day I'll put in a new actuator.


>not having zip tie control arms

1 holding the number plate on

My IS300 oddly has 0.

Xterra has about 4 holding the diff breather off the exhaust.

>3 in fender liner
>2 in bash guard

And it's working just fine.

has everyone claiming 0 because reasons actually never looked at their car's wiring?

only like 4 or 5 to hold my exhaust pipe to the car

Just buy an EZ lip for $35 that wont shatter, and replace it every once in a while once it wears out

Three or four on on the front bumper ('01 Galant), but they're hidden, I am not proud of wrapping my japbox around a pole like the ricers are. Plus the normal ones for cable management.


I have my jay dee em cup holder on with two zip ties. I'm not very proud of it but the brackets that came with it didn't quite work with the air vents of my car. Works fine though.

at least 50

Do factory zip ties count? Apart from them I might have added from 5 to 10 in total. And one of those fancy metal zip ties for hand brake cable.