Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

Use what you like, what you have fun with, and git gud

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 / Search
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MHFU, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread

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I want to help Meowstress with her taxes next year!


That is awful charitable of you, user.

>fight Kirin in A. Peak
>good job! now fight Kirin in Jurassic Forest
>good job! now fight Kirin in Forlon Arena

holy shit these quests sock donkey dick.

also why is Kirin in the game? I mean, I have Mind's Eye oil, but still, the entire fight is just a joke.


Xth for who are the girls on /mhg/?

I want to BE Meowstress!

The moment any game introduces a mechanic like that or visual skins in pvp I'd wish they'd also implement an option to disable it locally.

People can be shiny and spouting crap all they want and pretend to be the most important person in a game as long as I can disable it on my end and just play normally.

I want to help you with you taxes next year!

Return of the voice chat feature when?


*chuckled too hard*


HR3 and counting, if the CB bro from yesterday is about, I apologise for disappearing after your urgent, my internet died and did not return.
(repost for new bread)

>Want to try a different weapon
>Don't want to spend hours farming to build it and a matching set

Do trannies count? Because there are at least 4 mhg regulars that I know of. myself included

is this futa

really? That's a big part of what keeps me going user, looking forward to switching weapons and building dream sets for them

the part of where any MH game starts to die down for me is when I switch weapons and find I have enough already to build what I want just from leftover parts

Reposting from previous thread

MtF? Of course they don't count. They never will.

How very perceptive of you, user.

Who wants to get naked?

Startin with HR1 keys, it begins.


Do I unlock anything by doing villager requests or palico quests in village? Just trying to do star quests and whatever will progress my farm/chef

pls go

Do you have a cock? If so no

Kill yourself

You kids sure have some odd slang for sexual acts nowadays.

Maybe in an hour.

farm upgrades thru hr unlocks, but cat quests speed it up

i'm pretty sure all the chef recipes come from requests

>tfw no brachy gf with big tits to pound your ass every night


I know that Luna is a girl, been talking to her before and texting on kik sometimes when we play but it shouldn't be that big of a deal if someones a guy or a girl as long as they don't suck. Sadly I suck though

How much attack and affinity is challenger 2 already?

>have fun with rapid fire pierce offline killing monsters ezpz
>easy to hit weak spots and land the full volley every time
>go online and have 90% of shots go into nothing because the monster is an unpredictable shit with everyone running around all the time

Online is shit. I don't know why anyone would want to play it.

I missed this meme.

>join hub
>hey fr?
>leave hub
>Espagnol rooms everywhere
>German rooms everywhere

Europe is shit.

>Samantha Wright

What a good looking woman

>using Torso Up
>fashion hunter
Choose one. Torso Up armors fucking suck.

miss cat, adult kiss, etc.

You're gonna scare them away if you act like this.


>stick it in
>uses her thigh muscles to crush your dick

What weapon would she use?

That's a feminine man.

>no brown chocolate skin

I'd guess nothing would happen? You're not scoring critical hits with negative affinity strikes.

She's trash and a midget. Kortney Olson would crush her head like a watermelon.

nothing, because you have a 0% crit chance. the skill would probably just be grayed out when you equipped the weapon.

>having shit taste

Sorry can't help you there

>Barely anything has torso up
>Torsos tend to have the lowest amount of points and slots anyway

>If I want to be Kamen Rider, I have to go Prowler (Astalos)

Astalos' butt

Holy fucking shit, all these "normal" maps in MHGen make me realize just how fucking annoying all of MH4(U)s maps are


So fucking annoying

>tfw you the oldest nigga on mhg

So what's the general way to do Hyper Monsters

Join a Hyper rotation and everyone posts what he wants to level?

Pub rooms just seem to focus solely on the hosts quest.

I've barely fought Brachy in Gen. I'd forgotten how great its theme was.

It's very clear they hate torso up
You can take a look at Esurient R or any Deviant set and you can see it clear as day
Not sure why they don't just remove it

How do I git gud?

reverse crits are a thing.


Original detail of the game:
>frontier 2 for pc and ps4
>over 2 years in development now
>game is set for release as early as 2016
>unreal engine 4
>target market is currently japan, with other regions potentially being added later
>capcom korea with ncsoft veterans
>reference to "next mh game"

Capcom denying game's existence


git gud

Verticality is fucking garbage, it's incredible how no one speaks out against it despite it ruining most fights.

