lets pretend that donald trump wins the elections, which stocks will go up and which ones will go down?
Lets pretend that donald trump wins the elections, which stocks will go up and which ones will go down?
How the fuck are we to know that?
Nothing probably, there would be no significant change other than an early dip from uncertainty like with brexit
it will already be priced in by the time the market opens
PEPE will moon by 200%
Berkshire Hathaway will crash and never recover
>Berkshire Hathaway will crash and never recover
Because Buffet will tip over from a stroke
He says he wants to put a tariff on incoming trades to the US while boosting infrastructure.
If he actually does this then I would short companies that mainly get supplies from out of country and buy in contractors used for building roads/bridges/maintenance. This is a broad generalization though and does ultimately depend on what the companies will do in response to the elections vs what they do prior to possibly prevent stocks going down.
Redpill me on that stock noob to trading
It's happening, nigga.
Here's a hint: Take a look at who's funding Hillary's campaign. Buy puts on those companies and you're set.
You can thank me later