/twg/ Total War General

Best boy edition.

>Call of the Beastmen

>Cheaper Call of the Beastmen

>Patch notes


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>Total War Warhammer
Mods -- twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?2191-Total-War-WARHAMMER-Modifications

The Beastmen are a cool faction but the pack is a bit overpriced for what you get. There probably won't be a price drop for some time, so if you're impatient or really like the Beastmen then go ahead, otherwise wait it out.

Double click a spell (it needs to be a boostable spell and you need to have enough magic in the magic pool) to overcast the spell
There's a 50% chance that the caster damages itself though!

Select your lord (make sure he isn't garrisoned or in a stance)
Select the quest battle (on the map or through quest log)
There's a button in the bottom right of the quest battle window that you can use to teleport for 5k gold (when the battle's finished you're automatically teleported back to your original position)

Group units with ctrl + g
Select your group and right click the enemy
All your units move and automatically direct themselves to and engage enemies they get close to while maintaining formation

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Genevieve Dieudonné legendary hero when?


Asrai a qt.

I want to unlock Sathorael for custom battles and not be stupid OP (like all the workshop mods make him).

What's the fastest way I can unlock him? Someone earlier said just beating grand campaign unlocks him, but I've already done that as Beastmen on Normal and it hasn't, so I'd like to just blitz through on easy with whatever race can finish the fastest and simplest with the most autoresolves because I want to unlock him fast.

Any suggestions? Thanks




You would have to convince CA that there are more than 3 people who care about the donut steel french zombie.

tried to make it look like this pic

How do I Orc?

I feel like my boyz are fucked against more elite units, but don't really have the numbers they should or the low price they deserve

literally mass gobboz or boys and throw them at the enemy, wolfriders instantly route any ranged unit or artillery. remember to maintain at least 17 units in your army for a free waaaggh


Ignore that she's in third, /wfg/ has shit taste.


oh god I made a huge mistake

I was about turn 140 on my VH chaos campaign, I think, I had beaten Sarthorael...

but I had been relying on auto save and quicksave.

I went to start a new campaign and fuck about with VC for a little bit and it overwrote my quick/auto save... My last chaos save was turn 37.



>tied for 3rd

Like I said, a literal who. Khalida will be in before her.

Reminder to never trust todd or that bitch boi in nordland.

>Helped kill Drachenfels

Have you actually read a book that has Genevieve in it user?

>have you read the ONE book where she's mentioned more than ONE time about the ONE vampire she's killed who never actually stays dead too cool off after a long day of sieging your ONE wall with its ONE gate

Nah, I missed that one. She should've stayed around not-China until she hit not-Japan, maybe interacting with the reddit rats would've given her more exposure.

>Skeletons explode into showers of gore
What the fuck CA

Genevieve appears in all four of the Warhammer books written by Kim Newman.

Also, Drachenfels isn't a vampire.

I like it

The only criticism I can think is maybe tone the film grain down a bit. like with the original image you can see it's there but it's not super obvious it's there. If that makes any sense?

But that's a minor thing, it's looking good!


so does every province pretty much need 1 shrine to sigmar?

>Chaos Beastmen coop campaign permanently crashing at around 80 turns

unique skeleton explosions would cost a Jabberslythe and $3 to produce brah

yeah you're right about that, I had the textures of the light parts pretty much spot on but hadn't taken into account that the .jpeg compression would add an extra layer of shittines to it

What do you think bones are full of?

There needs to be a mod so that a retreating army retreats to the nearest friendly location.

Fuckin tired of having 2 hordes next to each other, retreating one that got caught out of reinforcement range, and then it just gets chased down and destroyed because it ran the opposite direction


>we were just kids I tell ya


Oh yeah I can understand that. The amount of times I've saved something out and the compression has fucked with the colours or something. I get it's a complicated thing but it would be nice for it to just work for once.


> They're coming outta the gods-damn trees!

>tfw you wanna watch fights go down but you need to micro your cav constantly

Do I need to help the humans against chaos or will they fend for them selfs?

I'm playing as the dwarfs and about to finish off the greenskins. Turn 45.

Also are the dwarfs this strong in the lore or have they added holds that were destroyed for balance purposes?


Lorewise most of the holds you see in the game are still held by the dwarfs. It's just that they can't field massive armies like in TW and they rely on fortifying the shit out of their holds to survive.

And helping is a 50/50, sometimes kislev just murderfucks chaos, sometimes the entire north gets burned down and chaos beeline it for the PC.

It also doesn't help they've been making the battles quicker too.

You get no time to watch things pay off anymore.

Are orcs and dwarfs more fun to play now that Beastmen invade?

Does the number of rows in a unit change anything?

