I don't get it? When people get to the point where they are billionaires or even making like 50k a month why do they keep working and stressing about work? I realize circumstances are different for different people but I'm just talking about the people who clearly don't need to work anymore and can still buy anything they want. Why do they keep working instead of just traveling and enjoying their life at that point?
I don't get it...
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Work ethic.
That becomes their identity and life purpose. Not everyone can just do little hobbies forever or get deep into philosophy and rationalize their existence.
Like why do people at the top of companies who are billionaires do things to ruin the lives of employees to make themselves even richer? I mean they're billionaires already. That can literally buy anything they want but they do any little thing for a couple extra million. I just don't get it. I could see if they did it because they wanted something really bad they couldn't afford but there's literally almost nothing they can't afford that they already want and have tons on money left and even more coming in.
>do things to ruin the lives of employees
Some billionaire fired you?
Not for money. For power and control. Power corrupts all. Look at all the billionaire. Trump, buffet, Soros ect
All have their hands in politics trying to control the rest of us
The only reason I'd want to be rich is to do my hobbies without worry and for girls but that's a given.
No I'm just stuck in a dead end job right now and venting. I feel like I'm going to be lower class forever. I started browsing Veeky Forums a couple days ago and it's actually managed to pump some hope into my pathetic heart.
desire to have it all mean something
try to leave the best legacy possible
hope that means something
Damn I'm pretty good.
Anyways, all I want in life is to make somewhere around 80k a year. Even though that might seem pathetic to a lot of people I feel like that would give me enough to enjoy all my hobbies without restriction and live a decent life.
Most of these billionaires claim to be aitheists anyways. I don't get this meme. If they don't believe in an afterlife there's literally no reason to not enjoy your life especially if you're rich. Their "legacy" shouldn't matter one bit.
I'm not talking about NFL players or millionaires or people who have a chance at being broke because I can understand how they'd want more money. I'm specifically talking about people who would literally have to try at this point to lose all their money.
Donald Trump is a good example. He can easily spend the rest of his days living the highlife stress free and enjoying himself to the fullest but instead he chooses to make his life dramatically worse by running for president and even worse if he wins.
I get the ambition part of it all but at some point you've got to just enjoy your success right? I feel like this man is actually one of the few who is actually enjoying his success to the fullest.
at that point it ceases to be stressful.
actually for me the stress went away when I was consistently making more than $6k a month. I only need about $3k to survive so anything after that is just padding.
beyond what you need you work for what you want. Once you're all good you work to help others. Once that's done you work because it's what you're best at.
once you stop working there's not a lot left to do. I know you think you'd spend several lifetimes on your hobbies and passions but that's not really true. 10 years is more than enough to burn you out on what you love to do.
Yea but you can travel and do way more shit and even go to school and learn about things or tons of shit there's literally endless shit you can do. You can start a family without worrying about money. You can pick up riding motorcycles. You can host events for your hobby. You'd have to have no imagination to be a bored millionaire.
I mean seriously man. Even the time to go fishing with your buddies for a full day would be nice.
>Most billionaires claim to be atheists
citation needed
If you did believe in an afterlife, nothing you did on earth would matter all that much. Since they don't believe in an afterlife, what they do on earth is all that matters in their mind because they think this is the only existence they will ever have.
>You'd have to have no imagination to be a bored millionaire.
you start to realize you can do all that stuff another day, and eventually you start to put it off.
there's no particular need to get out of bed, so you start by sleeping in sometimes. Pretty soon you're up til 4 AM posting on Veeky Forums and find yourself waking up in the afternoon. eventually you're sleeping 10-12 hours a day with no real need to get up and do anything. Most of the things you might want to do you've already done a few times and didn't find them all that thrilling because you didn't have to work to get them done. It gets harder to find new experiences or bigger thrills, you've tried it all and you're bored.
depression may set in, perhaps alcoholism. Or maybe just a peaceful sort of satisfaction that you've done absofuckinlutely everything you hoped and dreamed you would and you can rest with a job well done.
but that's just my own observations. Perhaps you're a perpetual motion machine that will never get bored with hedonism or academia or clipping coupons or whatever bullshit currently entertains you.
I expect after a few years of wealthy retirement you'll come around to my way of thinking though.
I always figured people people cared about their legacy so that they can see how their lives affected others after they passed. If you believe when you die you die what's the point. Even if all you care about is yourself you'd be far better off using your money for pleasure and fun over something that you'll never see because you'll be dead.
