Japanese Cars

ITT we post Japanese cars

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Let me save everyone some trouble
>any Ford that isn't a truck






Dank Japanese cars


this is what I was coming to post this nigga gets it

Are these two actually in Japan? i thought the Lincoln was parked out on any old ghetto street in the US and couldn't tell until i seen the asian letters. oddly enough these cars seem to fit in fine with the streets they are on.

Seeing as how I took them here in Japan, yes they are.

Why else would I take a pic of a shitty Lincoln

I'm at a lost as to why these get loved and not the others for racing.

probably because FMR layout

but previa


yes... listen to music...

How specific.

Why the fuck does this appeal to me 100x more than any ''american'' mustang??

because you're a weeb

Saw this the other day.

That is the Imperial chrysanthemum on the front of that car. That mustang was imported into Japan at the direct bequest of the Empirial household to perform official duties. Absolutely, 110% based Hirohito.

Japanfags, how did you get to Japan/end up staying there? I'm a filthy weeaboo despite being 100% Japanese, and am trying to find my way back to the homeland.

Where you at senpai?

Or are you Cappuccino bro

I got orders to be stationed here

>Or are you Cappuccino bro

I'm an English teacher.

>you know you would drive it

I guess my question still stands, you around Tokyo? Planning to hit up Daikoku and Tatsumi any?

Running the C1 is loads of fun


Did you do it with JET? How would you rate your experience with them?

I'm seriously thinking of doing that after I graduate college.

I'm down in the Shizuoka area. And yeah, sometime I definitely want to make a trip to Daikoku/Tatsumi by way of Hakone.

Not JET, but one of the other ALT contractors. It's been okay. Beats working at an eikaiwa.


Me and some friends have been planning to come down and drive the Mazda Hakone Turnpike


I was born there

holy shit that camaro's exhaust


based japanese steel

Did some digging, turns out the Military imported some and sold them off later, motorcycle racers raced them.

How bad is the pay for engrish teacher?

tfw an exact clone to my car is hiding in the reflection of this black taurus

Because you're a weeb who doesn't understand that's just a Mach 1 with some paint

1995 Taurus Sho

