Hello Veeky Forums I want to play a game.

Choose wisely

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Fuck Doug
Kill Scotty
Marry Regular

Kill all 3.
Literal cancer.

holy fuck you literally chose the worst 3 people on the internet for this thread


doug is an idiot but loveable
scotty is a retard-level idiot and thinks he isn't
regular speaks my inner thoughts to me

That's the idea my friend, that's why it's called INSANE edition.

Why is mr regular so hot?

Yeah I find these pretty agreeable. Doug and Regular are pretty neck and neck but my name is Douglas too so that would get weird.

Fuck Scotty
Marry Regular
Kill Doug

>not wanting scotty to apply his 57 years of auto repair experience to your boi puss

>Wears shitty new balances, not even 570's

Kill all three.

Maybe fuck Mr regular but I'd still kill him after.

Fuck that tree
Marry that hat
Kill that grayish car interior because fuck man I think I see pleather


put all 3 in a shitty car
and burn it !!
for god sake !!

Marry scotty
Fuck regular
Kill doug muh jdm skyline

This, anything else makes you a retarded faggot

Pretty sure Scotty wouldn't be interested in me as i'm not a 12 year old.

i think im qualified to do this one:

fuck the dude on the right

kill the center guy

marry mr regular

doesnt mean he isnt good looking.

>giving a shit about what shoes other men wear

Fuck Doug, marry Scotty, Kill the other guy.

Scotty is in his 60's and a literally millionaire, only an utter bafoon wouldn't choose him for marriage.

kill it all with fire

Marry Mr. Regular for sure. Every morning id wake up to that low, throaty voice he does that only I seem to like

I honestly don't think Doug is all that bad, his videos aren't the best but they aren't terrible either

People do it all the time in the adult world

How do you guys know regular is a furry?

his humor intentionally isolates as many people as possible.

Veeky Forums told me so

Why does everyone hate Doug so much? I mean he is kinda retarded and has an annoying face but he isn't that bad.

Veeky Forums likes to blow things out of proportion

Well I mean a lot of people don't like him on YouTube as well

And for that matter, what's wrong with Scotty? He definitely has boomerish tendencies but I like his persona and he doesn't take 23 minutes to explain something that takes 2 min

Fuck Scotty, marry Mr. Furfag, kill Kike McNu-male

Chad thinks that Doug dude is a complete faggot.
Kilmer is lame af too.
Mr regs for the win

Marry Regular
kill those other fags and also the guy that sings those cringe-inducing songs at the start of RCR videos

Even reddit hates him.

