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@ Illidan (Horde)
@ Illidan (Horde)
@ Sargeras (Alliance)

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white pride

>Dark sections of the Vault of the Wardens will have their brightness increased by 900% in the next build because some players were complaining about it being too dark.

here we go again lads, no fun allowed.

Xth for Gul'dan :DDD

>hates garrosh
>loves garrosh 2: felectric boogaloo

has Ralph stopped talking his medication or something

My dad works for Blizzard and brought home like 30 game keys. Is monk a fun class to play

>naga will never be playable

Fun denied

WW is sort of fun. Pandaren is a shit race for shit people though

Be nice if they had brightness settings by individual dungeons.

Honestly, it's not free. Bad terminology. But it's still incredibly easy to obtain and gives me a shot at the Infinite Timereaver, too.

My dad plays pandaren and he's pretty cool

>Male Panda
Put down the game
Find some rope
Make a noose
Hang yourself


does your dad fuck men in the ass

>hates retarded tyrant who believes he is right and deludes himself into thinking he is superior
>Loves smart intelligent mistreated person who simply decided to do whatever he can for power
Yeah, i am taking smart immoral person over retard moralfag any day

Woah cute panda :D

Ignore the panda hate you ll see here, many autists :\

How's rp these days?

>playing panda opening
>look at great sea
>see some shit moving in the distance, assume model pop in or some shit
>get closer



Now you go back and you screen it for us


have any of you guys played survival yet? is it fun?

uh gul'dan pulls the exact same schtick as garrosh, and fucks his body up in the next raid much like garrosh in an attempt to kill us

if anything gul'dan pulls the whole "i am le superior" thing even harder than garrosh did


Reminder the only horde leader worthy of being Warchief is Lor'themar.

>Not a Woman
>Not Evil
>Led the one of the most downtrodden races in warcraft history back into being a major power
>Not a Naive Furry
>Not a meme
>Actually has a model in game

So next expansion if you could choose between getting another class or getting two new races, what would you choose? Also for fun what do you want the next expansion to be?

Personally though I would love another mail class I can't think of many that would fit besides Dark Ranger, if they could even make it different enough from Hunter. So I would have to go with races, because its almost criminal that Ogres haven't been added in yet. Heck I also hope they give Vrykrul to the Alliance so they get a big race as well. As for expansion ideas I want a proper South Seas expansion with Zandalar, Kul Tiras, Undermine and maybe the return of islands like Kezan.

Roll priest
Level 1 can spam heals faster than fatigue damage and not go oom.

it moves and it's a little bigger but i lost patience and just took the screenshot here

shit my pants when i first saw it


>Not a Woman
Sylvanas and Jaina give female leaders a bad name.
>Not Evil
>Led the one of the most downtrodden races in warcraft history back into being a major power
>Not a Naive Furry
Naive? But not furry
>Not a meme
The whole universe of warcraft is a meme
>Actually has a model in game
Goblins BTFO

Moira for Queen 2016

The whole island is a turtle you silly goose. That's a turtle fin.

Alt Gul'dan was a useless retard that spat in the face of the only person trying to actually help him

>not go oom
fatigue suppresses mana regen
and it's probably just the turtle

yeah that's the turtle you fucking retard

Not sure if serious. The panda starting zone is on the back of a giant turtle. That's his fin. It's also where the monk order hall will be.

Thats the turtles fin you Darkspear intellectual

Are you aware that the Wandering Island is just a big floating turtle?

>Tfw they could of made memeon hunters the 3rd mail class for perfect equilibrium but didnt

how the fuck was i meant to know it's a turtle nobody tells me shit but 'go here bring these spirits back'

s-sorry i'm new

>Fem Vykrul Warrior/Paladin
My dick is ready for the moans.


You are cute

are pandafags unironically this stupid?

True. Lor'themar got cucked.


I want alliance to get Vrykul and I want horde to get Arakkoa or Naga. I hate Ogres. They're almost always fucking idiots or 'heh i am SMART OGRE not dumb ogre' meme.

