Truckerfag Thread

Shit's fucked edition
>Truckerfag still collecting NEET slaves
>EF still buttmad
>Pepsifag still black
>Fedex still not a fucking trucker
>Roehlretard still gets no recruitment bonus
>Northeast-tard still doesn't understand any US traffic laws
>Whiney still owns a fucking toyobaru
>how2got CDL
CR England, Swift, JB Hunt, CRST and Schneider will train you for free, and guarantee you a job in six weeks.
>wut sum gud cumpnees?
Not CR England, Swift, JB Hunt, CRST or Schneider

>I could totally go to school but I'd rather be a trucker.
Live the dream, user.

>truckers are fat underpaid slave labor cucks automatically at fault for everything targetted by cops for easy revenue hated by all other drivers clog up the roads with their hulking death machines and also superior nations have different regulations



>Posting new thread before bump limit
>Using my name
For shame.

What did you expect?


How much hours do you spent behind the wheel?

Is it a worthy career?

I just did my highschool and am thinking about being a trucker. Cool?

Where are you even from?

>delivering to lowes in Vegas
>rush hour appt.
>get messed about for 2 hours looking for an Mt
>sends pre plan can't stop and check it or I'll be late and out of time
>new plan sent demands to know if I can do it on time
Since I can't see the plan have to use down syndrome voice to hear it.
>can't make sense of it get stoplight punch in a quick no, cause I have no idea what he wants
>now I have to navigate vegas lunch hour traffic 3 lowes delivery trucks and apparently drunk homeless people while getting yelled at for saying no
Why am I still here again?

>How much hours do you spent behind the wheel?
Legal is 70hr a week

>Is it a worthy career?
Uuh, probably not. Granted if we didn't do it no one would get anything done.

>I just did my highschool and am thinking about being a trucker. Cool?
The whole highschool? That's pretty might wanna try porn first

I have no idea what any of this means.

Be glad. I had to do a 30 in that lot and one of the drunks fell asleep out in the middle of the asphalt and the other I think sexually assaulted the back corner of my trailer.

Also 10/10 spambot. Good work

You might be right. Hard to tell this time.

Nice try, spambot.

Am I spambot now?

>Running skateboard for noob truckers

What the fuck does that mean?

When did you guys turn over when going around a corner? I think it can sometimes be fun.

Oh wordpukebot, you slay me.

Because the money's sooo good

It really isn't. Whiney is getting paid more than me,granted I'm probably getting more miles. 2 more month's and my year is up. Probably time to find better pastures

>delivering to lowes in Vegas
He has a load that mjst be delivered to a Lowes location in Las Vegas
>rush hour appt.
The delivery appointment is during rush hour
>get messed about for 2 hours looking for an Mt
2 hours of his day were wasted trying to locate an empty trailer with which to get loaded
>sends pre plan can't stop and check it or I'll be late and out of time
Dispatcher sent a message to the computer in the truck with information for the next load, this requires an acknowledgement. Note that the computer cannot be used while the vehicle is in motion, and he has no time to stop and look at it.
>new plan sent demands to know if I can do it on time
Since the dispatcher is a drooling retard, he took the lack of response to mean "fuck you" instead of "i do not have time to look at this", and sent additiobal messages demanding a response
>Since I can't see the plan have to use down syndrome voice to hear it.
He opted to use the computer's text to speech function to try to decipher the message while still moving. Note that this sounds like a drunk deaf person, and tends to completely mangle words even when they aren't mispelled by the braindead chimpanzee who sent the message.
>can't make sense of it get stoplight punch in a quick no, cause I have no idea what he wants
Briefly stopped at a red light, he manages a negative response to this asshattery.
>now I have to navigate vegas lunch hour traffic 3 lowes delivery trucks and apparently drunk homeless people while getting yelled at for saying no
The shaved ape in dispatch is chimping out at him over the negative response while he tries not to give anybody their darwin award.
>Why am I still here again?
He questions the life choices that led him to this point.

Hey that was pretty good. Maybe you should get a phd in jibberish/dumb red neck culture

Why don't you assholes ever turn off your APUs when you come in for service?

