Can we discuss how to get a high quality woman? Money can't be the only way.
Can we discuss how to get a high quality woman? Money can't be the only way
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Don't think with your dick
2. Analyze their personalities, habits, idiosyncrasies, etc.
3. Be an awesome person
4. Don't waste time when it becomes clear a woman is not what you're looking for
5. Repeat steps 1-4
You're not wrong.
The best advice is I think is: meet a lot of people, and meet people from all walks of life.
But also OP is being incredibly autistic with his question "High Quality woman" we're talking about a human being: a complicated organism with a personality, not a ingot.
>Can we discuss how to get a high quality woman? Money can't be the only way.
You both need to think alike and be "crazy" about eachother.
The hollywood bullshit of "opposites attract" is for movies. Either you're deeply in love or you're not.
That's what makes it really really hard. Because the likelihood of you seeing eye-to-eye with ANYONE for 10+ years is near impossible.
That's why I believe you'd be better off just having girls for sex, and also girls who are your friend. I actually deeply value my friendship with a few girls, they give me an interesting perspective. And I feel like it almost replaces the need for a wife or longterm girlfriend
that's what id suggest op. Stop trying to "find" women, and instead just take what crosses your path that you like.
I genuinely, deeply like every one I talk to, try that. Never settle or take "second best" or "better than nothing"
Hope I helped, please like favorite and subscribe to my blog
Attractive women are generally intolerable. Just make money and get whores.
kek is the Dominican Republic like the Thailand of the Americas?
find a woman who objectively is in a position where she can't do any better than you.
Thats the best way to assure a long relationship. Because after some time you realize she is also the best thing you can find (because other women tend to leave you or are unhappy wondering what they have missed).
>thinking money gets quality
This. In the last number of weeks, I've noticed a few hot women with boyfriends, and the only thing these guys had in common was being really tall and skinny. That's it. When I say tall, I mean 6'4+ and MAYBE 150lbs. Women really like tall emo men.
Be high quality yourself. Stop focusing on getting a better women and start making yourself better. Women will see.
Contrary to all the retards on this board, you are not going to trick a model into marrying you just by having a bunch of money or becoming some cringey pick up autist.
>Stop focusing on getting a better women and start making yourself better. Women will see.
Fucking hell. I only see the polar opposites: getting a girlfriend/wife vs fucking a slut. Where is the middle ground? Where are the casual relationships? That's what I want right now.
Am I supposed to pretend that I don't want pussy to get it? What kind of retarded logic is that? I'm not desperate, but cm'on... who doesn't like sex? Why make it so complicated like "omg he has a lot of money/ he's so well dressed/ he's so popular". I don't look like a bum and I'm ok at talking. I'm tall, lean and funny. Of course I'm gonna imply I want sex. It's fucking stupid not to.
How many women have you been with? Because it sounds like you have no experience whatsoever... I have had relationships like you describe, pretty common. My current girlfriend and I dated for months very casually before getting serious. I've been on one night stands and also had long relationships. There are different kinds of women just like there are different kinds of men, you fucking weirdo.
> I only see the polar opposites: getting a girlfriend/wife vs fucking a slut
Like are you really this fucking sperged out? God, go outside and actually talk to some women in real life.
>get her pregnant
>tell her you love her
not that hard. she'll resent and eventually hate you but you'll have the hooks in her
I agree sort of. I don't think it's just height but total size. Women like big guys compared to small guys all things being equal. The next most important trait is probably social normieness. Big normies have it made.
>inb4 coping manlet
These are my observations.
>Because it sounds like you have no experience whatsoever...
That's correct, I have very little experience. Didn't claim otherwise.
when I said
>I only see the polar opposites: getting a girlfriend/wife vs fucking a slut
I meant, in discussion i.e.: Veeky Forums. Getting out more is not solving the problem, though. No sperging here, bro.
I also know fat short guys who have really ugly gfs. Height seems to be the main thing.
Women like all kinds of men. My current gf was into basketball players. Until I came along and gave her a good dicking. Now she's into guys that are 5'11" (me).
>My current gf was into basketball players
Yeah, same. By current gf also tutored Draymond Green back in high school. I guess he wasn't very smart because my gf spent lots of late nights there. He's dumb lol.
There's no niggers where I live and pretty much everybody is racist here, including her. So I don't have to worry about her being ruined. Besides, I've had around 15 partners myself, so I don't care about what she was up to before me.
