Has Veeky Forums ever gotten a ticket?
Has Veeky Forums ever gotten a ticket?
Dumbass you deserved it
Yes, 3, speeding.
Only a few over. Each
you owe 1400 for speeding ? what the fuck is this shit.
A fine.
I didn't know the fines went that high. How fast did you go?
Only when I let them give me one...
Speeding x3.
Crossing the double white lines.
The last one I got for avoiding a skateboarder -.-'
>get caught going 160 on the highway
>minimum fine $2000, road side suspension, jail etc.
>get $75 ticket for going 15 over
being raised by cops has its advantages
You're supposed to hit the skateboarders and rear end the kids with riced cars, not break the law to avoid it
But if they're elderly cyclists and men with classic cars you better cross the double yellow and risk hitting a semi head on
Yes heaps and ive paid more then that it sucks but meh the price you pay for doing "wrong" pretty easy to not get them though just dont drive like a dick or own a car that draws attention
When I was younger, before I learned the art of driving fast with out getting attention.
Usually was about every 6 months, I just looked at it as additional tax for being a power user.
Got hit on a country backroad yesterday, 115 in a 55. Cop asked me how fast I was going, poker faced and said "65 at most", cop laughed, we chatted, went back to his cruiser, came back and said I need to get my tabs done they're almost expired, he walks back, checks my tabs, comes back, " well fuck nevermind your tabs are good you just have the wrong registration in here!" walks back, gets to the bed of my truck and I hear him yell "aw fuck it" comes back, "I was gonna give you a ticket for 10 over and call it a day but forget it, just slow the fuck down and have a safe night man"
Holy fuck I love being white.
>implying black people can't spin yarns
Sometimes, when they install a new speed cam.
Well, living in my shithole country helps - tickets are < $10 and you get a 50% discount if you pay it within 2 weeks.
Do they barter? Like could I give them a chicken or a goat?
I've gotten at least 8, prob 9.
The cheapest was $240.
I would've had more, but I owned an 170+ mph STi for 6 years and left several cops behind me (including one nasty 20-mile chase w/ a police Charger).
"Road Tax."
True story senpai. Had I been black it would've ended up on CNN with afros in the street screaming about black lives matter.
No, but you can haggle.
Red light camera caught me making a right turn when it had a red arrow
Got a ticket for $500 never paid it and nothing bad came out of it
That's how that shit happened user. Black people spinning yarns.
"He diden do nuthin'! Dat cop juss shotted him for nuthin'!
The whole black lives matter was predicated on a lie.
Story please
>Okay, I'm bored, and stimmed on 60mg dextroamphetamine at 3AM.
-In '06 STi (tuned to 18.5 psi).
-Driving from parents' home across states back to university.
-Had been, but wasn't at the moment, smoking weed while driving - with a half ounce in the console.
-Going ~25 mph over.
-Radar detector - "K-A-ALERT!"
-Obvious cop charger crests hill in front of me going the other way.
-Immediate disco lights
-He pulls a U-turn in the heavily-dipped median, slowing him down.
-I'm at least 400 ft (130 m) ahead.
-I decide to downshift and WOT.
-At one point I look down and see "173 mph" on my ScanGage-II.
-The charger is still chasing me, at a large distance behind, at least 7 minutes in.
-I'm terrified, sweating, scared.
-Crest a hill, see supermarket on the left.
-Turn into supermarket, go like 55 mph through parking lot, park car in back.
-Get out and peek around the building - the cop kept on blowing past with his lights on.
-I took another route back to campus, convinced that I would be apprehended again given my stock-winged '06 STi status.
I looked up the news and police blotter for days, there was never a word about it. I looked up the local police code - they aren't supposed to chase evaders unless they are murderers or something because of risk to the cops and other drivers. I was horrified for several months, and always expected to find police knocking on my door. Now, 4 years later, I look back and laugh... But it scares me how quickly I made the decision to evade. I recently retraced the route I took and it was around 20 miles.
I was rolling at 25 over in a 40 once in my MS6 and came around a corner to find a cop sitting there. Some cunt in a shit beater Saturn was behind me going the same speed, so when the cop inevitably pulled out, I dropped to 4th to take off, but then rethought it and pulled over.
>mfw he heard me drop gears and gave me a smaller ticket for not running
>wrote me down for 50 in a 40
>guy behind me got the 25 over ticket
I almost wrote a letter to this guy to thank him for saving my ass. I'm 19 and my insurance company's already got me bent over and tied up.
I've been pulled over 7 times, only ever been cited once. Every time before that I was let off with a verbal warning. By the time I finally got a ticket I wasn't even mad, I knew I deserved it at that point.
Got a $490 ticket for going 91mph on 280i While driving my 99 corolla. Have to go to court later this month and fight it.
>be me
>depend on car entirely
>go back from work
2 days pass (because days off)
>walking towards car
>see rear plate missing
>What the fuq
>can't go to precinct
Will complete later. Doing flt to Miami (I'm a pilot)
Pic related
Riding the shoulder in ridiculous traffic for a jughandle for 20 feet. Cop gave me a delaying traffic ticket in New Jersey (0 points, $54 fine, not a moving violation).
54mph in a 30mph zone (speed limit ridiculously low but no way I was doing more than 45mph). Hired a lawyer, plea deal was ignoring a stop sign (2 points, $200 fine). Total cost with attorney and defensive driving was somewhere around $800. Fuck New York. (If I hadn't fought it the ticket would have been at least $500, my insurance prices would have gone up by 50% for years, and I would owe $100/yr for the next three years because of New York's "Driver responsibility" assessment).
to be 100% honest i have had like 8 or 9 tickets with like 15+ pull overs since i was 18 (im now 25) for every time i get nabbed for speeding there are countless instances where i get away with it and im talking driving like that one russian dude in the BMW on youtube
that being said if you want really really nice cars you cant speed like that or if you do very very little
who the fuck steals a licence plate?
What do they plan on doing with it?
They could fake a licenced vehicle but your going to report it and then what will they do?
Nope. 10 years going stronk.
I guess he's technically correct. When it's that much, it's considered trafficking rather than selling.
Shit ton have court later this month for 85 in a 65 and passing on the right, hopefully my lawyer can keep the Jew judge from suspending my dl
So your above the law because daddies a cop?
This is why people don't like cops
Could've had a nasty fine and probably jailtime/liscence revoked. Doing 120 in my ls400 around 12am. Fly by a car, looks like a crown vic. Sure enough lights flip on and he starts to speed up. I decided to run because fuck getting a fine and higher insurance, I was 20. Cop falls far behind, and soon I top out at 160. The ls400s are no joke at higher speeds. After maybe 5mins I pull off at an exit, make it home safe. Was a big rush. Happened on highway 101 near san jose.
No, i only speed when my friend lets me know it's safe (he is a police officer so he will warn me if they are out with speed cameras)