Why can Japan have Twingos and Freedomland can't?
Because they are gay. We don't want them here. This meme needs to die.
Ask Twingo Corp.
>stop liking what I don't like
This meme is pure cringe, like bronies.
Safety and emissions standards
that mean nothing because people will just buy 25 year old cars anyways
that are inferior to yurop's in some respects (except for diesel retardation. Co2? nothx. acid rain? yes!)
You must be fun at parties
funnily, I never felt anything wrong back in the pre-particle filter days of diesels.
now, when a diesel accelerates hard in front of me, it smells really biting and I have to cough like a motherfucker.
back then you just saw a big black smoke cloud and it smelled like burned diesel. now you see nothing but it bites in your lungs and smells like literal death.
>yfw you realised it's twing-go and not twin-go
What are these aftermarket bumpers?
English not your first language?
>not liking twingos
twingo will beat you up
No they come on the RS model.
>like bronies
pure autism
It's more like the sakurafish threads on /a/. But a little more gay. I think it's a thread made by male ballet dancers.
agreed, liking a single model of a crappy car because it looks 'cute' is pure autism.
>calls others autistic
>keeps lurking and spamming in a thread he hates so much
here's your (you)
Twingo pictures to the rescue
This is the sad way normalfags look at this gorgeous car.
I've noticed that too. Diesel smoke in third world countries still has the traditional sweet smell, but in first world countries it's acrid and nasty.
Dunno if that's the lack of sulphur or catalysts or what.
I think it's a combination between the shit the catalyst and particle filter do AND that newer diesel engines burn the diesel at much higher pressure than the old ones did.
freedomland gets the metro
>no more twingo general
>fagginess spreading all over Veeky Forums
So much for efficiency desu
Fuck that shit, I had to ride in it with 4 people in the back and 3 in the front.
Then the driver decides to speed up at a speed ramp and several people damaged their head or necks.
>7 people in a 4 people car
>surprised when you get hurt
Wew lad
>Having Renault back in the States
>Not remembering the disaster that was Daimler-Chrysler
You can't make this shit up.
Everything that Chrysler touch turns to shit.
Suits me just right
Except for Chrysler products themselves
If you disagree with me I'll personally run you over with my Cordoba
>chrysler 30 years ago
is not chrysler today
ebin 300 bro
shitposting the same picture of my cute little fucker again, deal with it
a guy on /mlp/ showed a pic with a Twingo plush among the ponies
wish I had the pic
I dunno, but we got tons in yurop, gonna buy one in a few months and get it painted dagumi colors
It's silver... Give it a Merc badge.
but then it's similar to the Smart cars
an insult to the twingo
>"similar" to the Smart cars
You're aware that the new generation of Twingo is built on the exact same chassis as the new Smart ForFour, RR engine layout and all, right?
so in your world, every silver car should have a merc badge?
Like this?
Yeah, pretty much. SIlver metallic is basically owned by Merc in my head. Silver arrow and all. Kawasaki has its lime, KTM has its orange, Mercs are silver.
Might it be the same guy who also has the dragon dildo?
exactly, but I might skip the sticker
>Give it a Merc badge.
I think he straps that dildo to the plush and that's also the reason why that dildo has the same color as the Twingo
Found it.
fuck that, don't do this
Because america is the worst place in the world for car enthusiasts excluding s/e asia
Just import one it's freedomland.
wrong, it's actually England
cars are only cool if they are BIG and LOUD anything else is just QUEER!
Since the car was never sold in freedomland, you have to wait 25 years before it can be imported
We don't want them. The american market doesn't have a niche for the car or it would have been sold here.
If Smart cars can sell so can Twingos.
>It's about the plot and character development.
Shut up, faggot. You like this car because you see yourself as a special snowflake. The guy who likes uncool things because he hopes people will think he is cool for being different. Nobody wears fedoras so you wear one.
You Twingofags better choose a more neutral theme next time.
Looking at all these posts, it seems like this is triggering a bunch of people.
I don't think this thread was made by one of the regular Twingoposters, it's just that we decided that this is now the new Twingo thread.
I think someone was genuinely curious as to why Americans can't import Twingos, and maybe why certain people on this board like them so much.
But nobody buys smart cars
I think some of Veeky Forums is getting pissed off that this place gets more cancerous every week, and twingo faggots are low hanging fruit.
>I think some of Veeky Forums is getting pissed off that this place gets more cancerous every week
This is fucking nothing. Summer hasn't even started yet
At least Twingo threads remain largely unaffected by all the shitposting. They're usually a pretty comfy place to be.
>They're usually a pretty comfy place to be.
Car people don't really like NEET Weebos. We tend to be thrill seekers that get grease under our fingernails in our spare time. Many of us fail to be Chads but we aren't robots.
I like insane, vicious, driver-murdering machines like the Viper as much as the next guy, but cute little shitboxes also have their right to exist.
A lot of guys get into cars to do something masculine and get away from that crap. Just because you like a generic sports car like a Viper doesn't mean the rest of us are going to start liking Twingos. Look at the catalog, at any one time there are few to no threads about cute weeb cars, Veeky Forums is not your sensitive numale hugbox, there are other boards for that.
We tolerate you being here. Tolerance that is overused will wear out, then you will get all the vitriol we are holding back. Stay in your containment thread.
lmao Veeky Forums isn't your sekret Kool Karz club
m8 you're the one having a fit that people are discussing a car you don't like
honestly embarrassing yourself 2bh
There there user, what happened?
>I was *sniffle* being really obnoxious and they told me to go away
Why were you being obnoxious?
>My teacher told me that everybody is special, and everybody has a right to be themselves
Well in the real world if you annoy people they will tell you to fuck off.
You know what bud. Go to /g/ and try to discuss typewriters or oil lamps. Go to /s/ and try to have a obese woman thread. Go to /d/ and have a thread about sex positions other than missionary.
>We tolerate you being here. Tolerance that is overused will wear out, then you will get all the vitriol we are holding back. Stay in your containment thread.
>we anomys we regioon expeng ass xDD
Heard you talkin shit
It's ok
you're on fire senpai. I see you making Veeky Forums great again.
Its funny to watch how weebs delight in creating a wall of cringe that keeps knowledgeable people from ever wanting to get near them.
One day they find themselves on /r9k/ and wonder how they got there.
>wah waaahh wahh
What did you just say?
fukken saved
the twingo has become the Veeky Forums MLP
literal aspies only like it
Smart cars had a the parking gimmick. what does the Twingo have going for it?
>Captcha was to select pick up trucks.
Versatile interior, I supposed. Can carry twice the people compared to a Smart, or more cargo, or you can turn it into a double bed.
Breh... Care to explain what the hell you were doing on /mlp/?
Isn't it obvious?
Don't forget that it's the cheapest way to own a car in Europe, including taxes, upkeep and maintenance. Not even the Corolla-a-cute-cute is that cheap.
You should probably kill yourself.
>it's the cheapest way to own a car in Europe, including taxes
>fiat cinquecento/seicento
>daewoo tico/matiz
all above are 3-pot sub-900ccm lawnmower engines, so they're cheaper both to get and tax
getting twingo is still a choice of mind (muh 4-pot/relability/pracicality/value for money) or heart(cuteness/fanbase/meme/design)
p.s. some mindfuck:
Keep in mind Twingos were a massive sales hit, so there's an absolute fuckton of them around. Parts are really easy to come by, and usually stupidly cheap.
If you live in a country that taxes cars based on displacement, then yes, the 1.2l is at a disadvantage compared to the 0.9l city boxes you mentioned. Fuel consumption is very similar though.