Fighting Games General /fgg/
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1st for ibuki
Official /fgg/ pairings
Karin x Birdie
Rashid x Cammy
Ingrid x Boxer
Makoto x Dee Jay
Sakura x Sean
Chun Li x Max
Ibuki x Dudley
Vanessa x Seth
Mai x Banderas
Athena x Heavy D
Kula x Lucky Glauber
Blue Mary x Duck King
Whip x K'
King x Mukai
Hinako x Nelson
Leona x Krizalid
Mature x Zero (Clone)
Vice x Zero (Original)
Moe x Richard
Miu x Silber
Hotaru x Butt
Tsubaki x Arakune
>Deleting a thread 616 posts in
What happened to the old thread? Was it because of the off-topic picture in the OP?
Why did Elphelts look change in revelator?
>that feel when you drop the combo that would have won you the match
>off-topic picture
*tips fedora*
As someone who occasionally makes new threads on Veeky Forums it was most likely deleted because of offtopic since even if the OP picture is too lewd the mods usually just delete the picture instead of the thread as a whole.
Are there any Janitor/Custodian Fighting Game characters?
Bonus points if they're incompetent or fat.
>random midnight games as usual
>15 wins streak
>people leave after the game game
>another shit night full of salty faggots
>suddenly, dude with double my points
>fun game inc
>vega player
>make him a second butthole
>he rage quits at the end of round 2
What the fuck is wrong with people? What happened to playing the fucking game?
Fucking rage quitters are always PS4 manchildren, too.
ya thats kinda weird
What character would a janitor main?
what do you think of guile in his sfv iteration?
One that gets cut in the middle of development
what makes spinal top tier
is it the dive kick
poor cammy, she's stuck with those whores when she could be at home watching cat videos
Ned the janitor from Mace the Dark Age.
Cammy is so cozy
he's hard to play optimized for a mid tier character for one that was supposed to be simple
It was probably deleted because OP was a shitposter.
how do i respond to someone saying teching in SFV is hard without being mean
who said he was supposed to be simple?
teching is hard. it's as bad as the 3s tech window. sf4's was the best because you don't feel like you got fucked over.
>jannitors can delete threads
Either go back to facebook or lurk moar.
Reddit thinks Juri is S tier lmao.
Would you say a infinite in a fighting game is more about locking down a character than doing damage?
is this a joke
teching is easier than its ever been and sf4 teching was a 50/50 online
Curses, pressure with skulls, tools for every matchup.
Send him a miku dayo picture
do you think he is decent? heard dieminion mention he thinks he is pretty strong
Except a dp.
FutAsuka thinks different.
People tech'd in SF4? I just mashed my OS
shadow skeleport
New KI confirmed as most hyped ost in modern fighting games?
>50/50 online
Nah, you'd have to be a pretty big shitter to get fucked by throws on SFIV online.
Then again, throws were the bane of anyone below 3000PP, online or not.
>Learning Juri has a DP
>Watching your anti-air DP get stuffed by Ryu jump short
Are there any SFV majors this month? I'm trying to map out when they might release Urien details.
teching throws online in sf4 was unreliable no matter what level you were
even pros said as much, i can't even count the amount of times someone said "i tech'd that" when streaming, and i've literally never heard it about SFV nor have I said it myself
Any neat juri setups on knockdown other than fireball after her chain specials?
capcomprotour com/schedule/
A solid mid tier with a glaring weakness or two, the big one being the removal of invincibility on all flash kicks except ex.
What place did Floe get at EVO?
Doesn't MK version have invincibility
>costs all your resources
He doesn't play like he used to play. It's harder to zone with him, but his vskill makes it easier to start your offense. Normals aren't as good as they used to be, which was Guile's strength in older games.
Kind of wish they kept his normals better. Maybe make his command normals better. I really enjoyed the traditional Guile utilizing those command normals to keep players in check. Sort of had this smoothness to them, where as now he seems sort of more about power if that makes sense.
He seems like he has zoning, but needs to rush down in order to turn the match in his favor.
he's midtier, but that might as well be shit in sfv
They can. I know because I was one until earlier this year.
Maybe they left / rage quitted on you because your lagging? You might not even notice it because of the one sided rollback.
mid tier is essentially shit tier in sf5.
seriously what does guile do that nash can't do better?
Anti air and wear shades
whats cheap has nothing to do with her meter
That has more to do with the fact that the streamers you speak of are average players who never achieved anything remotely worth talking about.
If all you do is watch LTG and other shitters that can only stream from NA, you're bound to see people who can't tech for shit.
I picked 4/5 for connection and honestly I didn't see anything typical of laggy situations. They were all from nearby countries and the one guy from 10,000 miles I faced didn't leave despite the slight lag (very slight rolls).
Who are the S tier characters for SFv?
nah im talking about people like the eg boys and fchamp
and anecdotally, i have zero issues teching in SFV while I found it unreliable and often frustrating in SF4
ryu ken nash necalli chun
Ah then you're probably right in them being salty mofos.
jojos ne1
Why is guile even a DLC character in SFV? He's the most iconic SF character next to Ryu. Why the fuck would you sell him seperately?
necalli is a shit
Chun, Ryu, Nash, Necalli (v trigger version), Ken
im ass
Answered your own question there really
chun and ryu
>sweep crush counter
>v-trigger activation
>dash dash dash
What do you do?
>fgg complains about the twins in ae for being overpowered dlc characters
>fgg then complains about sf5 dlc characters for being mid tier
Get a trip, combofiend.
Honestly, since when are the EG boys outside of Momochi relevant, same for Fchamp? I'm all for respecting players who are pros/actually play well but between their usual salty attitude and the fact that they're irrelevant on the international scene (and have been for quite some time now), I don't even see the point in citing them.
Give me a compilation of Infiltration complaining on his stream about failed teching, I don't know, something that holds any kind of credibility.
NA players don't because much like other esport virgins, streaming doesn't equal with quality player in NA.
>he doesnt go for the unblockable
Laugh because hes shit
I get your logic, but people were complaining that there were too many SF2 characters being announced.
In this case, what does Capcom do? Upset people like you, or the people that criticize them for not being able to see beyond SF2?
he isn't iconic you nerd.
Ryu/chun > ken > gief > dhalsim > literally who's
>since when is justin wong and fchamp relevant
you're just being contrarian for no reason now
>why don't people keep sucking onos cock for the horrible work he does
Except that guile is literally a fucking meme.
Notice how I said that he has to rush down too. You fucking faggot. Read next time. You're delusional if you don't think he has some form of zoning.
The problem is that he isn't zoning enough like he used to in old games. It's not reliable with this new guile.
You know what's even more based.
If she was in the same game as Sarai.
So is everything now a days
""""""""""Upper Body Invincibility""""""""""
the only true invincible one costs meter.
>No M.Bison
No one knows who Poo in Loo is but everyone knows Bison
add karin and youre golden
>gief and sim more iconic than Guile
The fuck you nigger. It's Guile.
Cammy has to be up there due to the high amount of cosplay etc.
who are gud footsies characters for beginners in tekken