Sweet sweet Noxian on Demacian corruption action edition
Sweet sweet Noxian on Demacian corruption action edition
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for me
Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.
>vladfag edition
give me your most elite muscular illegal memebuilds
any role any champ
>Veeky Forums tells me to pick Rock Solid
>literally freelo
Jesus Christ
>Cass Support
Screencap this
>not turned on by Vayne being pounded senseless by the pr
Whats wrong with thee
Akali jungle
AD Red Armor Yellow AP Quint/Blue 12/0/18 SoA Start talisman 3pot
Build straight into gunblade, sorcs or mercs or tabis, then complete red smite cinderhulk, build rylais/ga/void in any order
It sounds good but trust me it's great
this also works for mordekaiser
Bets? It's a nidalee
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
syndra gonna shit on ahri ashes gonna feed, red win.
Is Irelia worth 4800
Does anyone know the sauce for this? Riven does things to me.
Both NRG and TSM has foreign mid laners and junglers, why don't we make whole teams out of imports?
Deja vu! I've just swam in this place before
Reminder vladfag got blown so fucking hard he left Watsu's discord in silence
search it yourself on r34 or danbooru fucking faggot
>red smite cinderhulk
Oh this is extra spicy
Just got it, feels good man. GP's barrel tech is so much fun that I feel like I can play him without ever getting bored.
the developer literally said multiple times that they intentionally left that interaction in.
what is with these retarded questions today?
u wot
Who gives a fuck. This is the same group that quietly coddles tomoka because he got blown out so fucking hard from the thread, I wouldn't be one to talk.
>implying I actually read the discord unless it pings me with my name
Stay jelly of my husband and ship fags
Why is Lux the cutest lewdest and tightest champion
holy shit that was violent
does this guy always give TSM shit?
So we got
vladfag aka porcealin rod
threshfag aka gift me darkstar thresh /brewposter
lissfag aka titty icecream
and multiple lulufags
who is the worst?
what are there pro's and cons?
How do you GP? I tried him top vs. a Malphite and got keelhauled.
Its odd that you somehow mention just TSM and NRG for having imports.
lulu buffs when
goodnight lolg time to go cry myself to sleep yet another night
>contestguy didn't greenlight the elise banner for the current contest
>doesn't even come to thread anymore
>still manages to be the best poster
>Cockroach plays teemo
checks out.
threshfag is the worst prove me wrong
I don't get the new banner. It's not even lewd.
Learn how to phantom barrel (where you put down 2 barrels, shoot the 1st one, then put down a 3rd one that explodes instantly). Learning this alone has given me so much more damage output because they never see the 3rd barrel coming.
I also play really safe in lane, don't bother trying to get too many kills. Just farm, and pay attention to the map once you hit 6 for easy assists. Never use your ult in a 1 vs 1 situation unless you know for sure you need to, it's global presence is too valuable. Also get 10% cdr scaling runes.
Good luck user.
god, I can't imagine being high elo and getting matched with qtpie and his retarded ass "le support champs xdd"
he gives teams that won't be able to do much against good teams shit. he'll give any team shit if they're going to a tournament but they dont stack up well.
faction system
Breast Waifu
The tooltip literally said, it could be stopped by spell cast interruptions and anything that stops casting.
It's a channeled ability, however, I now see that they changed the tooltip, so I guess he gets a free escape.
he's just a passive agressive fuck
>post game chat
ahha i was partly right. plat players cant keep their leads aparantly. i thought it got better the high you went.
cassskins is worse than all of them put together (other cassfags aren't bad)
lissfag is the worst of those you listed
>support decides to pick ashe as if it's the most natural thing in the world
>"she has slow, she can kite and her ult can stun"
Also, is Contest Guy around? I feel like this faction system is a good idea but the execution is flawed
Aside from Targon being represented by fucing TARIC instead of Pantheon, some factions are clearly way stronger than others:
For example, let's take Targon. Their champion is Taric, a champion that can only be played on support. Voting with him earns half a point for Diana and Leona, a total of 1 point per win on only one role
Now let's take Demacia. Their champion is J4 and he can be played top, jungle, mid and arguably even support. Voting with him earns half a point for 7 champions, a total of 3.5 votes per win on a champion that can cover almost all roles
Those are, of course, both extremes sides of the system, but I feel like it's exploitable.
tl;dr some factions are much more value than others
That's one thing that actually does get better.