>who doesn't like sex?
It's not that women don't like sex, they just don't view it as the same kind of priority you do. Yes, there is pretending involved, but it's kind of a game. You avoid the topic while making it abundantly clear you know what's up.
If a girl you met wanted to only talk about money, getting money, and whether you have a lot of money, would you see her as anything but one dimensional?
Or would you figure that, once you shared your money with her, you'd discover what a good person she was?
How does getting a gf work? Do you fuck her first to try to talk to her/date her? I find that every time I do the latter she just becomes disinterested, so I'm going to be more assertive about sex from now on.
fuck her first or try to*
You should fuck her as soon as possible.
Be a high quality person. The thing is, most high quality people just *are* high quality, they don't need special instruction on how to do it, their natural instincts just make them so. So you need to figure out what you can change about yourself to advertise to the world that you are high quality
Of course, it doesn't have to be so on-the-nose like that. So, I guess my issue is seeing past the mind games and figure out if she's interested or not. I'm too autismal to pick up on cues like her fixing her hair or the way she looks at me, it goes over my head (or none has ever done that for me). It would have to be more obvious like touching me, laughing too much at my jokes and/or taking initiative in talking to me (which is incredibly rare with women, most don't have nothing interesting to say, and now I speak from experience).
make it happen
I fall into the middle of the two categories discussed here, kinda like what mentions. I'm currently just banging random girls in D.C., but looking for something better.
On the temporary/casual side, Tinder and similar dating apps are a godsend. There's a decent number of girls I keep things casual with, and it works. Only time I've had to break things off was when one girl caught too many feelings and got demanding of my time. That probably makes me a horrible person.
As for a long term thing, here's what I've discovered regarding elite matchmaking services (which I've been looking into):
- It's not really made for 20somethings. I get the impression they wouldn't know what to do with me if I actually retained them. Most seem to specialize in helping near-autistic late-30s businesspeople find women. I (and most people on this thread, I'm guessing) don't have a problem meeting women qua women, it's the quality that's an issue.
- It's like $20k+, meaning you put a LOT of money down in reliance on their skill.
- The biggest issue: matchmakers seem to definitely bias towards certain kinds of women - blonde, stepford-y types - which I'm not into.
There's also an elite dating app called The League, but it's only open in a few markets, and - in my limited experience - it's super unprofessional and poorly managed.
I'm guessing you've tried relying on your friends or coworkers for finding you a match? My current gf who I am seriously considering marrying, was introduced to me through one of my best friends. Your friends know you and know what kind of people would be compatible. I really owe him so much for introducing us. I don't think I would trust a service- compatibility isn't just some formula where you plug in a few traits and it spits out the perfect woman.
>seeing past the mind games
But that's the whole game, and their innate advantage. She wants to be able to reserve judgement until she's assessed you sufficiently. By necessity, that means keeping you in the dark regarding her intentions.
Being obvious about her attraction to you (if it exists) only leaves her open to being used, which is why she won't tip her hand until she's sure you're worth a shot.
Do not listen to these shills OP. They probably never dated an actual woman or are fine with being subservient.
There are 4 things that attract women, and the more you have, the better. These are, most important first:
Money moves the world. You don't need to flash your stack of hundreds when i say that money attracts women. Neither do you need to pay them. You just have to show it. Expensive cars, yachts, expensive gifts, expensive restaurants, the good life that every person wants. Women are reliant on men for these, as they lack the motivation to achieve it themselves. So they will suck your dick dry if they sense that you can provide for them, because something greater than logic or emotion takes over. It's called "instinct". The instinct of finding a provider. They don't care, from a point on, even if you have another dozen of women. They just care about what they can mooch off of you.
So, money does play a crucial role. And i challenge any cuckanon here to prove me that they can get a girl easier than someone richer, without becoming subservient and giving your soul instead of the money you lack.
Yep, it's not particularly fruitful. With that said, I do think you're 100% correct - sometimes it can be phenomenally hard to differentiate what you think you want vs. what you really want.
(Plus I refuse to date other lawyers because fuuuuck that)
Jesus dude, you need serious therapy.
>what you think you want vs. what you really want
Very, very true. Many people waste their time chasing after a fantasy that they've created in their head of the "perfect woman". They start telling themselves "I only like big tits" or "I only like blondes" and wall themselves off to other opportunities. My girlfriend and I have many different interests, and that's one thing we enjoy. We can show and teach each other new things all the time. Honestly, I wasn't even looking for anything serious when I met her but it all fell into place. Just have to keep your mind open.