Thank you sir, you made my day. That is a 100% accurate explanation to my frustrated ramblings have some trucker art I found in april
Also after all the idiocy the next run is only 250 miles and I have to do it in two days. And the bold print states do not call for earlier appointments.

Better question. Why are you leaving our lights, doors and systems on long enough to drain the battery enough to kick on the apu? Also I do try and shut it off,i mean really it's a little toggle switch.. it's just you guys scream bloody murder if I try to walk back to the truck for anything these days..

If your batteries weren't complete shit your voltage wouldn't drop down to 9v from just sitting for a few days.

It never fucking fails to have to jump a truck off after doing an in frame. I don't even open the door on the cab so what the fuck are you even talking about? Do you have any idea how much I fucking loathe getting in the cab behind your nasty asses?

First of all I'm already fucking greasy from just opening the hood because you simply refuse to wash your engine at all. Right off the fucking bat that makes me avoid the interior of the truck at all costs, but do you have any idea how fucking disruptive an APU is just fucking spitting and sputtering all day while I'm trying to torque down your main bearings? Just have a little courtesy and turn the motherfucker off before you catch a ride from the hotel.

Also I'm pretty sure I worked on a serial killer's truck last month. Dude had literally 50+ elmo dolls, pillows, figurines, etc. in his mack.

so I'm not a trucker but I want to be.
and rather than be the retard asking questions, I have stories of other retards.
starting with my favorite
>going to phx from abq, good little trip, not bad
>stop at the pilot around williams
>navajo trucks everywhere
>dear god why
>pull my pickup up into the car lot because I know my role and I'm gonna go shit, but first, truck watching
>t680 navajo rig parked in the island, dumbshit parked and went inside
>like 4 trucks stacked behind this retard
>i witness the best thing ever
>presumably o/o in shitty century puts it in grandma low and then hops out and pulls the hoses from the pumps out of navajo truck
>watch this century fucking shove this shitty empty t680 out of the island by force
>go in and get my shit
>laugh for about 10 miles about it

Ah I see now. I actually don't leave while it's being worked on if I was to go check in at a hotel I most certainly would have,along wit attaching the "air cuff safety system" per dispatches request.
Also most of the time I bring it in is cause I'd like new batteries also I have a wooly blanket I place over the drivers seat to ensure you are at least somewhat protected from my filth while it's in your care
This is important. What KIND of figurines? I know a guy who drives something close to that only when I see him he's usually in full drag

>getting on the highway behind truck
>accelerate and pass
>get safe distance ahead of him
>merge back into right lane
>he flashes his lights at me once

Was he trying to say something nice or tell me that I'm a dick? I was plenty far ahead of him when I merged. I know it's a good thing if I were to flash my lights at a truck to tell them it's okay to move over, but I've never had one flash me after I pass him.

So after Canada stops burning they're gonna want to rebuild fort McMurray and anything else that burned down right? Might there be an opportunity to make some good dosh hauling shit up there? Also, hauling shit down south for Trumps wall if he gets in office?




Today was a bad day. I got terminated from my company.

list of wrongs:
>2 high value load violations by not driving the first 200 miles
the first was because I was tired and started swerving so I called about whether to stop or continue, they advised to stop but I never got a confirmation number or the person's name for that so it was all on me. The second time I had an airline fall off so Im not sure if they really expected me to keep driving like that, but again on me
>leaving my load unattended in a high theft area
I had turned the truck off because I was two days early so no messages were going to my qualcomm then when they called me over the phone I happened to be away from the truck--getting groceries
>my logs got audited
the last few months were really slow so for a few days I didnt bother to log a pretrip
>had one preventable accident
I wrote a post about this in one of the last threads, I was going up a hill in stop and go traffic and the flatbed in front of me rolled backwards and hit me. There was no highway patrol so we just swapped info then parted ways but he ended up telling a different story than what happened so it was his word against mine with no evidence.

Have you guys ever heard anything like this? I guess it was mostly negligence/naivety on my part. It seems like if I had known what to say I couldve found a way around a lot this stuff.