People also get better at rotating and getting enemies out of position so it about evens out.
Demacia is definitely the strongest faction
Playing with Vayne/Sona/Lux/J4/Fiora gives you 6 votes per victory instead of 5, it gives them an edge but I don't think people will queue as 5 for this
Being able to play J4 on every role is great, though, even more if you are voting for Vayne as you can always vote for her even if you don't get AD
Your waifu is trash. Going around playing music showing off the titties and being mute.
>try to play rengar
>fuck up massively
I can't get this fucking Leap+E down its bullshit I just end up throwing E and not jumping
I used to be able to do it perfectly but then they added the mid air cast time and some bugs, then they ""fixed"" it
Fuck Rengar. Play the Apex Predator.
Red smite bloodrazor
Wit's end
Motherfucking NASHOR'S TOOTH
saved you the work
>plat 5
>can finally play support
>games are 10 times better than in gold
On paper, it's indeed a pretty good advantage but it's not going to matter that much. Actually, I think it even might be a bit underpowered
In Ranked you can't instalock, though you can queue for your role and hope you get it. You can't dodge either, so the faction system is supposed to be an alternative: you didn't get AD this time to play Vayne, but you got jungle so you'll play J4. It only gives you half a point, though so it's not really that worth it
In that regard, Targon might be the shittiest faction of all, because Taric and Leona can only be played support
>lying on the internet
xth for cute supports with sensitive horns
yep, some factions are definitely better than others. targon should be pantheon and noxus should be swain so they could get a bit more flexible. having a support champion representing a faction isn't bad though, braum on freljord is good because they cover every role but support, it's really demacia being a bit too good and targon being a bit too bad that breaks the system
Indirect nerfs after the assassin update
Got this from a chest a few days ago, a bit harder on the eyes than the default
>tfw waiting for Battlecast skin to go on sale
what happened?
they'll nerf her when triggernigger jhin and her arent the "meta" picks. b-but muh kog-maw yeah he's played 24/7. 3 adcs game after game is so enjoyably.
I've been camped by an eve in my last three games fucking kill me
I just played a custom game that was just me vs an intermediate bot and it actually took 50 entire minutes to win
And tight magical unicorn pussy
were you playing AP braum or are you mentally deficient or what
Best Kog skin?
I'm on vacation in the middle of the woods so I had like 160 ping the entire time and thus the bot was actually outfarming me for a while
Was playing LB into Irelia bot
Also the bot was rotating better than most silver players
this 'un
Monarch and reindeer. Just.
>yasuo hover
>weeb name
>yas clantag
>project skin
>mastery 7
>7 deaths before 10 minutes
Every fucking time
statikk rengar is so retarded
how is this allowed
only the tightest and with delicious white bush
ez blinked to the edge of the ice zone, you dashed with protobelt and hit him with a q w right as the ice caught up to him.
>mfw there is LITERALLY nothing an adc can do to stop me from 100-0ing them as J4
I may die but my team lives on.
Name a champ that goes harder than him.
I want to CUM INSIDE Soraka's tight horsecock hole!
every yasuo feeds, always its truly an enigma. do you ever wonder whats going on in their mind during the feedings? i think its pic related. still funny as fuck
All the best Yasuo's are playing normals.
Literally everytime I play ranked the Yasuo sucks, but when I hope in normals I see them 32/0 every time.
>Quinn gets fb level 1 somehow
>Refuses to go buy until she hits 6 when khazix kills her
>Meanwhile bot dies 3x 2v2
>My fault entirely
it's because of akali jungle dude, it was just too off meta that your team tilted.
>literally divine pussy
>that feel when triple barreling the adc and nearly 1 shotting them
i guess we all have preferences ___:3___
good girl support
>Soraka will never dedicate every muscle in her body to the task of making you cum inside her
why even live
Intermediate bots don't respect minion damage at all so the easiest way to beat them if you're unironically bronze is to just kite them inside your own minion wave
>Akali jungle
nice job being useless all game
>tfw will never bury my nose in vlads pure white bush as I take his pr in my throat
>check official forums
>it's literally in a permanent state of butthurt
>endless yasuo hate threads
Why is Yasuo allowed to have such an overloaded kit? He's literally urf mode - the champ and shits just plain unfun to fight against.