Good job user, and i'm not being sarcastic. You probably have one (or more) of the other 3 that i mentioned. But that is not true for everyone, the fact stands that rich people can get much more game than you.
Deleted because it made me sound like I was content being poor.
>often the chick pays for me. I'm poor and still get 'em
I just think 90% of these guys who think cash is the panacea to getting pussy are setting themselves up for really terrible romantic lives.
They're going to end up getting seduced by the golddiggers and having their hearts ripped out when she moves onto the next dude with money.
Conversely if you can get chicks without being super rich, you'll have the self confidence and the understanding of women to not get fucked over.
Or at least be less likely to get fucked over.
That's how I see it.
>Being obvious about her attraction to you (if it exists) only leaves her open to being used, which is why she won't tip her hand until she's sure you're worth a shot.
So, what if a woman is being "not obvious" and also not interested and I don't realize? What if I make a move then? Am I gonna be accused of rape? Am I a pig because I came onto her?
And what if I let her decide? Am I a pussy because I can't lead her? I'm not dominant enough?
This is what fucks with me. I don't know what to do.
Having money does not mean you are incompetent in social interactions and vice versa. If the gold digger is smarter, of course she will take advantage of her prey. But, at least the rich stupid guy will get some. The poor stupid guy will get no good pussy.
The number one most important rule is don't put up with any bullshit. Next most important rule is never be in the position of wanting her more than she wants you; women *fucking* hate being "on top" in a relationship. Yeah it sucks that Disney movies were a lie, but that's how it works. There needs to be an implicit understanding that if she fucks up or if you get bored, you can and will replace her immediately. That doesn't mean be an asshole to women, it just means you need to put yourself in a position where one woman doesn't hold all your cards.
>There are 4 things that attract women, and the more you have, the better. These are, most important first:
Let me fix that for you
>1) Confidence (and personality)
>2 or 3) Social status
>2 or 3) Physical appearance, height, build
>4) Money
The only time money really becomes important is when she's looking for a "long term" option aka the best beta provider she can get. If he happens to be confident and popular too, so much the better.
Source: I've been unemployed (starting a business but it's about the same) for 3 months and I've slept with 8s and 9s. I'm also a 9, 9.5 myself so that's certainly helped.
>guys who think cash is the panacea to getting pussy are setting themselves up for really terrible romantic lives
This is absolutely true in 100% of cases. Yeah, I know, there are a small handful of exceptions but it's effectively 100%.
Why is it so hard to believe that there's normal people with normal human relationships on this board?
You sound sad..and autistic.
What is the reasoning behind this?
To get an orgasm and feel good.
Do you enjoy going out with a girl who you aren't fucking? Not to mention, things become less awkward afterwards.
Wow. Bitter much?
>So, what if a woman is being "not obvious" and also not interested...
Well, depending on how much interaction you tend to have, you'll get better at picking up on the cues over time.
But as it is right now, it will be awkward for you. If you come on to her and she's not interested, I'm sure you know how she'll react. And yes, some women will take pleasure in trying to humiliate you or purposely misconstrue your intentions ("Creep" is a favorite).
The best thing is to quickly move on, as there are shitloads of women. Nothing annoys a woman more than it being made obvious she's not worth your time.
Dude we are on Veeky Forums, this has got nothing to do with business or finance.
In the context of developing a healthy relationship.
Yes, but why should I try to force it when it's too early?
>things become less awkward afterwards
True, but do you have anything better than that?
Define high quality?
Oh man traditional madonna/whore complex.
please watch this lecture. It helped me with this.
knows more of what he's talking about but it needs to be broken down further.
Confidence implies experience
experience of the things in her world. Most women don't want to date boys. girls date boys. they dated boys when they were girls. women want men.
It implies you know, not suspect how to please a woman and can demonstrate this. Mostly you do this with appropriate and consistent physical escalation (that means sometimes you deescalate and go slow to go fast).
Personality just means a few stand out characteristics and a smile, ideally you're making her smile/talk too.
The last 3 just fill the singular attraction switch of resources. Most women don't want things they want experiences, and having the resources to give them is important.
Status and wealth, status is by far the stronger of the two.
Looks belie genetic and epigenetic resources. The best trait ime is facial symmetry. far stronger than both height and build, both powerful in their own right. but if you're ugly at least you can be a butterface.
