What is the most profitable but least dangerous crime that does not involve kneepads?
What is the most profitable but least dangerous crime that does not involve kneepads?
rob someone
time is money
Pretending to be a hot girl on Instagram or some other social media and then convincing old horny men to pay you for nude pics.requires having access to hundreds of photos of a hot camgirl.
really makes you think tbqh...
running a drug cartel
Least dangerous lel
Great idea actually, and I will try it - but I'm quite sure that it's legal
Nope, makes not a lot of money and most of the potential costumers here are young enough to rat me out if they ever get caught. Theorethically I could make my 2.5K a month from weed, but I'll have to sell to kids who are as I said, unreliable.
Not dangerous only if I'm a good blackhat and I'm an average programmer so nope
Also, what do when he wants a video chat or to hear my qt girl voice for him to masturbate to?
Just get elected to some office
It's hard to say since it seems the larger the risk the larger the reward.
Mailing weed from a weed friendly state to non weed friendly state
I mean, you don't ever video chat obviously. You can send videos but nothing like a Skype call. And it is illegal so don't get caught. Most likely the guy buying your photos has a wife who will not be happy if she finds out.
That would never work. Drug sniffing dogs and the fact that weed is illegal in all airports. Even in Colorado.
Can't, dirty past will be uncovered(there are pictures).
That's why I'm looking for something in the middle. I don't wanna be a millionaire but 9-5 makes me very seriously consider suicide. I'm literally fantasying about jumping out of the window of this godforsaken skyscraper.
im not kidding Im very close to the edge
Huh. I guess several fake facebooks to try and lure them in might work pretty well. More advice? I'll obviously try to get the transactions made trough some crypto currency for the sake of not raveling any bank info.
you live under a rock
Maybe times have changed but 2-3 years ago I knew some guy who would mail weed from California to New York all the time, made a killing off of it too
Crime is the only way to success.
Fuck investing
Op you should card. It's much better than this dumb shit
It seems to easy to be true. What sort of ROI are we looking at?
Carding is for faggots, and everyone knows it. You are contributing nothing to society, and if you try to make any serious money off of it, you will get caught very easily.
For equal returns, why not just apply for disability and get government bux since you're too retarded to do anything else anyway?
Also if you have good credit there are easy ways to get free money using cash back cards like citi double cash with manufactured spending.
This method is also perfectly legal but banks can close your account with them for any reason if they get suspicious.
Yes of course it contributes nothing to society, this is a crime thread. Op asked what is a profitable yet safe crime
Depends on what you do, people make tons
There are plenty of crimes that contribute SOMETHING to SOMEONE. Even drug dealers are providing a certain good that is in demand. All you assholes do is leech off the sweat of others.
LSD/ other hallucinogens and Cannabis should all be legal, it is completely morally acceptable (just risky) to sell them.
>The sweat off others
oh yeah banks and credit card companies totally deserve all the money they make, it's not like they ever do anything illegal or immoral...
>Even drug dealers are providing good
Oh yeah. Great good, poisoning people with drugs, killing tons of people and everything else affected by drugs such as society when it has to pay for higher healthcare or for police when junkies steal or attack people because they didn't get their daily dose
What makes it so you deserve the money more than banks and credit card companies do?
Exactly, nothing. They worked to build a business. You just admitted that you are no better than a societal parasite.
Who cares about deserve? I can so I get it, I don't care about going into a whole discussion about who deserves what especially given how banks and credit card companies do VERY unsavory shit to make money. They're just as much "societal parasites", there's a scandal all the fucking time about immoral or downright crimes they commit
ponzi schemes
He (you? different id) mentioned deserve..... so I guess that's who cares about deserve........
Banks and credit card companies provide services essential to our modern society. The services they provide are absolutely central to our financial system. There are corrupt individuals within these entities that commit crimes, but these individuals are not a reflection on the entities themselves. Their actions do not make their services any less crucial.
You, on the other hand, are just a fucking scumbag. If everyone decided to act like you do, as a leech, there would be a near collapse. When you get caught, you will not be remembered as someone who "could so they got it," you will be remembered as a loser that was too lazy to actually earn a single dollar.
Carders are the most pathetic class of criminals in the world. Stop encouraging anons on Veeky Forums to participate in your degeneracy.
Why the fuck are you so buttblasted? He asked how to make money, I replied how to make money
You're thinking way too much into this
>If everyone acted like you blahblshblah
Who the fuck cares? Why is that my concern? We're here to make money, that's it.
We don't care about being Mother Theresa or some doctor who cured AIDS and saved Africa. All we want is money here, that's the objective.
Something is only valued by whether or not it accomplishes our GOALS, effectively.
>goals: make money
If it makes money, it's good. If it doesn't, it's bad.
IF, op had asked "Hey guys how can I improve the world the most today, I want to help people and bring them joy and happiness" then he would get different answers. He said "How can I make the most money with crime while remaining safe", and got corresponding answers.
Maybe you're looking for a nonprofit charity instead of Veeky Forums.
>your degeneracy
go back to /pol/.
As long as you are satisfied knowing that you are a parasite lmao
I'm satisfied, and I don't care
Why can't I take the place as CEO of a big bank doing almost illegal work for money while providing a needed service? Oh... right. It's because someone else already has that position. I'd take that billionaire position in a heartbeat and so would everyone else here. So would most of America if offered the chance. If that CEO making billions in seemingly illegal practices were to be taken out of office would the service to society that bank provides be unfunctional? No, because someone else of the millions of Americans seeing an opertunity to make money would take the position and resume that function while also doing the seemingly illegal profitable practices. So as you can see I am backed in to a corner. I can't perform a needed function to the society I live because someone else just like me has taken the position but I still need money just like they do but my business practices have cut in to their profits so they made my practices illegal while keeping their unsavory practices legal.
I do/did that. is some nice extra money. ppl pay from 5 to 30 (10x5+7x10+3x
So what does one do if he has an access to credit card and ID information?
Needs to be untraceable, so how can it be converted to crypto without going through KYC?
For educational purposes of course
>LSD/ other hallucinogens and Cannabis should all be legal
No it shouldn't. No matter how physically safe psychedelics are. You're underestimating the stupidity of the masses. Only people in the higher echelons of intelligence should take psychedelics, because they'll be able to process and digest the information. There's always plenty of stupid people taking it illegally already, we don't need more for another generation of boomers and another rise of liberalism.
embezzlement. As long as you are not obvious that you stole money.
It's not illegal in a good amount of airports--go to Oregon, california, WA, etc. And mail goes through the airport now I guess?
Holy shit this dude really hates carding, I thought he was just telling in the first thread but damn.
Maybe he just wants to keep all the good cards to himself our a carder killed his parents for their credit cards or something.
High end shop lifting
You can grow say 2 pounds in 60 days and sell for at least 8k
sell ur butthole to men
no kneepads required.
>4k per pound
In antiweed states medical grade can go for 6k a pound
yeah but the least you will get for a pound isn't 4k, closer to 1500
Many keks were had
I considerd this for a long time, whats the going rate for certain pictures?
like, $10 for an amature looking tit shot?
$20 for ass with asshole spread to see?
$50 for pussy shots w/ audio?
I wouldnt want to seem to greedy and scare them off you see.
even in colorado without a med card,high grade can go for $25 a gram. There is over 450 grams in a pound...so
>what does at least mean?????
my neck of the woods. and if done with purpose...at least