/osg/ - Auto Sticker General

Auto Sticker General #104








shitboxme.me/ CPN: racekyaa

>Instagram (DM me pictures!)

>List of Sticker Websites (Updated)
pastebin.com/AGc66Z8j (embed)

>Sticker Collection

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to Automotive Decals and Stickers.

>FB Group

>Currently looking for:
>An internet lawyer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Idea Guys (Come up with Sticker Ideas, Veeky Forums club names, etc.)
Anons with artistic talent willing to make decals for free.
Anons with decal production equipment (Specifically Vinyl Printer Equipment)

>he isn't in the amg private lounge

top kek

yummystickies is down for a couple weeks since I'll be out of town. Don't want anyone to have to wait forever for their stickers to ship out so I think this is the best option.
I've got a couple designs I think I'll add, so maybe it'll be worth the wait :^)

Have fun senpai.


Pre-orders still on pre-order. I'm hoping to get them from the vinyl shop this week. They got a huge rush order from a much bigger client and I got pushed back. I apologize for the delay.

Your slaps are mediocre at best compared to the other shops in the OP.

Aside from the peeking yotsuba, all of your stickers are pretty bland and boring.

I'm pretty sure "I brake for kouhai's" is fucking great.

Drew pls go

Yummiestickies more like cummystickies Bruh lmao
Man I really hope that guy pulls thru with those sesh stickers I would be so fucking happy

I want to die...


Have a photo!

Picking up a printer.

god damn it. no stickers for me this week, co-worker fucked up an update on my ticket. i might be paying for a PCM.

No one, I'm hoping someone makes a better one and prints it

why are u in the passenger seat

For the Brazil user and McCummmy from the last thread.

Also McCummy, you moped? I have been super active in that scene for like 8 years now. If you rally at all, I bet we have seen each other in passing.

Which one of you is this? I was miring for a minute when I found one you in the wild. Sorry for the shit quality pic.

And some more for the user in Unit C7

How did you know I moped lol?
I'm gonna be in apple valley this weekend racing in the moped gp, shits gonna be fun.
Dude so looking forward to his sesh stickers holy shit thank you so much.


dont mind me, just bonesposting

Sweet that looks awesome thanks man can't wait

What's your fav bones album pham?
Nothing will ever beat paid programming fur me

Damn, looks amazing! Thanks a lot!

That's impossible to answer, but Garbage is one of the best for me.

Excellent choice man, that and skinny are my favs along with paid programming.

I'd never talk shit about shops here, especially BYT. I still buy shit from all these shops so it doesn't make sense to talk shit then turn around and buy their products. I never had beef with other shops, just shitposters

Thank you Notori Vinyl for the fresh products I am so keen. Don't care how long it takes to get to Straya.

Shut the fuck up furfag. Talk shit about senpai and I will cut you!

This. BYT is OG. Talk shit about Drew and vipstars because they kinda deserve it. Definitely talk shit about CD and NC

More stickers on.

Still moody over the "lewd" slaps from shitbox though.

Notori's better full front!

Better be*

Next OP pic. Calling it now.

where'd you get the sailor moon sticker from?


I am Drew, just saying I never had any shit between myself and another store, besides maybe Brayn cause he runs the threads and all the controversy in the past, but I never spoke ill of his shop.

Idk if Notori would actually print full frontal hentai but more power to him if he does.

Pic related

come get some bruh you know where I live

Are there any bumper-friendly Overwatch stickers anywhere? I wanna be a massive faggot and put a big D.Va bunny symbol on the back of my WRX.

You put a bad name to those who whip Volvos

a uhaul to pick up a printer?

i'm scared, senpai. are you going big time?
>it's not like i like your stickers or anything, baka.

>aw poor widdle drew

Way to not post the replies to VINfag and your tremendous autism rage, you insufferable cunt.

Slit your wrists with your bus pass. Or better yet, slit your wirsts with your garbage stickes.

Also, fuck VINfag.

You know good and well that the pic you posted doesn't show why you're a cancer and everyone hates you.

Someone post Drew's spergout and his reddit post.

It's in the pastebin already, go ahead and grab it.

Thank you.

Did you conviniently forget about this, you stupid cunt?

Why is VIPstars not on the blacklist?

Take that back faggot I am legit offended


Apology declined.

Show me some sikk stickers to put on a Volvo.

Veeky Forums's sticker selection is criminally low/out of Volvo Style.

refer to bones goes good on anything

please kill yourself

So close to trips, woulda done it.
Better luck next time.