Social intelligence, implies awareness of her status goals and desires socially and don't fuck up her game. You want to seamlessly enter her life without disrupting her current relationships, except with other suitors. If she's even mildly attractive its likely you are gonna have to dominate another man. Its not something that can be easily circumvented or avoided, but its a pretty easy game to win, typically be the judge and ask questions of the other man and give him the trump hands.
This alludes to the biggest switch, safety. You must be dangerous but not scary to her. You need to have the wherewithal to keep her safe in your crazy world.
Firstly, I'm assuming you mean sexually appealing when you mean "high quality woman".
If that's the case, yes, money is the only way, or being terribly smart and manipulating women you meet.
There's a sincere emotional connection that is necessary in order to attract women; looks are secondary to psychological attraction. Women are emotional creatures, I can't stress it enough.
If you're looking for sex, pay for it. If you're looking for sex and a partner, read psychology and philosophy, or be naturally inclined to said emotional motives of women, which you'll be exploited for and used. So, still, go study, then go out into the world.
Also, women are not attracted to the money, intrinsically, they're attracted to power.
Power gets money. The rest follows.
Biology at work.
>money is the only way, or being terribly smart and manipulating women you meet.
ITT: kissless virgins who blame their virginity on not being rich and read a couple of books about being a pick up autist.
Have you ever tried speaking to a woman like she's, you know, an actual human being? It does wonders.
I'm 25 and have been with a number of women.
I'm assuming when you mean "an actual human being", you mean have an emotional rapport with the asset. As such, I already explicitly said that in my post.
If you weren't such a condescending piece of shit, maybe you'd have friends.
>the asset
This is the attitude that will basically guarantee you never have a meaningful relationship with a women... "The asset", really?
From what i experienced looks or status ar by far the greatest qualities for having women at your feet.
>Finish training with partners
>Go grab a beer
> Buddy with 40y fit/athlethic/strong with very good looks
> The 20y ladies all watching him (and their mothers too)
If god hasn't selected you don't blame yourself. At least rich dudescan get elite "scorts" (high quality bitches)
>be fit
>be handsome and/or have some sort of style/personality
>be confident
It's that easy. Being tall and having money also helps-
Is that this guy? ->
Speak for yourself faggot, I'm gonna need a dumptruck to carry all my handfulls of dicks!
>Now she's into guys that are 5'11" (me).
>Now she's into me
>Oh man traditional madonna/whore complex.
I didn't even know what the complex was, just read about it.
>his psychological complex is said to develop in men who see women as either saintly Madonnas or debased prostitutes
I never said this was the way I saw women. What I said was a reflection of discussions on places like this indian plate spinning discussion chat.
>Most women don't want to date boys. girls date boys. they dated boys when they were girls. women want men.
So, if I'm 26 and only ever been with 1 woman, am I fucked? Should I just fuck women younger than me? I do feel immature for my age, but I'm not sure that's only because of the lack of relationships.
>The only time money really becomes important is when she's looking for a "long term" option aka the best beta provider she can get.
Mah nigga.
You been listening to the Beige Phillips show haven't you?
yeah, or that attitude is a symptom carried by the severely autistic
Early is better than late. When the window closes it usually closes forever.
Second it forces her to backwards rationalize and ask herself why she did this. Which forces her to do some math and fudge some numbers in order to protect her ego.
I vehemently disagree with this superficial sentiment. Women, when you understand their motivations are hyper-logical. They are emotionally retarded. This phenomenon is best viewed in the sentiment in gay relationships. If you know any gay couples personally, they're quite passionate and loving. While most lesbians seem to be faking it.
Humans talk about what interests them. You see this in genius behavior. Often they do poorly in early school b/c the rudiments are intuitive and obvious. Same for women and logic.
They're always jabbering about feelings because they don't understand them intuitively. How many women have you met that completely misconstrued white hot eternal rage, for hangry. They honestly couldn't tell the difference.
Whereas with men we handle our emotional shit quite well, its rare that a guy will need to intervene in another guys emotional state beyond, "your heads not right. here's some whisky. drink it"
Emotions are the primary drivers for human beings, but when you adjust for capacity and practice. women will have greater emotional intelligence b/c they've had to brute force it and when you do some difficult consistent work you'll be ahead of talented beginners with no mechanics in no time.
So in the dating game women are playing at a much higher level than men, being more logical prey animals who travel in packs for safety.
