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How do you kill a good Reaper?

hana song

In a game with someone who literally only plays Widow.

103 hours in Widowmaker and 1 minute in Reaper. 103 Hours total. Quickplay only.


hey its me____, Maebbie. I haven't been here in a while and wanted to check into owg after a few weeks of absence. According to the archives my legend still lives on, as it should be, since I was one of the 2 people who made it to Rank 1: youtube.com/watch?v=WJDyg_dl8vY

>eternally hana song edition

Keep your distance. Other than that, same as any other flanker. Focus him down. Put your Discord on him, and have everybody shoot at him. Reaper's good and probably always will be.

McCree sitting in back taking potshots should also be one to keep an eye on Reaper. That's his job to kill him.

I will be your shield!

with mccree



best boy

>defence, losing and getting ripped to shreds by enemy dva, bastion and mercy
>2 genjis a hanzo and a widowmaker on my team , all fucking bad
>cant leave or ill be penalised

Holy shit even Cod was less infuriating than this. Why are console players so retarded? does it get better in higher levels?



Why are her teeth yellow.

If you stand more than 5 feet away from him all he can do is tickle you.

>enemy are 3 dvaing
>go mei
>they immediately switch


even worse

>mfw the genjis fucking ignoring the bastion shooting everything and trying to get right on the point

Not in QP.
She's French.

>cute girl I work with
>she says she plays overwatch from time to time
>am all like "oh shit nigga" on the inside
>hide my powerlevel on the outside
>too beta to ask her out

Any normies in the thread want to help me ask this girl out? I need help, she's asian so she can help me fufill D. Va based fantasies.

What the fuck is wrong with people playing this game. I've reached 70 and I've fallen to almost 60. The shit i had to put up with was worse than the one time i deranked to 49 by solo queueing. My last games were
>zaryas not waiting for combos
>people going off in conga line to die solo
>torbjorns who put their turrets in the same place over and over and die
>d.vas and winstons not going after snipers
>people standing before chokepoints too afraid to push
I could go on and on but fuck it. I switch heroes. I try to fit the team composition but it doesn't work. Who let these people above rank 60?

nigger that's an old man how is it a boy

Love finds a way.

The brown qt.


Can someone post the healslut images
>Oral Edition
>Anal Edition
>DP Edition

>play reinhardt
>friend I play with takes it as a cue to play bastion

*raises ISIS finger*

"don't do this."

Anyone that's used to be terrible at aiming/fps that can help me?

I feel like, mechanically, I can aim where I need to with my current mouse settings/game options (although I'm a shitter, I could be wrong). By that I mean that I can typically put the shots where I want to place them, the problem (the way it feels at least) is that where I'm placing them might not the place I should be aiming in the first place, That said, I do miss a lot so maybe I am just shit at aiming in all aspects.

Anyone have some advice? I really want to become at least above average at it so that I don't have a personal banlist on almost half of the game's roster.


She's a slut and you're a beta. Just stick to 2D, user.

i want mercy to ram her cadecus staff up my ass

Why are americans destroying their enamel?

Buff Meka's DPS!!!

>sees your isis finger
>puts up own isis finger

y not?

Kill yourself you cockmongler niggerfaggot


drink bleach

Quick, what's a good accuracy as Pharah? Is it even any indicator of skill, other than "I didn't spam the chokes for half of the match"?

Will you be my steed?

"you could be playing our guy soldier seventy six instead"

people who play soldier and dva need to be executed immediately

All three of my placement matches so far has had a leaver. Why the hell do these games count?

that's like, 100% of the playerbase

Before Widowmaker was blue, she was black

>play Zarya
>graviton surge is ready
>DVas, shitrats, cowboys pop off their ults when I'm nowhere near the action.

>guy tells everyone to go voice
>proceeds to say nothing entire game
>only says anything when he backtalks to me calling him out
This is why I mute people, if they're not gonna say anything of value I might as well not listen to them

>being this blasted about 76
found the rank 30 shitter

Pointless to even conjecture about since half her job is spamming down rein

what if we already have 2 or 3 attack heroes?

Welp just played with rank 91 in europe
The other team had no fun allowed and I will try reach the top for all my lucio brothers.

