/mhg/ Monster Hunter General

Najarala Edition

Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 / Search
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MHFU, MonHun, /mhg/

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Can someone give me some tips for Hammer? I need to break my "mash 3hit y combo" habit

I want to BE the Kirin Slut!

Reminder that Capcom canned Frontier 2 for MHO.




Original detail of the game:
>frontier 2 for pc and ps4
>over 2 years in development now
>game is set for release as early as 2016
>unreal engine 4
>target market is currently japan, with other regions potentially being added later
>capcom korea with ncsoft veterans
>reference to "next mh game"

Capcom denying game's existence

>people play MH for the story



Oh thank god, I thought it was a real MH title.

pyfw now its a NX exclusive launch title

The days of Tri and 3U are coming back baby!!!!!!!!!!!

Where were you when pokemon got subspecies?


At the end of every triple you you can either roll out of it (steve) or hold r to charge up for _standing_ ground pound.

After standing pound, roll to cancel it.

Aim for the head.

Follow through the entire triple y unless you are super far away or need to dodge an obvious roar ->fire ball.

Iron hammer -> Steve hammer.
This has me at hrs 4 atm and cleared villiage.

Steve hammer is one of the best in 4u.

If you want to use elements, spinning tornado applies the most elemental hits as its speedy.

do you not have access to the volcanl yet?

In MH5 would you want a playstyle or the return of styles that would allow HH to pretend to be healers? Like say to make up for their loss of contribution they got like Attack Up XL and Defense Up XL.

That's more or less what you should be doing though. Go in with your level 1 or 2 charge attacks, use your three hit combo if you have a big opening, repeat. Only use the three hit if you'll actually hit with the golf swing, otherwise use the superpound or something.

Dreadking Radalos farming



Digimon did that since the 90's

G O B A C K T O / V P /

Can someone please tell me how to unlock village HR Shagaru?

Now what is super pound? Also how do I go about attacking sleeping monsters? Like what attack?

Which big monster has the most potential to exist irl?

Unlocked turns!
Usual pass

i think you have to get to hr4

looks cool tbqh famalamilia

I'd like the option I guess for people who wanna do that but not be dead weight. Maybe a style where your weapon always bounced even with skills and had forced shit affinity, but got access to specific note combos or arts that gave way better buffs.

Super pound is a stationary level 3 attack.

Your best attack for sleeping monsters is the golf swing, but it can take a bit of practise because you need to whiff the first two hits. Just use the superpound if you're not comfortable, it's not far behind (you need to whiff the first hit of the pound as well though). I'm not actually sure where these rate against Barrel Bombs in X though.

He said village my man

Does Naja make a return in Gen? Honestly it was one of my favorite 'new' monsters. It's high-rank armor was great for IG users, what with HG Earplugs. It got me through H-rank and the story mode.

Your HR unlocks village quests.

No, HR 2 in both village and hub, I like to do every quest before moving on but fuck using GS without fastcharge

>NX MH title

Is NX the 3DS killer?

Is there no HR village? I've been doing the key quests and did the Shagaru one most recently, now I've got all 4 of the flagships to fight at once.

i know. you need to increase your hunter rank in order to unlock certain village quests. been like that since at least mh4.

ID: 42-1508-8617-0708
Pass: 7243

High rank turns.

There are some HR quests in Village 6*, but you have to get to HR in the Hub first.


>leave a hub to turn in a request
>5 secs later search again
>it's gone
What. Guys.

Will I get blacklisted if I enter a lr mhgen room with the bujabujabu set and a hammer


it's their next handheld, so probably.

the ones that say "advanced" are hr.

Aerial for Glaive and Dual blades my man. The high speed forward vault on IG makes it fun, and DBs with adept or aerial are absolute monsters for damage during dodges.

Ah, thanks. Guess it's time to jump online.

how hard is it to learn how to gunner after using gs/sa/ls?
i kinda want to try the bow or something but after farming a bunch of armor sets just for bm im not sure if i should try it right now but the bow felt decent fun to use in the training despite it taking me ages to kill a fucking maccao with it

>it's their next handheld, so probably.

>blacklisting meme
Don't be so paranoid and the only people that are going to kick you are people that need carrying and aren't worth your time

Just like how 3DS surpassed DS sales right?

Always want to try IG but the fucking insect always puts me off. Do I need to worry about raising it a certain way or what?