That happens to normal people as well except that they can't afford treatment and it stacks on top of their money issues they already have. What you're talking about has nothing to do with being rich. I'd rather be rich and depressed with no friends than poor and depressed with no friends any day.
You even have an advantage making friends for the most part. Say you and your wife meet two new people and they invite you over for dinner. They are both equally interesting but one lives in a mansion and one lives in the ghetto. Who are you more likely to take up on that offer? It might be superficial at first but over time you could become great friends.
>I'd rather be rich and depressed with no friends
Me too.
but ultimately that's why a lot of people find work to do in their retirement. It may be the same work they did before they retired or it may be something new, but they find work.
just because without something you need to accomplish you're not going to do anything. The first few years are full of activity, but you slow down over time. There's no pressure.
I get where you're coming from. I never thought of any potential afterlife where I would watch my descendants and care about them. But yeah whether you go to heaven/hell, get reincarnated, or just take a dirt nap, there really is no point to life. Just gotta make your own purpose.
People who made it that far weren't in it just so they could get working and be a lazy nobody. They had the work ethic, motivation, drive, and a little bit of luck.
This is like asking a professional athlete why they didn't just quit after the first year they went pro and made a few million dollars.
Your real friends stop doing things with you because they don't like feeling like a leech and you don't like doing ordinary stuff anymore.
I like to go metal detecting, I keep saltwater fish tanks, I travel a lot. I blow money on absurd things nobody else knows about and would be horrified to hear if they did know.
I could easily take money-grubbing strangers along on my adventures, but I have a wife and kids so I'm not lacking in company. Sometimes I'll take my kids' friends along on vacations, but even then people wonder why a rich man would want to take their kids on vacation. Things get weird when you have money. Socially your relationships change a lot. They shouldn't have to but they usually do.
Like I said having to work to enjoy yourself just means you have a lack of
Imagination. There's tons of retired people and millionaire who have a blast. My grandpa was in a motorcycle club and rode around with his buddies and enjoyed his life every day. He was always cracking jokes and doing his hobbies in his spare time. Like I said what you're talking about is a people problem more so than a money problem.
I believe in an afterlife so no of that really bothers me although I'm pretty happy and tend to think interaction with others and love is what makes life worth living and everything else is just the cherry on top. I do get depressed about money the most I'll admit.
Stupidity intersects with ambition. People who have six figure incomes somehow manage to be in debt by outspending.
If I made a six figure income, I'd probably still be living in the same modest home so I can enjoy the money and prepare retirement funds.
>My grandpa
How long was he retired?
I've been retired longer already than most people ever will be. If you retire young count on getting bored eventually. Like I said, the first few years are a flurry of excitement, something new every day. But somewhere between 8 and 10 years in you start to run out of things you want to do and haven't done several times already.
First of all pro athletes enjoy what they do. Most even cry when they have to retire so that's not a comparison. All I'm asking is why billionaires who are stressed out daily by what they do and clearly don't enjoy it continue to do it even though they easily live the high life.
Once again that sounds like a people problem.
Nigga I just want to make $60K a year since that would sponsor living in this home for the rest of my days with money to spare.
$80K a year isn't pathetic at all.
sounds like you know what's up. we all have financial insecurity from time to time, even people I know who make 250k/year worry about money.
"I've noticed when I focus on improving my relationships with my fellow man, my relationship with God improves greatly."
-Lawrence Thibodeau
Kind of sums up the interaction with others and the love we share.
>that sounds like a people problem.
rich people are still people.
it's weird.
>They shouldn't have to but they usually do
So true.
To be fair, it's not all on the friends. While those who acquire wealth strive to show "they haven't changed", their friends tend to hate them BECAUSE they act "like nothing has changed".
To the friends, things have totally changed, and their newly rich friend is being a dick by not acknowledging this obvious fact.
Okay so go to college and learn about something you enjoy or make new friends. I guarantee you haven't even tried 1% of all the cool shit there is to do. I'm fucking hungry right now but I can't eat because I'm working my life away and if I leave I'm fired 100%. If you truly are rich and we're bored and hungry right now you could literally go but a sushi kit right the fuck now and the stuff to make sushi and do something interesting and new and if you didn't like it no problem. Throw it away and try something else or just order food.
