>driving 10mph over the speed limit
>scumbag still tailgating me
>driving 10mph over the speed limit
>scumbag still tailgating me
>driving in shitty weather
>people still speeding and swerving in and out of traffic
>people will defend this
Some people just make the world burn.
A bit of this
>blackest of night
>road covered in scraped ice
>80kph speed limit
>doing about 85kph real speed (89 on the speedo)
And still; fuckloads of people who overtake me. On straights, wide corners, up hills where you cannot see over the top... and I can even see the cars being fully loaded, with two parents in front and kids in the back
I swear to fucking god, one day I'm going to witness the death of a family of five
Common in MD
Get the fuck out the left lane you granny driving son of a bitch
the 50$ cheque for my custom plates went through
the oishii evo may still be alive
>not having a brake light switch
I thought you reindeer fuckers were all natural born rally driving Gods... With all that driver training bullshit and taxes you should be.
Even semi trucks here are doing 120 in a 90 zone during blizzards, now thats scary.
>old farts in a Camry going 40 on the onramp
Get out of the way, perhaps it is an emergency. Either way the guy is going to the hospital.
>snowing fairly hard but roads are just barely wet and visibility is fine
>everyone slows down to 45 in a 75
Get the fuck out of the left lane
If only one lane, grow balls and stand your ground
You fail to mention what lane you were in. That's pretty critical info.
>driving a Suzuki Samurai on the highway going just under the speed limit
>in the right lane
>people still ride my ass for several minutes before passing
>Driving in crowded traffic
>Leave some space between me and the car in front of me so we're not mashed up like a centipede
>some fag passes me and gets in that gap
>Become 2 feet away hitting the car
People are retarded
I tailgate speeders everyday
fucking slow cunt stay out the fast lane then
Why not just move lanes? Don't get buttmad about tailgaters and take it as a personal insult. If you're on a road with more than one lane you should never be an obstruction to the flow of traffic, legality isn't your concern. Follow the rules if you want, don't dictate what others should do
Gotta close the gap if someone passes nigga. Only you can prevent retards from walking over you
> Two lane road
> 35 in a 25
> Decade old dodge truck behind me
> Lifted
> Flashing lights and beeping horn
> Won't pass on the straights when I point him by
> Just keeps flashing lights and honking
> Swerves around and speeds off when I get to my street and turn
If you're in that much of a hurry, wouldn't you just pass when it was clear and the person in front of you is waving you by?
Like what the fuck.
>driving 10mph over the speed limit
>scumbag still tailgating me
boy that is really dangerous, especially if the person behind you is in a big SUV... why a black dog could run out in front of you, you would have to slam on the brakes for an instance. The person in the big SUV could lose control, flip their car and die.
>driving back to nh from ny in a blizzard
>some cunt in a van flies past me doing 80
>does it again some time later, mustve stopped somewhere
> half an hour later drive past the van
>it's flipped over on the side of the road