Where the cat tats and catback stickers at

I bet you have long greasy ass hair and feel the need to Concealed Carry no matter where you go.

I could do that as a diecut for you actually, I have the right pink I think

I do have long hair, and I only CC my G30s when I think I might need it, for example when going to the east/north side of town.

why such a large shirt, a better fitting shirt with less wrinkles will go a long way.

Jesus fucking christ.

hey shitbox meme man, can you give me a ballpark for recent order shipping times? i leave pretty soon for the summer and just wanted to see if they would make it here before then.

I won the shirt at defcon, I guess they expected the winner to be a fat neckbeard and not a skinny twig lol.

You can have the greatest tailors in the world convene and create the most perfectly fitted shirt, made out of only the best cloth, made of merrino wool from an individually raised sheep that was raised for the sole purpose of making that shirt, and it would still look like shit if you put a fucking pony on it and then put it on a skinny neckbeard skeleton.


No bully

Oh shit, that'd be awesome. How can I contact you?

>stops tripping to confuse people
>feels superior when people are confused

ur so cool drew, welcome to the cool kids club :^)

wow now I made it

Znofuture right?
I'll see if I can priority ship yours

[email protected] you know it's in the op right?

Why can't people read the OP anymore? Is this the influx of reddit?

no, i was the 2 separate orders guy since you released the luka a little later. order #290 and #319. I leave the 21st (next saturday), just wanted to know if I should get my hopes up or not.

I told you before that you are no longer welcome here. You seemed to have made a cute following at driftslap aficionados so stay there. I will post your shipping address. Don't test me.
Don't ever talk to me or my board again.

I'll try to send it out asap, but I ship from Ontario, Canada. If you're in the US, it'll be tough

don't go out of your way man, i don't mind being exited for a couple months longer. i appreciate it though brotha. didn't realize you were in canada, that shit tends to take forever no matter what.

Should I cop ?

>not posting a large twingo and a small twingo to go with the meme.

I am disappoint...

send me at email at [email protected]

Robust, how much do you usually charge for your customs?

We can talk in private if that's not something you'd like to discuss out publicly.

it really all depends on what it is
it's size, whether it's printed or diecut, and if it is a diecut sometimes the complexity of the weeding and layering.

feel free to email me with any specific questions or you can ask me about it on the discord

(I do actually have certain discounts as well but they may only apply to certain customers)

>may only apply to certain customers
like non niggers?

>all this drama
kek, this is why all generals are cancerous

that being said, who makes those Good Luck Club/Bad Luck Club stickers? Any news on more of those being printed?

But, but my email... About NoChill... Also have fun, can't wait til you're back so we can wrap everything up.

shitboxme.me makes Good Luck Club. They're all sold out.

nevercontent.jp makes Bad Luck Club. Do not apply. The meme magic is certainly real.

put on my good luck club sticker and not even a full week later I get my first speeding ticket ever

what the fuck fampai's I want a full refund rn not even kidding around I'm 100% serious drew send me free stickers or I'm going to the local news tomorrow and telling them about you and your cheap lies

I'm a little late, but which version of nightshift is he selling?

thats your own fault for buying drews knock offs

how can you be so basic

>Veeky Forums-tan
>lewd bunny girls

We got any yet?

Can you all just stop it with the hate.
If you don't like someone, just don't reply to them or buy their stickers.

This shit is supposed to be something we are passionate about.
Not some kind of dick comparison contest or autist pointing game.

Can we get some OC?
Does anyone have something they are working on or thinking about?

Still hoping for the I'm a Huge Faggot slap

This is meant to be ironic, right?

How do you fuck up such an easy translation

Some user said that we'd get a sticker that said that and would pay a lot for it if it was limited or something. Another user made that slap. While I think it can be better, the concept is there

Not my design, sorry I don't read moon runes


stop using google translate you faggots

The border doesn't match the image style. The BG is so detailed.
I think it's too complicated. It's literally a photo with text on it.
Though, since it's made to be ironic, it's perfect. It's complete shit on purpose.

"Put a number on it and it will sell!" ....Even though that's not true. kek

You actually bought a Drew sticker?

You fucking faggot. Glad you got a ticket.

That looks awful.

That is the point though. It's supposed to say "I'm a faggot". Though, the Japanese is even wrong, which just adds to the effect.
The idea is that it shows how many bad slaps there are and how people still buy them if they are "limited".

It's literal garbage that people would buy.

>"it's only okay when it's ironic"

go fucking kill yourself