Remember: Only you can improve /wowg/.
>[-] All Tranny/Faggot/Gay posting, all off-topic, all reposted bait and blatant shitposting.
>No guild drama in the thread/In the OP. It gets annoying after the 400th thread. If a guild is Veeky Forums related, then they're allowed in the OP.
>[-] All attentionwhore avatarfags. If they're not on topic, hide them. Don't give them the easy (You) they're looking for.
>Answer all WoW questions.
>Try not to use anime reaction images. Instead, use cropped porn/comics/character expressions. It makes you look more on-topic and original.
>Try to use OC images as often as possible, even as an avatarfag.
>No fucking tranny/lgbt/healslut worship posts unless they're on topic.
>If you absolutely insist on being an avatarfag, contribute to the thread instead of shitposting. Earn your (You)'s

Ogres also have the problem of no females.
Unless maybe they make it one head/two head instead of dick/tits


my dad developed dementia / alzheimers and this is a screenshot I have of him when i was trying to teach him to play WoW

the feels are reals, lads


Get the fuck out. I bet you vote democrat too.

Muradin/Brann/Thorrin or Bust

I'd roll a female Vrykrul Warrior so fast. Hell I'd probably roll multiple, it'll be like when Draenei and Goblin females happened all over again

Ogre Mages are actually intelligent, even though they really aren't used much in game. I totally agree though the Ogre humor stuff gets old quick.

>Bullying a new player
You're not going to get any of my confectioneries if you keep this up
Would you like to add me to friends? I can help you with questions if you'd like. Bellissimo#1953

ur dad seems like a shitter

boomkins are _______

>WORLD of warcraft
>Everyone stands around in order halls/garrisons/capitals spamming Looking-For-Minigame
Where did it go wrong?
It was cata, wasn't it, then MoP, instead of redeeming itself, finished it off.

That is because Garrosh is a hypocrite like most moralfags and only let his body get corrupted near the end when he gets desperate.

Gul'dan is very open about his want for power and improving himself through fel magic, he isnt ashamed or anything.

The main difference is that garrosh unironically believes he knows everything and is right.

Gul'dan doesnt care about that shit as much, he only cares about power and with power, you control things yourself instead of spouting about muh warrior code and other bs.

>only person trying to actually help him
Who? That "wise" old guy that did nothing to stop the others and just talks?
Silence is an act of complicity, and he didnt seem to actually HELP when he was needed

Fuck I meant Thaelin. One of the few good rhings WoD added.

>leveling a tauren
>get to where Baine and some grimtotem's fight
>See this:
>Orno Grimtotem says: This isn't over, Baine...
>Baine Bloodhoof says: It is for you.

Bravo blizzard, what an epic maymay in your game.I knew blizzard did the whole pop culture and memes in their games but this is too much.

I know everyone always says this but Ogre female are confirmed to exist. Both by blue posts and by stuff in game. I mean they give a dumb excuse that the female ogres all live on an amazon island but still. Plus I believe there has been unused female ogre models in the past

you just want to suck orc cock your coalburning faggot, you probably suck nigger cock irl.

I love Pandarens now

I know, that's why I made the smart ogre comment. They're either 'YOU CONNIVING FOOLS, YOUR INTELLECT PALES AGAINST MY OWN' or 'heh bread'.

Cataclysm has been out for seven years, user.

does anyone remember the time /v/ named a man's child?

did you even watch the video
the guy is clearly sympathetic and doesn't want Gul'dan to be thrown out of the village, he even says he tried his best but Gul'dan kept being a shitter
he's just a bitchmode little nigger

why is the fem human jump so fucking retarded

Gul'dan lets his body get corrupted near the end in the final stage of his boss fight when he gets desperate

Garrosh was very clear about his lust for power, detaching units of Kor'Kron specifically for artifacts and weapons all while seeking out the heart of Yshaarj very early in MoP

Gul'Dan doesn't care about what shit as much? Garrosh thirsted for power and domination over the alliance, and Gul'Dan thirts for power and domination over the planet (which he's failing, also)


Horde:Ogres because they should have been at launch over Forsaken and female models exist.

Alliance: Obviously High Elves JK Furbolgs

This is my sutando "[Archenon Porros]"! KRONO KRONO KRONO KRONO KRONO KREI KRISTORR!


>High Elves

are you retarded

Za Wurdo, Roda Rolla!

edit a to be continued with le wacky pink gook text onto this please

Are you? :^)

Naga for Horde, Centaur for Alliance.