Very nice

Beastmen in the Badlands die pretty quickly, probably can't handle Grimgor's Doomstack


Why are chariots so terrible? In fact why does mounting most lords in warhammer make them perform far worse unless they're riding monstrous creatures and even then they're hit and miss? Especially with khazrak, the razorgor charriot.

what the fuck is going on with the achievements?

>Not buffing Khazrak's charge to obscene levels

this can confirm
x3 on charge bonus then 30+ on another perk

The way to use chariots is to use them in tandem with other parts of your army to cause massive losses in morale and chain routes. Casting devolve, charging with chariots, then charging with a line of minotaurs just fucks shit up.

Nevermind, I did it!

I picked Chaos as Archeon on Easy, rushed down straight to Empire and smashed their capital, looting the northmen on the way. After smashing the capital I had enough money to spawn a second horde full of just marauders and I split them off, sent them to the dwarf lands.

My main force with Archaeon went west and started working on Brettonia. I wasnt expecting the marauder force to be so damn effective, I was hoping to just sack a few towns before they died to feed Archaeon some favor but I ended up allying with the Greenskins and we just smooshed through all the dwarf cities.

Archaeon just marched up and ate all of Brettonia. 99 turns, got it done in about an hour and a half after starting the campaign.

What's the opinion on flame cannon? Had two in my dwarf army and they did not seem that good

Chariots are good if you do a lot of micro with them. That makes them not really viable though. In mp at least(no pause).

Nice work.

Christ, why are the High and Ultra settings for textures such a massive difference? Ultra looks great, but high looks like absolute shit. Ultra textures really docks my frames though. Any way I can have a happy medium?


Anyone got the image for rolling what to play in TWW? I wanna play but I don't know what so I need to decide.

Just play my favorite faction

I don't know what that faction is senpai.

How hard a charge fucks them in the ass vs how able they are to catch multiple units.

Just plays as the Counts.

but user, skaven isnt in yet

Honestly chariots feel the best they've ever been. With the current engine The thing is they're not mean to be killing machines, they're meant to break formations and they are very good at that.

The key is in how you use that.

So is warhammer good or just another shitty flop like Rome 2 with boring battles and gameplay?

Instead of this, maybe you should try Cataph's Tilea/Estalia/Border Princes mod.

Thanks senpai. Maybe after this game I'll try that.

I want to be dominated by a best elf!

Beastmen actually make me really uncomfortable desu. The same way that comic "crossed" does.

Was the unlocker updated?

Why does this image crack me up

What's he even going to do with all that gold

Where are the higher resolution images for these

Crossed is garbage though.

It's your inner lust for Beastwomen

I don't read it. Saw a few panels and didn't like it. But the art style and edgy violence for the sake of it makes me feel uncomfortable.

So this is where all the M2 turboautists went to

He's gonna hire some hot slaaneshi daemonettes of course

Yes yes let them stay there. No need to go on about it.

I use my own mod to unlock them (among other things), so no idea, sorry.

And nothing of value was lost.

Normally I group my units together, but I've started separating them into squads and it works a lot better. I'll have a cannon off to the side blowing loads while pistoliers harry the enemy. Once I coral them into one of my squads I flank and fuck them with cav or ranged units. The AI just might be garbage though.



last warning bud

Orc waifus when????

Since Orcs reproduce by spores,

rapemen are strong

combo with other chaos bros for increased slaughter

>playing beastmen leaving middenheim for last
>have both legendary lords besieging it with 2 full breyherds
>make loads of siege towers
>ready to crush them in an endless tide of beastmen
>game fucking crashes during loading every single fucking time

God fucking damnit this is such bullshit

Australia: Total War when?

So I've tried every single combination. It seems this even crashes the fucking game. CA in charge of testing their fucking games.

Emu faction would be too OP.

>Still no high stakes civil war total war
>Not having to use every unit wisely because all sides have fully limited manpower

>new technology finished researching
>a stick

How the fuck do I win this battle?

This shit faction has no way to deal with archers.

So are outriders good against the minotaur spam in multiplayer?

Just played a game and the guy had 6 units of them for some insane reason my army was 10 units of centigors though so they kind of just ran down his cavalry


crossbowmen will shit on orc archers
focus em one group at a time

Do yeu jest? Arrows will do fuck all against your armored units. Let them break their infantry on you and then shoot their archers to hell with your quarrelers and cannon.

Looks pretty ez desu senpai

Focus fire your cannons at those trolls and they'll rout before they can reach your main line, your crossbows can easily beat their bows

Rest goes without saying

had that too. seems to be whenever chaos should spawn.

>Do yeu jest? Arrows will do fuck all against your armored units.
False. When they have 8 ranged with no way for you to catch them your line drops surprisingly quick.

>Focus fire your cannons at those trolls and they'll rout before they can reach your main line
They break, but not shatter, effectively just taking my canons out of the game

>your crossbows can easily beat their bows
Not even close with these numbers.

Do you people play on easy or something?