I stopped working at 32. I went back to school and completed a masters in a completely useless field I find interesting. I volunteered in that field for six years, working part time for free and co-authoring two papers.
then I got frustrated with the petty politics of academia at about the same time I got bored with what was essentially just a hobby for me but serious business for the people I worked with.
a 32 year old married man with millions of dollars to his name doesn't make a ton of friends in college. I had more in common with the professors than the students, and even many of them were younger than me and a bit put off by my presence.
Food is a different story. I still love eating out but that's also just something I do. If I want to eat something I go do it. If I want to do something I go do it. But it's not as exciting or even interesting when there's no effort required. Instant gratification ceases to be gratifying after a while.
Is it that hard to make things hard on yourself? Almost any new hobby is going to be challenging and fun. Start riding a Enduro around and hitting trails. Cruising around on a street legal enduro is literally the best thing in the word or you can start lifting weights or anything man or shoot guns. You can literally do almost anything. Most people devote most of their time into one or two hobbies and thet entertains them for the majority of their life and you being rich and having almost limitless free time can do almost anything you want. If working makes you happy you can work but on your own terms and you can walk out whenever you want. I don't believe for one second nothing isn't challenging for you. I think you're just depressed.
I mean lobster fishing looks badass to me but I can't afford to do it because on the high chance I fail which a lot of people do I'll lose everything I own.
They still need to run the company to receive compensation.
no one who is a billionaire got there through working. they inherited it, or stole it, or obtained it through pure nepotism. most CEOs do little or no actual work. they would have a nervous breakdown inside of an hour if they had the workload of a waitress or even a secretary. when you say they continue to "work" you mean that they continue to fly around the world, play golf and go to parties while their immediate underlings try to keep them from damaging the company or embarrassing themselves. trump is a perfect example. everything he has was handed to him by his dad, and every single business venture he has personally managed has crashed and burned.
If the stress bothered them that much the could sell the company or hire somebody to run it for them. If they enjoy their job that's one thing but if they are bored of it or hate it there's literally no reason to do it anymore.
Lunch time in 30mins. This is the shit that gets me excited.
so would I.
a failed lobster boat would eat my fortune in a matter of months.
I'm not even joking day in and day out I'm ligit excited to leave this job/prison for 30 minutes a day and eat food by myself.
See the way you and I think are totally differant. I was talking about working on one.
Lucky I work alone and in a secluded corner so I can at least post here while I'm working so it's not that bad. You all are literally my coworkers and only entertainment.
This guy knows what's up.
Trump for example makes $250 million a year as CEO.
Rich people want to make money for itself. Most people do. No one actually considers what they'd do with money if they get it.
I must be special.
Your question, and in fact most answers in this thread, are the reason you will stay poor. You don't get it, and most people never will.
Let me explain it to you in terms you can relate to. Imagine life is a game, let's use an mmorpg for easy analogy. How would you judge your play style? And that of the people around you and on this board?
Some people stay in their starting town forever, killing the same monsters and playing with sticks in the mud while their parent's disappointment slowly turns to resentment.
Others travel the world but quickly realize they will need to level up and get gold to really experience it all.
Others wander around lost, doing the odd quest here and there. Their frustration building until they harness their anger as fuel for grinding, or go into denial and become scammers/thieves etc.
But the successful ones? They relish the grind. They make it fun, even grinding is never dull with them. Their parties are the envy of all and even if they max out their stats they will never stop. Because they fucking love what they do.
But by all means, stay bitter and lost. They only shine by comparison with your dull colors.
It's not that way for a lot of 'wealthy' people. I'll let you fill in your own definition of wealth. There's lots of people with enough cash to live comfortably for the rest of their lives who do exactly what you're talking about. Go fishing, play golf, go to Thailand twice a year, pop viagra and bang hookers for two weeks. You never read about those people. For the ones who could afford to reach down between their legs, grab the big orange handle labeled EJECT but choose not to I think it comes down to a number of different reasons depending on the person. Greed, Pride, Legacy, making it to the next rung on the ladder, because working is more fun than anything else they could be doing. Lots of reasons that might not make sense unless you're standing in their shoes. None of which means you have to be the same way.
>love what they do
You're not getting my point.
Even if I did "enjoy" the grind which isn't the problem because I'm positive the grind is a lot more fun than my current situation I honestly just have no idea what to do. That's my problem. I just have no idea how to move forward from where I'm at. I can try and find a better job at the very least but if I don't make it I'm going to lose everything I own and likely have to live with the mom and I honestly don't want that. I just feel trapped.