I was a neet before this, Im not sure what to do now. I fell for the swift meme, I was their slave for about 10 months. How difficult will it be to reapply to other companies with this on my record? At this point should I just kill myself?


Pump bro here raining out today which means no work thuglife

>At this point should I just kill myself?

Did you a favor t b h I don't know how anyone would want to get paid cpm go haul dirt for new construction

But do companies care about the circumstances of a person leaving their previous company also if theyve been there less than a year ?

Na it's a meme

Just went into work washed my rig and came home time to blaze it faggots

Doesn't help to ask us. Just go apply and see what happens.

Drive a 5 ton m900 series tractor. Blew the head gasket yesterday. Well I'm out for a few days in Atlanta. Fuck me right?

I am a neet about to get into trucking. Looking at what you did it looks like I can prevent some mistakes you made;
>always log a pretrip
>don't stop too close to truck in front of you on a hill (no dashcam?)
>don't say I'm away from the truck

Not sure about being tired though. Did you not have time to sleep?

how many times have you shagged in your cabin?

What a retard

Define "safe distance".

Couple hundred between two girls.

Wow, you're officially worse than Whiney-kun. He's an idiot newbie, but he at least didn't get fired.

If it's any consolation, you probably would have gotten hit with a preventable any ways for being close enough for the flatbed to roll back into you.

You aren't done trucking though if you don't want to be. I'm sure there are companies that will hire you even though they might not be great options to work for. But if you keep your nose clean at a new company, you may someday work for a company above slave tier

Who isn't a spambot these days?

>Get home the 10th
>Set PTA for 15th
>Get load for the 12th


About a trailer length.

>select trains
bernie pls

Yes. I'm not a trucker, but I've watched my boss throw out applications in which the person didn't stay at a job for more than a year.

>dumbshit parked and went inside

Moving your vehicle before paying for your fuel is a crime. It doesn't matter if there's ten vehicles behind you.

you have to slide the card before they turn the pump on

>about a trailer length
I assume that means less than a trailer length. Either way that's a little close, he wasn't saying thanks for leaving a responsible amount of space. Did you at least signal?

That blows.

I wonder when I will finally get fired.
>meeting at 5am
>show up at 6am
I haven't gone to a meeting in like a year. Fuck those things. Complete waste of time and they always say the exact same shit. And today was salesmen and drivers and they just bitch and moan about eachother the whole time. Salesmen is lazy fucks a lot of the time.

>30 cases coming into a stop
>can only fit 29 cases on the two handtrucks
>not trying to take another trip
>29 case delivery

I was awake for a while waiting for an assignment so when I accepted that load it was very late in the day. Id say if you have any doubt of not being able to complete the load to just refuse it or make sure you get a number/name from your dispatch if they say its alright to stop

As for that preventable accident, what Id do differently is to call a highway patrol officer and make sure everyone agrees on what happened so it wouldnt turn into a he said she said type of ordeal. I had a drive cam installed afterward, really wish I had one at the time..

I guess a bit of an update here--I tried to ask for some sort of release papers from swift on what they tell my future employers but no real, clear answer besides they confirm the dates of which I worked with them, and besides itd be a third party that deals with that. Mostly I wanted to know if I could get away with just saying I resigned with them voluntarily. There's nothing on my dmv record apparently so it was all on their records. My csa score is still about 20pts and thatll only go away over time

I called up a few companies telling them I was a terminated ex-swifter with 10months exp but most didnt sound hopeful. Then I decided to say I quit on my own accord and werner and jb hunt were already trying to set me up for an orientation with them, it was kinda funny. I wouldnt want to work for another mega company but Ill take it if thats all I can get. I enjoyed trucking for the most part, it was my first job I hate I could screw even that up

also I requested a dac report because I wanted to see what mine exactly says. Has anyone ever used any of these sites; hireright, cccverify, driverfacts?

I know :^(
if there's any sort of silver lining to my situation it's a good learning experience

I guess legally, when (if) a potential employer contacts a previous employer, they can't say anything besides employment dates.

Accidents, they will know so you have to report that. Most companies ask about formal discipline and shit like that on applications but I doubt they could ever find out if you lied.

I can't remember. Dude drives for Carroll fulmer.

