Post Social Club usernames, we're doing Pac Standard.
Elijah Myers
Noah Edwards
>forgot the edition >forgot to link the old thread
Anthony Anderson
>don't link the old thread either Dummy.
Luke Martin
It's not showing you as online on my Social Club overlay, are you playing right now?
Wyatt Diaz
Am I the nicest person in this crew?
Leo Cook
Yes. I'll restart then.
Isaiah Long
Kayden Torres
Quick, Vacca or Reaper?
Robert Morris
It's loads of fun for a Super, and the fact that it has one less zero in its pricetag means you'll have tons of cash left over for other things.
Isaiah Barnes
>it's a "Nullphaggot gets BTFO" episode
Brandon Ramirez
I'm getting tired of your shitposts user
Bentley Rivera
If money was a problem, I wouldn't consider either. What makes the Vacca fun?
Justin Jones
>against shitposting
>in grand shitter genral
WeW, shit is what flows in the arteries of this dead genral
Jordan Moore
No-stripes post elsewhere, thanks.
Nolan Cruz
>stunt race >muscle >cant use my sabre custom turbo
Uhhh gtards? Why the fuck can i only use the race cars? Is it because its stunt?
Colton Anderson
>I need muh crutch
Oliver Myers
shiiiet anons we're still doing Pac Standard post SC usernames and I'll send you an invite
Brayden Kelly
It's because they disabled customs
Leo Hall
It's too low for loops.
Angel Garcia
It actually drives fine on loops, I've won plenty of stunt races with the custom crutch
Jonathan Robinson
In my opinion, the Vacca's fun because it's lighter and less grippy, and is therefore easier to toss around. Truth be told, though, I mainly just like how it looks. I'm certainly not a Reaper hater.
Jackson Diaz
everybody's got PACSTAN FEVERRRR
Camden Carter
>be useless in heist >blow up the vehicle of the only dude who did anything after finishing
Cameron White
>I sure showed him by paying his insurance.
Julian Roberts
dude wow i strive 2 b u wow
Isaac Price
>insurance payout being a thing
Samuel Peterson
>do heist missons >not invited to finale so this is what its like to be cucked
Eli Barnes
Nah. Problem connecting
Luke Gutierrez
I sent you an invite, we were just having trouble connecting to C*'s shitty servers.
Jayden Ortiz
You gonna accept the invite?
Aaron Lee
Isaiah Moore
>Lost MC steal some guy's wallet and jump on their bike >they slam head first into a light post >when they get up they start shooting at me >run them over >knock out my left window >gun them down when they get back up
>song on the radio says "Call the police" >hear a police horn >look to the right >police car drives by and does nothing
Camden Cox
A greentext that actually happened? What is this!
Jaxon Thompson
>3.3 million to spend Buy X80 or start org?
Josiah Diaz
Org you idjit. You can make money off an org.
Landon Long
Grind pacstan.
Noah Young
I've been doing that for the past few days, it's very difficult to find people for it though.
John Campbell
buy cargobob
Cooper Cruz
what's the point of it
Dominic Taylor
To lift and drop shit.
Carson Long
its the closest thing we'll get to a tow truck in game move kurmas and insurgents around
Wyatt Diaz
Why the fuck would you buy that peice of shit?
Literally useless car
Juan Rogers
Boohoo, baby can't handle a realistic super.
Cooper Evans
This, it's just a money sink. It's ugly and not even the fastest super anymore, so it has literally no value.
Isaiah Fisher
>realistic super
Bentley Long
>they will never add an APC that can tank a tonne of explosions >that you cannot also fire out of
why live
Nathaniel Richardson
APC that can hold 12, can't use weapons and has no weapons that can be used. It could be the ultimate party bus.
Ayden Collins
>get on GTA for first time in months >stunt races look fun >can't even enjoy them because of the GOTTA SPIN EVERYONE OUT mentality
Brody Morris
It's realistically the worst waste of cash in the game barring Yachts At least the Lynx looks nice, the X80 looks like a fucking Razer mouse and can't keep up with the top supers either
Ian Russell
>At least the Lynx looks nice You people will latch to anything slightly less popular, unbelievable.