>he still doesn't know

bro, that is really fucking casual. you'll find no sympathy around here. hop online search for gathering room if you really can't be bother to run one more low rank urgent with out your crutch

so its confirmed that monhun is the post apocalyptic future of pokemon now, right?

I just got uncapped last night at HR51 and its still not there. I dont see it listed amongst the other unlocks you get from like HR35, 80, etc.

dump everything in speed

If you think the NX is a handheld then I bet you think the Wii U was a handheld too.

>People who defend prowler online

They cite the damage they can do with Japanese TA videos but neglect to mention that it requires a perfect combination of skills and perfect execution of gameplay. 99% of prowlers are going to be garbage tossing regular boomerangs or bashing monsters with their paper mache melee weapons for half of what a hunter does.

Who though generations was acceptable game to release after the perfection that was 4u?

He means he believes the Nintendo Vita TV rumor



>People who defend hunters online

They cite the damage they can do with Japanese TA videos but neglect to mention that it requires a perfect combination of skills and perfect execution of gameplay

>Nintendo Vita TV rumor

See, that would actually be cool. I'm worried it's just going to be another Wii U clone and I'm gonna have to buy some shitty Wii U 2.0 to play Monster Hunter 5.

>Nibelsnarf exists

this fucking retarded frog thing has to be the most frustrating zero fun hunt across every single Monster Hunter game ever

MHGen is a bad game, it's time to accept it.

Nibelsnarf's cool as shit though. Bring bombs.

He's a straight upgrade over Cephadrome in any case.

There won't be a MH5 on NX though. There's zero install base. Even now Capcom is struggling with a mere 2 million sales.

Is sexual with monster allowed?


If you wouldn't fuck Tamamitsune you're a homosexual.

HR Turns room.
Get your quests done.

I want to BE Meowstress


nibelsnarf is a fucking blast, are you really that bad?

what about him makes you share this very shit opinion?

>Find out you can fish him out of the sand

A great monster

snarf is fucking boring

>lemme sit here for a few seconds for you to wail on me
>watch out! I'm gonna bite you! ok, I'm gonna sit still again now
>time to run back and fourth and waste time!!

the bomb and fish gimic is cool and all, but snarf is just a waste of time

this place is full of snarf shills, you'll never win

Any one else find Tetsucabra oddly.... cute?

Tetsu is best monster. He just wants to show off his favorite boulder!

One slot!

It only wants to show you how big his rock collection is, it's the meanie hunters that bully him into aggression!

Yeah! Somebody gets it.

>When he busts out the REALLY BIG rock

Also, anyone who doesn't find the sideways sumo stomp he does the cutest little gesture ever, needs to get the fuck out of my MonHun.


blaming the game instead of himself for sucking shit

Is it really this easy? I seem to remember in 4U one type of bug heavily outclassed the rest and you had to specifically build for it.


reminder that Tama is the most stylish monster

allow me to mention tiggy turning around, stomping forward, slipping and falling over

Just to clarify, if I do a quest that has the village icon more than once, do I still get the village points even if it was already cleared before?

Tiggy's charge is understandable though, since if your camera is in a bad angle, you could mess the timing.

Yes is it
The best bug is the affinity one, which comes with max speed
Or you can look up the balanced kinsect, it's also ok, I think gaijin has a vid on it

He just gets to flustered and embarrassed awa~

Sweet. Last question before I get on it then - do I still need an IG of every element or is that no longer necessary?

It's simpler now, just feed it a fuckton of speed juices and then choose the best kinsects

The Kinsect tree you want is the speed one beccause it gives you about 50% affinity for having white extract, so:

For impact damage: Mauldrone to Gullshad to Bullshroud

And for cutting damage: Culldrone to Windchopper to Grancathar

Can you kill yourself? This isn't a thread for your shit series, stop forcing your shit here.

the weapon of choice for most of them is hellblade glavenus, so nah

as far as i can tell the only weapons that actually make heavy use of element in gen is duals, because wolf's maw is stupid

>want to destroy tail
>destroy wings
>want to destroy wings
>destroy tail
why am i so shit at this game
give me tips guise (i am newfag to this game)

It basically is.

We're full genwunner meme.


yes. not the 50p for clearing or the potential points in reward though.

It's usually 10-20.

In monster hunter 4, they made it that if you goal swing someone, it propels them for air strikes. A "oops sorry bro" turned into "Im mounting stop attack"

why did they they try to fix something that wasn't broken? I can't do my hammer combo anymore, you know, A A A R. They took out golf swing WHY?!