>trying to save face with lies
You deserve to be blacklisted, my man. Ditching your fellow hunters is among the worst things you can do, just below setting messages for your hunter arts.

Welp I already save edited myself in some perfect talismans, got 99 of everything and unlocked every single recipe along with a quest completer.
I basically just beat the entire game /mhg/ get good kiddos B)

I'm 28 m8

get out of this thread before it's too late.

Its still pretty bad in places like Ancestral Steppe and the last two areas of Volcanic Hollow.

Looks fresh off the trailer park.

No, lots of people speak out against it. I completely agree with the guy you responded to. Ledges are fucking cancerous.

>trying to avoid an attack? Better climb this ledge!
>trying to jump off the ledge? Nah, enjoy sliding down it and subsequently getting hit
>running away from a monster? You'd better bet there's a ledge in your face preventing you from doing so.
>I hate it
>go get a job, ledges, no one likes you

How tough is soloing online? I don't think I'll get anyone to help with this Kark urgent.

Good, the barrier to entry might not be as high if the game isn't on a clunky handheld.
Gotta keep the casuals out.

Those are 4U maps, you know?
What the fuck are you even trying to say here?

But are you a "nigga"?

>lots of people speak out against it
Usually just two people while others defend it like it's the best thing.

I can't help but feel that this community is now filled with yes-men who praise anything Capcom does and would praise the very same features they love so much being removed if it happened.

fuck off look at some of the old maps they brought back

fucking marsh and Forest & hills

garbage tier at best

im not a 4u babby but come the fuck on

id take verticality over bland as fuck map design with forced corridors

GOAT map will always be D. Island


Is there any question?


>making the z-axis matter

Fuck off.

Don't worry, they including that abortion of a map, arctic ridge to scratch that climbing itch.

Shit, the rest of my post was cut.
Its bad in those areas, but its not completely unbearable. I guess its because I'm used to using the ledges to jump attack and maneuver around them otherwise.

Massive slopes and climbs can fuck off forever, though.

B-but senpai, every word is true.

CB bro, one day our paths will cross again, and on that day I shall make right my wrongs, and restore my honour as monhan.

you must be new to the threads considering there was tons of posting about wanting flat land maps back.

Well here they are!

Capcom is dead for me since the MML3 trolling. Hope they fucking die. I pirated MH4U and MHG. Not giving them a single shekel.

why the fuck is oduble metal rath a fucking thing holy shit fucking assholes keep going for me fucking shit actually can we just remove the entire rathalos family he's just a fucking gen 1 outdated trash anyway thanks

alright. seriously though, how the fuck do you even do this. everytime we dung bombed the silver rath, he would leave and just kept coming back to the same area. i would bring combo books+flash mats, but im out of space so i only have 5.

Post your
>Favorite Monster
>Favorite Map
>Favorite Weapon

Misty Peaks

How do I saved edited!

>water is bad
>actually, water is good
>ledges are bad
>actually, ledges are good
>(whatever gimmick is in mh5) is bad
>actually, (gimmick) is good

the eternal cycle

3U maps were the best maps. They weren't completely flat but they also didn't have literal non stop terrain slopes and other shit like that.

Sandy Plains is the best map in the history of Monster Hunter

>I can't help but feel that this community is now filled with yes-men who praise anything Capcom does
Or players who like to be forced to adapt to the situation and their surroundings.

>faggot tells me to eat for insurance
>respond with "Or you can try not dying"
>get kicked
Sarcasm is gonna get me killed some day.

>Join turns room
>Post when it's your turn
>Clear quest
Maybe if you weren't an impatient little bitch.

Lifting >>> bodybuilding

You're right, though

they're too busy bitching about gen 1 and gen 2 monsters

Good on you.

We're all niggers here, user.

>Start doing hypers today
>Someone quits as soon as the quest starts
>5 times in a row

Is this normal

>monster instantly charges you
>his belly grazed your head so you take full damage

All memes aside what are the chances Crapcom will fix this in MH5?

>tfw thinking about going back to 3U on Wii U so i can actually experience the joy of playing with a real gamepad with 2 real sticks again

Is Aerial the best style for cheesing my way through progression fast and easy?

Never because they'll keep shoehorning in their awful Gen 1/2 monsters who rely more on rubbing against you to hurt you instead of their actual attacks.

I got hit from standing behind tetsu while he was charging forward, so they're going to need to start from scratch again.