N/o/rcal Meet Smoki Smoki edition

has info on all upcoming meets, routes and videos.

Meet photos:

Vids from previous meets:

Fatman II:

Mini Meet 3:

Going Coastal:

Playlist with earlier videos:

Other urls found in this thread:


Planning to take as many landbarges as possible to this meet.

Missed this one halfway down the thread......

Why not to eat in nice restaurant in the Stanford Shopping center?

Is this still happening?

>Stanford Shopping center
No weeaboo food
More expensive
18 miles from the regular route

Are you a yuppie that doesn't go to anything less classy or just retarded?


C'mon mate. There are plenty of affordable places that are better than Denny's.

Oh wait you are being serious..... The main reason it won't work is that it closes at 9. We usually get back to that area around 11 or midnight.
At that time the only 2 places open we know of are Denny's and IHOP - and IHOPS no split checking and shitty seating make it the worse choice.

Yep, I'm the one who made it so I'll be there even if it's just me.

Can confirm

Can I come if I dont have a car

Im a long distance powerwalker

>not loving based IHOP
Dennys is GOATanywhere you go, friggin' all-u-can eat pancakes 4 eva
>they don't even kick you out for being wasted

had a dream with CVPI in it

i want to get off this wild ride



I had a dream last night that my mom was trying to seduce me and wouldn't stop, like she was possessed. She was also like a perfectly hot version of her normal self.

It was so terrifying that I didn't even bust in my sleep and was jolted awake.

you read too much sadpanda

It's ok sweetie, do you need me to pick up some uncrustables on the way home?

I don't even go there.

Seriously it was horrifying. She even tried shoving her sopping vagina into my face or forcibly kissing me.

Y-yes with some vinegar pls

Upload failed again


there is literally this exact doujin on sanpanda

youtube is triggered


rank the drivers in norcal by skill

assume theyre all driving e30 m3s, whos fastest and whos slowest

Calvin wan, Calvin's mom, Calvin's dog, Calvin's brother, Calvin's dad.

i had a nightmare where popeyes stopped serving tendies

Turbo MR2
MRS, S2K, Hammerknife tied
Mazda3s, 100% fresh
Everyone else except
CVPI and Calvin Wan taken from their natural environments that define their very being don't even start

who is this person in the picture

How many people come to these things? I could probably go to one in Livermore

So um does everyone already know each other? I'd like to go to one of these meets but I'll probably be the awkward looking guy.

plan on around 5 regulars every meet, plus or minus a few depending on location

yeah but we get new people every so often. we're all kind of awkward so i wouldn't worry about it

Betty White


New people are always welcome

only until they eat shit on the touge

What is cvpi natural environment?

>tfw tied with the iceman

in his cvpi

On the side of the road after spinning out.






Video is up.



What is the best way to get normies to pull over to let you pass on the touge? I've tried both passive, and tailgating to no avail.

a giant fucking sign above your car that says PULL OVER

Install lots of light bars and a truck horn

Attach red and blue flashing LEDs on your car, hopefully it'll give them a seizure and they'll pull over. Ya know, like those Jap kids after watching Pokemon.


Their 1080p encode is rather shit, if you want full quality download all 3.5gb of the original file through Vimeo

For the majority the decision to let you pass was made before they even see you. Either they are nice and let you pass or they are assholes and won't let you pass regardless

IMO very aggressive tailgating doesn't work - just pisses off people who wanted to let you by ahead and makes them go slower and lets the assholes who wouldn't let you pass have a nice rise out of you.

I find it best to stay closeish, never let them pull away too far or just pull over yourself, take a 5 min break and once the road is clear far enough down keep going.

>not flashing your highs at them
>not bullying them with lane splicing
>not endangering the lives of others around you
it's like your not even trying


Play this out of a megaphone and see if they get sp00ked off the touge

Their 1080p encode is rather shit, if you want full quality download all 3.5gb of the original file through Vimeo.

I'll correct it eventually.

How old are the people that go to the meets?

I pulled the dagumi thing where you turn off your headlights for 10 seconds and they let me pass next corner after I turned them on.

honk, flash lights, etc
don't tailgate on the touge, i think it would be more dangerous than usual in case of something in the road

tailgating is fine when the offending driver is going twenty fucking miles an hour

these people are fucking shitstains

> somehow ranked higher than mr2 turbo

Nice attempt at false flag

I know BRZ-tan and myself are early 30s, Saturncuck is barely legal boipucci and I'd put the rest in between.

im actually 41

i just look young cause asian

I'm twenty now, but I think I'm still the youngest that regularly attended

The socal guy that showed up to that joint meet in October was like 16 iirc

he was like 13

Serious? I'm asian too and feel like I'm starting to look like I'm in my 30s.

>bragging on an imageboard
No thanks

> tfw other people pretend to be you

Seriously tho. I'm fucking sick of this shit omg.

Get off my tripcode.

Make me faggot

What is my '''''natural environment''''

Okay okay so when can we make patches and challenge people from other regions in our mountians?

We also need a sick maintenance van.


Game is set in sf actually, neat fact

I get so hyped up when sonic and shadow go super to fight the bio lizard in the last boss battle



I would go in on some stickers

Very fuel efficient

he missed the golden beetle what an amateur

That can't be the full listing?

there isn't actually a list

yes there is

there's a point system based off of placement, top 4 each meet get 5-3-2-1 points for league ranking

thats not even how our fake system works though

I thought it was based on torques per liter

>Full listing

>Everyone else

Calvin wins

Calvin always wins unless ghosts are involved.

>that thing

What about Heidis pies they open 24/7 with delicious pie.

I wish they had to homologate these things.

calvins moms pies are better

not really fair to compare displacement directly, rotaries get twice as many combustions per turn of the crankshaft/eccentric shaft, so they burn twice as much fuel, get more torque by displacing twice as much per output rpm.

compare with 2.6L piston engines

Technically comparing FI to NA when it comes to torque to liter has more impact than dorito or not

Yeah, that also. You'd have to take into account how much boost he makes.

Basically calvin gets wrecked.

>not really fair
This. Should be based on average Gs per turn.

That's not fair either, CVPI would win easily because of his suspension mods.