Hudson Ross
I honestly think the Glendale is the best looking car in the game, if you disagree you're a normie faggot.
Logan Robinson
The Lynx looks like a bloated pile of shit. It's also slow, handles horribly and is expensive as fuck for what it is.
Literally only hipsters and mentally ill people would spend money on it.
Daniel Miller
>all these plebs in my general Get OUT
Grayson Murphy
>playing gta for the racing quality
Oliver Martinez
>Sunrise Orange >Calling others plebs
Please fuck off.
Joshua Wright
>if it's not a top tier supercar it's shit and not worth using!!!! I bet you owned a Chrome Zentorno at some point before you ditched it for the latest epic super
Christian Gutierrez
>buy sabre >upgrade it >regret it
Logan Parker
>One chance at this character >Accidently buy the American Marshal
Levi James
>he doesn't have a chrome adder
Tyler Thompson
>be newfag >finish pacific standard for the first time with some friends >accidentally upgrade my sabre turbo to a sabre turbo custom >now broke as fuck what do i do now?
Brayden Nelson
time to end it
Leo Clark
Alexander Allen
Accidentally end you life
Austin Turner
Atleast I wasn't scammed on something that looks and drives like complete shit.
Brody Collins
I hate spinning the fuck out. We're past that. This isn't the model T anymore. We need to evolve past this knuckle dragger shit.
Kayden Moore
why is your taste so shit
Asher Ortiz
Maybe you're just bad, user?
Justin Thomas
Your mom didn't complain about my taste, and we had you, user.
Anthony Cox
>spend all day playing heists >meet fuckers giving everyone but me 25% >people that refuse to give 20% >quitters on first death >quitters on the last second >in the end of the day I only successfully completed 1 heist prep and no finales
I hate myself for not having friends.
Christian Gonzalez
fucked up if true
Easton Gray
same >trying to do a heist >pubs either quit in the menu as i click play, die as soon as the match starts and quit, or get mad that they dont fly the objective and quit 10 minutes in
I spent 2 hours trying to do one fucking mission man.
Nolan Myers
>spend all day working >would actually rather be working than heisting
Heists are so played out.
Robert Lopez
wageslaves in my general smdh
Mason Reed
>tfw actually finished prison break after a month of randoms fucking me over when I finally asked the general for help Try it sometime, I still need to do humane labs, I've actually never learned how to do the infiltration, my first time two Chinese guys did it for me.
Xavier Murphy
>would rather rob a bank and live than go to work
adulthood sucks
Chase Cooper
>CEO's are Trump supporters >Wageslaves begging for 15/hr for cuck work
Zachary Ward
Parker Williams
hell, while im at it, anyone wanna help me with the humane labs raid? I`m up to the stealing the hydra part, and pubs quit when they don`t get to fly it
Tyler Cook
>remove everyone above rep crew instantly great again
Carson Rogers
>CEO's You could've left it there and I would've known you were trump supporters desu :^)
Colton Lopez
Japanese tuners update when? I need an RX-7 FD and R32 GT-R in my garage. What cars would YOU like to see in a tuner update?
Also am I the only one that wishes there were 10 car garages available all around the map instead of just all being in one small part of the map?
Ian James
Not until after mansex update
Landon Jones
Should I make a new character? everyone hates me because I look like Hitler
Noah Sanders
Hate me
Colton Lewis
Well user? Are you actually Hitler?
Jaxson Cook
I enjoy killing black people, does it make me Hitler?
Christopher Wilson
>Stratum Coupe (R32) >Imponte Ignero (Pontiac Fiero) >Some kind of Annis Datsun 240z ripoff >Pfister Comet in Benny's >Vapid Uranus >Maybe a new manufacturer or Annis Hairspray (Miata NA) >Emperor Elf (Lexus LFA / Toyota GT86)