People get rich by being the type of people that get rich.
AKA always working. This is why you literally never see lazy people with a large sum of money that they made.
There's a ton of rich lazy people user and I work all the time even when I'm not at work so that point is wrong.
>There's a ton of rich lazy people
They didn't make it themselves, then.
Man, you're not one of the sharper ones, are you?
What's your great story anyways. How did you go from dirt poor to being rich.
Well at least I know I'm not very smart and that's why I'm asking you guys.
Just as I thought.gif another blue collar guy pretending to be rich and successful.
I have a multi millionaire (approx 30m) family friend.
He said:
"Those that become rich and keep working aren't doing it for money. Money is just a way of keeping score".
Being rich is a competition. It's who is the smartest. They all work 16 hours a day, so it really comes down to how intelligent are you and how good is your decision making.
This was actually a good post. I never really thought about it that way but I can see it now. So it's basically a dick waving contest to see who can make the most money and bigger name for themselves.
Making money is a sport for them.
They like the long hours.
You know how some runners get addicted to running and have to do it every day?
Same applies to these hard working. Business owners.
Yes, it is a good post.
Thanks for noticing.
Yes, it is dick waving.
Just like all those engineering fags that constantly like and share things related to engineering on facebook and constantly bring up how many hours they studied last night because they just want to brag that they more hard working and smarter than the other departments.
That basically means all I have to do is somehow make it "cool" for people to give me money.
You're delusional
That mindset is what got them there in the first place.
No I feel like it was more of an idea they had worked and they got lucky or their parents supplied the money or they had people in their lives that taught them young. Most normal people are screwed from the very beginning unless they go to college and become something but even then you're still not going to be rich. It's all chance.
Why the fuck is Veeky Forums such a slow board.
Because its fun. For me, now that I stopped being a wage slave and started working for myself, I actually enjoy working. I love it! Everything I do for my business brings me closer to my first goal and I know when I reach that, I can set the bar higher and work towards that. Eventually I do want to be making 50k a month and at that point I probably will start traveling and enjoying my life outside of work, but thats like 5 years away.
*tips fedora*
What I've noticed is that for many billionaires, making money becomes their hobby. If you spend most of your life doing something it becomes your purpose. It's a lot like the Iowa football coach who retired and died a year later.
These are people who need something driving them. Making money is what they are good at and what they enjoy. Sure it's stressful, but the rush of making millions in one deal is amazing.
Besides, if they spent more time at home, they would have to deal with their succubus trophy wives.
I think it comes down to a difference in mindset. Billionaires (and successful people in general) spend their time thinking outwardly, eg "how can I improve the world?" Unsuccessful people think inwardly, eg "how can I have fun for myself?" When a rich person sees a poor person playing video games, they think "why doesn't he just stop wasting his time and do something productive." When a poor person sees a rich person working all the time they think "why is he working so hard and wasting his life away." This difference in mindset is fundamental, it's why elon musk started two companies after selling two companies, it's why Donald Trump is running for president, it's why bill gates spends all his time running a philanthropy, and it's why you'll never understand billionaires (taking to OP).
Are you a billionaire?
They have experienced every other exhilaration, and all that is left that is enjoyable to them is making money and donating money.
I highly doubt they've experienced even two percent of everything interesting and fun there is in the world.
Ugghhh blegh. I like the "keeping score" and "competition" explanation much better.
Billionaires are the most wasteful, uninterested, dumbasses who enjoy seeing the world grow more degenerate per year instead of fixing it.
Why doesn't Bill Gates make a medical industry and dump his money into biological advancements? Something simple like no longer needing condoms, tampons, removing the inability to have children or enabling breeding disabilities for China, Brazil, Africa. Or growing your teeth back or stopping/enabling hair growth through the body. Or removing cancer by giving each cell self-conscious humble thoughts in which they kill themselves instead of multiplying at abnormal rates.
Why doesn't Markus Persson Notch help the video game industry or animation industry by financing hand-drawn animation again or quality video games with non shit textures/graphics and gameplay over style.
Why did Disney cancel all the funds for Tron Uprising in favor of promoting Star Wars? Why are they dumping all the good shows on a premium channel Disney "XD" ?
