How fucking stupid am I for wanting an old chopper?
How fucking stupid am I for wanting an old chopper?
You're pretty fucking stupid without a chopper
How are you going to convince your dad to buy one though?
I'll build one myself, once I can afford to
just dont get a harley or shit the /dbt/ with your tripfagging faggotry like shitkat does and you're golden
I keep seeing this suggested to me but I get the feeling it'll just make me angry.
not at all. they are really cool.
It's shit. Watch Road or Long Way Round instead
It's pretty good, I'm watching it right now.
I audibly kek'd
>tfw long way up is a long way away
>yfw 15 years down the road; Long Way Out: ewan and charlie ride a motorcycle on the moon and skid like a sikh cunt
>I'll build one myself
Then it won't be an old chopper.
I meant like an old school style. It's like building a car, what fun is it and how can you love it if it's only yours because a piece if paper says it is
old styled ;)
I follow this guy on instagram that posts the sickest bikes, I can't get enough
do it m8
What on earth would long way up be? Maybe Patagonia/Ushuaia to AK?
"afford to"
you mean when pawpaw decides you deserve a high school graduation present and gives you money to build some shit?
that's actually what they are either working on, planning or filming at the moment.
>I wish to be uncomfortable, the opposite of fast and I want to make sure I can't corner worth a shit
Gosh that's almost as dumb as posting on an anonymous image board with a name.
I get the feeling that if these cunts were actually cool they'd just do it and not make a movie about it. It seems to me like a catered outdoor motorcycle trip that always gets /out/ in a state.
goooooooooooddddddddd that fucking shit was TRASH. if that cringefest netflix bullshit made you want a chopper fucking >KILL< >YOURSELF