Considering Malorne/Cenarius fucked an earth goddess and basically condemned all of centaurs to damnation is a low blow, and the Nelves could apologize and make up with them in order to earn a new ally.

Naga have always been on good terms with Kael'thas and Illidan. They'd just have to mend their shit with the Darkspear.

should i buy leejun, /wowg/?

draenor was pretty boring twobh

While I wouldn't mind High Elves they would make even less sense than Blood Elves at this point.

I mean most Elves got wiped out when Arthas attacked. Then even more Elves died when Kael took over and even MORE Elves died when we wiped out Kael. And High Elves are STILL even less in number than Blood Elves

So will all these shitcans flocking to warlock in pre-patch remain "dedicated" to the class in legion? I used my legion boost on one and have gone back to my warrior because they're ubiquitous right now.

@ Silvermoon (Alliance)

Would appreciate it if you didn't remove us from the OP next time haha xo

Check the spoiler friendo

Centaurs would be amazing, would play/10.

>Talking about a character's thoughts and beliefs
>he somehow connects it with sexual stuff
My god you are a slut

>hasnt done much other than talk
Hypocrite more like it.
If he was the "elder" of the place and people actually listened to him he could have easily stopped them.

But he didnt do that now did he ;^)

Yeah i know, but gul'dan wouldnt refuse power anyway because he wants power.

If you told garrosh to go jump into unnatural corrupted fel magic he wouldnt do it because muh morality, unless he got desperate.

Garrosh was shit because he wanted to subjugate others for no reason other than because he deluded himself to be superior and thought his way is the right way.

Gul'dan doesnt want to force his beliefs into people's heads, he merely wants power, which is one of the purest and most logical arguments compared to emotion based stuff like "do it cuz it is le good thing to do"


it was Zaetar you fucking baboon

>Fem Centaur huntress

How to own BGs

Warrior of Elune
Displacer Beast
Restro Affinity
Incarnation: Chosen of Elune
Shooting Stars
Nature's Balance

PvP Talents:
Glad medallion
Mind Quickness
Crescent Burn
Moonkin Aura
Faerie Swarm

Enjoy your max pvp prestige druid

Fuck no, they're going to get skull fucked getting honor talents by every melee at 110 and then rage quit calling melee broken to demon hunters and then die over and over again because their selfhealing is utter trash

son of cenarius whatever turbonerd lmao

ITT: Screenshots from the glory days.

>Gul'dan doesnt want to force his beliefs into people's heads

Besides corrupting entire Orc clans by handing them fel goop?

Garrosh was shit because he wanted to subjugate others for no reason other than because he deluded himself to be superior and thought his way is the right way.

Gul'Dan does the exact same with the thousands of Draenei he used to power the portal. he picked them over the Orcs because he saw his own race (Orcs) as superior

Maybe your dad would've had more luck if he actually put his skills on his bar

>enter thread

WTF I love trannies now

He probably forgot LMAO

>join H HFC on shaman
>offtank is literally in 660 gear
>i get bitched out for not keeping him alive
>whisper him 'lol' and leave
This is a great night.
I just want some ret gear.

Cata has been out for awhile but damn that is some meme magic.

>90% Night Elf
Yeah, glory days because all those shitters who have long ear fetishes were on your side not mine

>by handing them fel goop?
But he does that for power, power that was promised if he gave the legion the orcs in a plate :3

For gul'dan, dranei were nothing more than a power source for his portals, and same can be said for the orcs.

Unlike garrosh who is unironically patriotic and has pride in his race

uh guys my dad is dead could you not mock him its seriously rude

Do you like gnomes?

maybe, i grew up by playing UO and EQ on his lap i dont exactly remember the pretense behind this but I logged on his char and he had that ticket opened so i had to save it

only worth playing if you have glyph of the stars

>like my human pally
>like my bloody pally
>can only play one during legion
>have to leave one of them abandoned and going to feel bad either way

What? By choosing the Draenei and Eredar as conduits over his own race, he's just as patriotic as Garrosh was, he only picked the Orcs because he wanted conquest for his race, just like Garrosh.

why did everyone ignore my post? makes me sad

Can you not argue with the guy doing literal mental gymnastics. You won the argument, everyone but him sees it

Blood elf, if that's what you mean by bloody.
The Horde needs you.
Sylvanas needs you.