Why didn't Walter Disney himself create original franchises: Ghostbusters, Star Trek, Star Wars. Why did he had to steal and retell stories from fairy tales?
It's not even like some evil bad boss(Rothschild) is looming over their heads telling them to not advance the world and not make people think for themselves and give them quality stuff. They're just that ignorant and uncaring at being responsible members of society.
I hate this world. There's nothing stopping an intellectual from ruling it. But unfortunately intellectuals don't make money. Self-absorbed competition-heavy ego-maniacs make money. Or lucky faggots who are too selfish and cowardly to use that money for good.
Why is everybody talking so big in this thread? I guarantee nobody here is a millionaire.
r u stupid
u think it takes ego to make money? not brains?
>control, power, domination
If I was a girl I could just marry a rich guy and be set for life and then divorce him.
An intellectual?
When intellectuals do rule anything, it's always in the form of a committee or council.
Brains, dumb luck, choosing the right birth canal, a killer pair of tits, there are multiple paths to wealth.
>got lucky
I'll give you another quote from that 30m guy.
He said, "Rich people don't chase the money, they have something that forces money to come to them"
As in, you have something so unique/great that people will invest in you. e.g.
Can you work 100 hour weeks? IB, get 300k a year by the time you're 30 with lots of extra perks.
Have a track record of high profits managing funds, a rich person to hedge fund "connector" will find you and give you 100m to manage.
Do you have a 3.8+GPA in STEM. Go tell a Google recruiter and they will give you amazing perks + 100k starting to be an engineer for them.
Most successful people worked hard.
Greg Coffey wouldn't have got that job at macquarie group if he didn't get a great GPA in his Econ bachelors.
Lloyd Blankfein wouldn't have got to CEO of goldman if he didn't get a law degree to get in to IB and then work 1 week straight with 5 hours of sleep total which was in his office that got him that promotion to becoming managing director and then move up to CEO.
People don't get lucky. They work hard and seize the opportunity because nobody else could.
this is b8, seen that anime line a few times on here.
>people don't get lucky
Fuck, I will refine my point.
Most successful people don't get lucky, they work hard. However, there are some that just happened to buy an asset that quadrupled in price in a month and they cashed out when they had no idea what they were doing.
What's IB?
If they enjoy what they do, I'd understand.
If they stress out over it, I don't.
In the latter case, I would guess that it's borne out of some kind of evolutionary instinct to accumulate as many resources as possible, maybe mixed with some OCD.
If I got to even $500,000 I'd be fucking off training in MMA, doing hobbies a few of which I might be able to monetize, and entertaining myself. My cost of living is low because I'm not a fucktard looking to waste money on shiny bullshit to status-whore myself for the sake of catching the attention of dumb whores.
>Billionaires (and successful people in general) spend their time thinking outwardly, eg "how can I improve the world?"
lol no they don't. If anything they think "how can I become richer even if it means fucking over literally everyone in the world?"
All this Austerity bullshit and lack of free healthcare is mainly due to big businesses having no morals or accountability and no love for their fellow man.
I think its a mindset thing. Its human nature to strive for bigger better everything. Some people get addicted to keeping up with the jones's. Not me. I'ma get up and get out. Soon as my shit beats inflation and i have emergency money i'm fucking off at our shitty closed down state lake or going with my friends to work all day or generally just traveling to thrift stores and fucking off.
...the fuck ever user. I'm an autist. I want a new hobby like 3 times a month and the only time i'm ever bored is when im at my fuckboi wagecuck job dreaming about being rich
Fucking sucks...
Good luck out there quads. Through dumb luck and brutal wagecuckery i managed to make middle class for the first time ever. Lol, just study the rich fags and don't ever give up user.
>pick up riding motorcycles
You can too for 3k user. I'm over the shit. Been down before and my buddy just hit a deer. Got fuck near 6 grand in a 1979 sportster. ...baka
My buddy is a pro athelete. To this day i don't understand how he has such a drive. Mutherfucker makes me sweat just watching him...
Mine wont. My dream is to be rich and essentially live in a scrap yard. Yes i know i'm fucking retarded. Bit nobody will look at my place and think "theres user with his 10 million dollars" they'll drive by and wonder why thr fuck this crazy bastard has 50 square body chevy's and lives underground.
>mfw my dream os to get rich so i can live like im poor and not be a wagecuck
How the fuck u retire so young?