Personally speaking, when a potential employer asks about my mistakes, I'd ask them which ones they want to know about, and just explain it openly. I haven't killed anyone, I learn from my mistakes, they shouldn't be worried about those mistakes because I'm determined not to make those mistakes again.

>the start of my day

At least it's not a super single

How feasible would it be to buy my uncle's old Frieghtshaker and run O/O for a company? I want to progress in this industry.

It'd be a feat, Whiney. You'd need several grand just to operate for the first quarter, as TF has said. I think you could do it, but you'd have to seriously step up and stay on top of paperwork, receipts, truck care, etc.

>You'd need several grand just to operate for the first quarter

Shit breaks. See subtitle of thread

Well I suppose I'd be mistaken if he goes O/O for a company. However if he went O/O solo with his own trailer, some companies don't pay out until some arbitrary time after delivery, like 90 days or every fiscal quarter or some bs. TF could answer better than I.

Haha, holy fuck you were about 3 trailer lengths short. Get fucked, kiddo.

Bullshit. You hand them the card, tell them the pump number, and they turn it on.

Topkek. You're lucky your wiring didn't get fucked.

At your level of proficiency and experience, pretty much fuck no.

Depends on whether or not his uncle is going to hold his hand, and his wallet through it.

Does swift have O/Os?

>Bullshit. You hand them the card, tell them the pump number, and they turn it on.
What are you on about. Pumps have card readers at pilots.

Wouldn't it largely be the same since it would be with a company? I know I'd have to set up a maintenance account, and factor in fueling but I think I could make it.

Yeah but you can only have a truck that's less than 3 years old or some shit. It's not worth it to O/O for them unless you enjoy being a mentor and having students drive your trucks off cliffs, etc.

Hey whiney what kind of truck did Swifts CDL school use? Was it a new 10speed or a 13 speed?

I signaled and everything, I thought we were highway bros :[

My sides

who pays for new tires on the trailer?

The one in Fontana used 8speed cascadias, a couple of lolvos, and one international. They were all old pieces of shit

I didn't go through Swift's CDL school. I did it through a private school, which had an old 10 speed Volvo. They have a new truck now that I see from time to time at the DPS near the yard though.

The private school I went to had a 10 speed Volvo. '96 model I believe. I keep in touch with my instructor and he just got a newer international.

>having anything less than an 18sp

Red pill me on orientation and my days sharing a cuck bunk with a trainer. I know it's going to fucking blow. But how bad? I am already expecting the worst. Any tips for how to cope and get through? I'm not looking forward to it even though I know it's important.

Where did you go to school?

Home schooled

Orientation was easy for me, it was mainly paperwork, safety, etc. The mentoring is another monster. My first mentor was an absolute pile of garbage, he was racist, intolerant, unclean, arrogant and generally unpleasant. I ended up having to call my DM to get me out of the truck. The second mentor I had was fantastic, he was clean, friendly, and patient. If you don't like your first mentor don't hesitate to drop him because it will make life hell otherwise. Sleeping while the truck is moving will be another thing you have to get used to.

I mean for your CDL

kek, ameriburgers have to double up when training.

We just get put on local runs with another driver for a few weeks and then go solo.



thats only 22 cases

The ride never ends

fungus foot has made all toes bleed, why did you guys say barefoot was ok?

>18-speed meme
>Team training meme
A good program would have the mentor riding while the trainee drives, both sleeping at the same time, but then I wouldn't expect that of Swift.
fukken sick
Dafuq dump of a truck stop you wash at? Or is that you, wordpukebot?

>18-speed meme

But it literally isn't, for some reason you americans don't use them.

>tfw you will never shift 1st direct -> 2nd overdrive -> 4th direct -> 5th overdrive ->7th direct -> 8th overdrive

Why even live?

Because they don't know about
4 4 T O N N E S

anyone want to work for Martin Brower? lmk so i can get that sweet sign up bonus

based gear and a half shifting

Do they accept noobies?

>"why da fuck can't i carry all these cases?"

so I always merge when I can see their bumper in both my rear view and right side mirror. am I too close? also I always signal