If you're going to separate a classy doe from the herd the best tactics are ambush, enticement or the wolfpack.
IME my best tactics are ambush and enticement. the wolfpack is good if you're the alpha if not you're gonna get sloppy seconds or worse.
same neil strauss 8-10 years later looking pretty rough. here is his wife and kid. his is a fucked up story. Dad is an amputee fetishist who won the game.
oh I see. Any way no of course there is hope. You just need to practice and break down your approach into smaller steps.
Best bet to getting the desperation and thirst out of your system for free is to look up male strip clubs in your area.
Most don't let guys in during the show but become a club after the show. Most of the strippers are gay anyway. So they riled up all the girls and they're dropping eyes at every dick they can find. then they let a big group of guys in to pair off. If you come in just a little higher value than most of the guys there you win first pick.
Its weird, I pretty much have no interest in sex. I would like to have a gf for intimacy, validation I guess, and just having someone to talk to and have good times together. Are there many girls who dont care about sex either? how would I find them?
That dude sounds autistic. Honestly I would have done the same in her case. All he had to say was "I have money, I just don't like to spend it." Problem solved. Instead he wants to be a smug little sperglord.
how much saturated fat are you eating?
How much are you jerking off?
I've never met a true a-sexual mostly guys with some significant nutritional deficiencies.
barring that it sounds like you're looking for a friend who is a girl. not a girlfriend.
Honestly its the first step for a lot of people. You need a non sexual opposite sex relationship in your life.
Sexual tension is one of the main drivers of the reflex. A confident man can handle sexual tension. Its a game where you lose when you acknowledge her power level. Remember the more you feel the more she feels.
As long as you're crystalizing the tension with physical contact you're doing a good job and teasing the shit out of her.
hah this is great. one of my mentors says he lives with his parents, but call them his roommates and really stacks the deck against him. He leaves out that its his house, and they live with him
He says he's a college professor, but leaves out that he's a a retired entertainment mogul and only teaches because retirement got old fast.
More money more problems.
gold digger epic fail
see she didnt want to know the vague "I have money", but did want to know in detail exactly how much the man has so that she can plan out all the stuff she is going to buy like houses and whatever else to keep up with the jonses.
I'm not that guy but I have the same problem. Eat a decent amount of sat fat, and I get even LESS horny the longer I don't jerk off.
I completely lose all thoughts of sex if I don't jerk off after a week. But if I jerk off at night, I'll probably have a sexual dream that night.
>tfw 21 but no random boners/sex drive
Well, take this advice from me, young padawan;
Don't flaunt your wealth, be yourself. Good luck.
Source: I am a femanon.
Or she wants to know he's not a degenerate, in debt, paying alimony, addicted to gambling, a million other fucking reasons. Not all women are gold diggers.
Example- Ben Franklin's wife married her first husband. What she didn't know was that he was a fucking bum and in debt. He fled England where he left behind a wife and family, then eventually left her and never returned. This left her saddled with all of his debts and a bad reputation until enough time had passed that she could marry Franklin and move on.
Withholding information from your fiance is fucking sketchy. I would expect my girlfriend to be up front about her finances with me before ever getting married, it's just sensible.
>Stop trying to "find" women, and instead just take what crosses your path that you like.
But user, nothing comes across my path. Zero.
here is another example where she wants to know in detail exactly how much the man has and how much he can make.
>high quality woman
mmm pussy is overrated, but i can't imagine living with an other dude and altho i like to be alone living your life alone is a waste.
but high quality for me is not a crazy bipolar bitch. i must also be able to fuck her with the lights on. anything else is a bonus.
here is her update she posted later.
He didnt have to say that. she's just confused about being rejected so casually at the end of what she thought was a close relationship. The guy is probably waiting for a girl that doesnt dump him for a few years, then marry her because she must love him. its an excellent investment opportunity for an actual gold digging whore. it sounds like he really does lack ambition.
I was with a good girl she was extremely frugal like she would only buy things that where on deep discount sale and only if we needed it. She was very good at saving up money, had huge savings and no debt. Years later she reveals that even she's a gold digger in a way because one of the main reasons she was with me was because she thought my Veeky Forums would magically lead to me being like Bill Gates type rich. I thought she was being supportive but should have realized when for example frequently whenever I was relaxing she would suggest to me that I should go work some more on building my Veeky Forums activities.
Be a high quality man.
Simple as that for you simple mf's. What you expect in a woman should also be expected of you.