I'm best Bastion NA

let me extend that to ALL hitscan players
literaally please leave and go play csgo

then play support dumb ass >:(

D VA and reinhardt can just about solo him. Any help at all and they kill him easy.

Roadhogg beats him with hook

S76 and McCree can kill him from range before he gets close.

Reaper can not fight back vs widow maker or Pharah at all unless they ignore him

Reaper pretty much can not run away from genji or tracer and he is injured at all he auto loses to them

>Buy a black hoodie and a beanie
>Sneak up behind her real close
>Whisper "From the Shadows" in her ear
When she turns around make guns with your fingers and go *PEW PEW PEW*
>Put your head down and say "Another one off the list"
>Toss a note in he face with your name/number on it
>Shadowstep away

She will appreciate the fact you listened about her hobbies and call you right away

Seagull pls go

>I play Pharah and my space key is stuck BLIZZARD BUFF

This is also a good vid that explains it:

It'd be cool if it weren't the size of an entire wall, but whatever.

I still don't have a real counter for Winston and I feel like nobody else does either, when I play him.

ok friend. no need to get upset because i insulted your skilless main hero

Does anyone else pop a boner at Widowmakers whispering when you're aiming as her?

Winston counters himself by being useless

Hanzo player confirmed

this has a 50/50 chance of working or backfiring horribly

i'd take it

Literally anything is a counter to Winston

what if we already have a lucio/mercy/zenyatta+1 more/ana+1 more?????????

b a s t i o n

Reaper, dva, and not playing widow or hanzo

The game is pretty much all clientside as far as hit detection goes, so hit them in the head.

How do we actually balance McCree without making him garbage?

how the fuck do you keep up with all these heroes with different shooting mechanic
i can't use hitscan weapon for shit, and when i tried to learn i got suddenly unable to play genji and pharah this is fucking stupid

revert 76 nerf

I vote this as well, it's really cute.

literally another healer

don't b throwing like this c'mon i wanna win

lucio heals for fucking dickall

It depends on how awkward our friend is
If he acts like an autistic beta at work she'll be worried that he'll actually have a gun

remove the damage from flashbang

Who the fuck mains 76 nowadays?
The thing is too vanilla for my taste.
But C+ for effort

>playing at 5 in the morning
>get on team with 77
>enemy picks winston
>"okay everyone shoot him once and he wont bother us anymore"
>it works

>join quickplay
>2 people instalock ana and hanzo
>leave game
Great game retards



How do you deal with genji

Mei is a good pick on Anubis B defense.

You'd have to be a total homo not to.

Practice more to build up muscle memory for your personal mouse sensitivity. Watch these it might help.
Also keep practicing.

how do you get buttblasted in QP?

gee our lass hermione really hit the wall huh

Of course.

Shoot him until he reflects then stop shooting him

Give him Mei icicle hitbox.

Reaper and bastion instant kill the dumb monkey

youre trying too hard

I thought Genji's shit in Widow?

I'm struggling to fucking kill them.

I don't enjoy getting completely run over even in qp

>every single one of Widowmaker's alternate skin looks fucking shit compared to her normal one

i have 3 of her legendary skins but fuck it bikini skin when

>yfw the overall skill floor and ceiling in this game is so low that being 50%+ accurate with his primary takes more skill than playing any Tank that's not Zarya or playing 2/4 of healers in the game

He's probably one of the few heroes in the game where if you die to him it's 100% your fault, unless it's his ult.

ouh la la~

I do not play shooters.
I find catch myself aiming at people by strafing or moving forward or backward instead of moving the mouse over them. I do this all the time, it's not just for fine-tuning. Am I retarded, Doc? How do I break this habit?

I know I do if I get a killstreak going. Diamonds the whole match.

I assume you mean for stalling and blocking ults, but while those abilities have their uses I find it hard to argue that Mei is "good" when so many other heroes are probably better

Roadhog is a strong counter

Play only Bastion for 20 levels

The amount Ana can actually heal for is FUCKING STUPID.

The jar of piss heals for so fucking much and then she can spam her shots with that fucking retarded fire rate.

I'm fucking triggered.