Are there any female posters on Veeky Forums?
Seems thinks we don't.
Are there any female posters on Veeky Forums?
Seems thinks we don't.
go back to your containment board, faggot
>caring about driving
Veeky Forums is the biggest sausage fest on Veeky Forums.
Litterly no girls know anything about cars.
You could say you make 800 hp and she will have no idea what the hell your talking about.
/k/ is an even bigger sausage fest
I'd think there would be more gun girls that car girls.
there are far more girls into guns than girls into cars
mainly because girls who are into guns do it for necessity, no girls needs to understand sports cars
Fuck even /m/ has more girls than Veeky Forums, but they're mostly the Tumblr cancer ridden shit stains going on about muh progressives and shipping shit. Be glad we don't have that cancer here Veeky Forums, I'd rather take a 100 alphonses over them.
You'd want nothing but spam 24/7?
Also I've only seen one girl on /m/ and it was in a gunpla thread, somebody commented and girly bedsheets in a photo.
1 is still more than 0. And I'm sure there's more than 1, have you listened to the /m/ sings stuff? Unless my ears have gone bad and I can't tell the difference between chicks and dudes anymore.
But yes, 24/7 spam is preferable to tumblr cancer.
>no one mentioning /g/
And no I haven't.
but i think i'm the only one, i mostly pretend to be a dude for posterity
>old beat to shit truck in the background
>old beat to fuck(probably still working) craftsmen tablesaw, next to a work bench with a rake and the table saw fence
>some slut holding a jigsaw in one hand and a can of spray paint
women can't even be decorations around cars right, fuck, the standard open wrench on lug nuts is better than this
There was a female poster a while back who would occasionally post pics of their white and orange Z24 Cavalier, I know this because she was from my hometown and I recognized the car.
I'd blame the photographer before the model user.
wtf did the photographer do, that dude just showed up and took pictures maybe did some levels correction and called it a day. Blame the DP or the production staff or something jesus don't be such a dick.
the photographer put his name on the print, added it to his portfolio, and is obviously proud of the result
At least Alphonse helps clean out days old threads on the catalog, like detoxing or douching an anus.
That diddly feelerino I have that same jigsaw and its sole purpose in life is to trim the Christmas tree once a year so I don't get tree goo on the good jigsaw.
I've encountered a few girls on /g/.
I dress up as a woman on occasions
>working on a muscle car
please god no
Am I the only one bothered that the rake has no handle-pole?
Just WHY?
Has photography really just devolved down to "muh tittays!" ???
I've seen one girl actually bring a car to a meet, they were pretty unsure about what engine it had and they were middle-aged. I'm sure there are women that are super into cars but its rare.
It's like finding men at the local cake baking sessions or meeting a woman in CS:GO. If you want a waifu go to a hobby that both men and women typically share to matchmake.
There was one chick on Veeky Forums with a cavalier that used to attention whore, and some chick(supposedly) that owned a 240z
>some chick that owned a 240z
$100 its a tranny, literally every 'girl' that owns a datsun/nissan especially 240, 280z's and SX's is tranny/trap
The count is in double figures now
>Girl on Veeky Forums that used to attention whore
Well the 240 chick never posted pics, the other one actually posted pictures, even a doughy bikini one, which i don't have on hand. But you're not missing out on anything.
Wasn't there a chick with a 3000GT at some point as well?
My ex was really into cars, i showed her the board cause she browses \b\ anyway. No interest. She likes to work on and drive cars but not shitpost about them i guess.
Even if they were, which is VERY unlikely, I prefer them to stay as anons instead of being attention whores.
Any non-normie can enjoy cars, no matter if theyre male, female, shemale, trap, pre-op or whatever. Just no alphonses and stancefags.
Who gives a fuck what a bunch of socially retarded faggots think? We have cars, cars attract pussy even if they suck.
Only ones that come to mind are Cavalulz and Pooks. I went to Cavalulz's wedding last year, and I go to the bar with Pooks every Tuesday. Neither really post here anymore, but they're both active in the sekrit faycebawk groups.
She's actually pretty qt in person.
>glove on spray painting hand
>not the jig sawing hand
Cavalulz is qt.
Just add her on facebook, m8.
Proof tho.
Also in /hg/ there's a girl with a crv
I wear pretty dresses on a semi regular basis, does that count?
No it doesn't moot
Literally who?
what is a moot
Moot is olev.
Ichi, nice
Nice satanic trips.
Female here. First time posting in 2 years.
Satan confirms it, post Asuka
Yeah compliment my ride please thx
Based satan.
Well, atleast it's not a WRX wagon
I can post that one 2 if u feelin' blu
I'm in a good mood so please no
>tfw no qt3.14 to fool around the toegay in your fwd shitboxes
Autobots rolling out
why would girls post here. they immediately have to prove they're a girl by posting their tits. if I were them I'd just lie about being a dude. which is what some probably do.
But if they do post here, they ignored the "NO GIRLS ALLOWED" sign outside, and as proper punishment must post tits
Was tankgirl ever confirmed to be a girl?
Don't mean to alarm you but there is a portal to hell opening up underneath your car. You might wanna get that checked out.
post feet
by females i hope you mean actual females, not trannies pretending to be women
It totally is a tranny and he/she/it/wumbo freaks out at you if you say anything that can "trigger" it.
At least /k/ got G!RL to post tits
I bet there are more trannys than grills here
There is a legit 8/10 mechanic down the road from my old place. Hotter than the girls who pretend to be mechanics on Velocity channel
Didn't that 3000GT chick post her pussy once?
Sure thing babe