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1st 4 fuck honduh

We /dailybeerthread/ yet?

still half nekkid?

Yeah, I can't find this tiny coolant leak. Gonna put them back on and stop giving a fuck.

just tape over the hoses and reservoir

is there some site i can compare different parts?
i need to check some triple trees

what do you mean compare parts?

i need to check how some fairings are mounted on different versions of my bike

>Buddy gonna get a bike
>Eyes set on 2015 Bolt C-spec
>Its marked down at the dealer for $4999.99
>He's a cheap ass
>Will still want it cheaper
>Whats a realistic haggle price?

i hope it's the yamaha one
2,5k for a used one

II'll need to braze some cooling fins onto the engine to do that tho.

It's easier just to add 100ml to the reservoir every 3 months or more.

Tell him to get a GS500

What is there beside the Yamaha Bolt?

its new

no idea what braze means, but if it's such a minimal leak, the fuck did you strip your bike for???

yeah, don't get a new one, if you can't afford it...
cruisers especially are marked up as hell

hm, not sure then. product listings should have some photos of them installed. you can check partzilla or bikebandit to see exploded diagrams. they might give you an idea of how they're mounted

i rode my friends bolt all the time. its super boring. he traded it for an fz09 and now he can keep up.

got some on the oem site, thanks

Welding on cast is a bad idea.

Needed valve check and adjust, new air filter.



Swapped a cruiser for a literal meme.

Dunno how to feel about this.

Dirtbikes are for kids

Good, I've been planning on being a kid forever.

I'm uploading a spicy (boring) new dirt bike video to JewTube for you guys right now.

its a fun bike lol. it sells really well and this is bad somehow?

Why is this thread so dead, did y'all shitpost yourselves to death while I was gone.

post leddit link so i can up-toke it for you !

>not making boring webm

What's that

I'm making a downscaled, more compact cosmic beam.

>Good, I've been planning on being a kid forever.
I may grow old, but I won't grow up.

is that way

Hey you asked, I was just trying to take a picture of a motorcycle (look at the top right in the previous pic)

I am not good with camera pls teach

Naked strom is sexy after 8 beers.
Its gonna be like that time I fucked that fat girl and it ended up being the best sex I had in ages.


Nekkid strom user is wings user?

daily reminder that honda a shit


Does rice exist in the 2wheels scene?


this looks fun as shit



Rice is oddly inverted in motorcycles. The gaudy shit, you always seem to find on cruisers. Sportbike mods that I've seen have been reasonably practical. Cruiser mods are always

>implying there isn't riced supersports and streetfighters don't exist

Hurr cruisercucks lol xDD

/dbt/ is shit. What happened to all the Australians?

Queensland DL1000 guy is a very complicated man, that's all I'll say.

>stretched busas

is ATGATT a meme

why not

>go read that article
>it's basically: wear a suit on a cafe racer to be super hot


please explain

I heard he fukt your mum, fagget!

can i sleep at night in a tent in italy or will i get raped by refuggees/police?

why not both?


well thanks user

i feel like this reply is a few hours late

>can i sleep at night in a tent in italy
the noise of people getting caught in the perimeter fence might keep you up

>in Italy


>have A license

Feels wonderful man.

It is indeed a terribly article.

yeah but i'm still around



Price seems right.

can you plz identify this baiku? ;_;

>>stretched busas
stretched everything*
At this point all I haven't seen is a stretched dualsport

1998-2001 vfr800

thx so much man

fairing looks kinda different tho

Suzuki GSXR-750? 4 cyl water cooled carb model?
this is my only skill

actually I was wrong.
Single sided swing arm means it has to be a VFR800

I swear he has the new fairing on the old bike, the seat is a dead give away on the year model, that little spoiler.


Hey, look
>yet another shit talking adv rider biting the dusr

you were wrong bro

it's an older vfr pre-98

How does one recover such a hambeast from nap time?


>that little spoiler
They're handles.

that's because it's not an 800, it's a VFR750F (note the classic VFR750 venturi intake)

Just put your butt in the seat and lift it up.

And I think you may be right, touche

using your own seething anger at having bought a pigfat bike

["This is the rithm of the night" in the distance]

what if you drop it on a hill and its facing down the hill?

it's italy.


It needs to be italo disco user.

drag it around? idk

Believe it or not they make a fucking winch for these bikes.

I don't know how you could get through more than like 1 or 2 bolts of installing this bad boy before wondering if you maybe bought the wrong bike.

dbt what is the best dirt bike for off road riding?

what kind of off road?
what the fuck


Yeah new dirt bikes are $11,000-$13,000 in kangaroo moneys

my doge humps

this is still better than most people's webms on /dbt/ i'll give you that.

Remember, we have a resident furry on /dbt/

>white is right
I agree

>he thinks there's only one


Prove you are not a no-bike faggets, post your bike



I refuse.

How do I join the elite /dbt/ google map ?

by reading the elite instruction and hoping that the elite akg reads your elite email

>no fap
>20 days
>blue balls so huge - hurts like hell
>can't ride motorcycle in this state so have to take public transport
>tomorrow is the release date

gawd dammit

>only 4 months till V-Strom

why not real dirt bike?
if you are riding off road may as well go the whole 9 yards unless you are adventure fag or something then what ever floats your boat i guess

>Got a new job at BMW
>Staff prices on bikes

Awesome. Now I only need to win the lottery once to be able to afford one.