Why haven't you deleted your muffler yet?

Why haven't you deleted your muffler yet?

>inb4 uninformed retards start spouting about backpressure

Besides the myth and "muh neighbors", why are you still allowing your hardworking motor to be cucked into sounding like a vacuum cleaner?

Other urls found in this thread:


You know it.

My neighbors all have loud cars and love it except one.

And we don't care about him.

cus im not a fuckboy

This guy gets it

Is the backpressure thing really a myth?

I want to delete my muffler but what about smog Checks user?


Already did OP. Running two resonators on my 3 inch from the snail.

This guy gets it

Because it's illegal

I don't like drone, thank you. I'll remove the cats, but leave the mufflers.

Don't live in a duck/communist state.

>all those fucking bends

Straight piped sounds like shit.

because im not a special-snowflake fuckboi.

There's no reason to, its a DD, not a daily racecar. If anything I'd make it quieter

Because I'm not a teen aged attention whore that needs loud exhaust to validate my useless existence. It's as bad as those Harley riding faggots. The louder and more obnoxious they are...the cooler they think they are.

Seriously OP....don't be a Harley wanna-be faggot.

>Needing straight pipes to be loud

>I hate fun and people who have fun
>A loud car once slapped my gf's ass in the club

>needing 700hp to run 17s

I bought my mustang with "flow masters" pre installed. it's loud as fuck, i would have never gone out of my way to install a catback, but it sounds pretty fuckin good when you stand on it.
[spoiler]I'm debating putting mufflers on it that will make it not make any noise when i get on it.[/spoiler]

Because I live in a cuck province that requires mufflers to be installed

Also because my car sounds like shit straight piped

Picture and video related
Sounds like wet fucking farts

>lmao my car sounds LIT F A M thanks for the noise violation ticket officer don't tell my mom

Because I have at least some class.

I have a bone stock 3RZ. It would sound like shit and still wouldn't make any power.

Because you NEED some back pressure you fucking idiot. Even a small "turbo" muffler is fine and plenty loud. Straightpipe is all bad unless you're turbo'd obviously

Cop bait

Because it doesn't actually add horsepower dipshit

>stainless steel
>not chromoly
it's still worse than mild steel for a thermal cycling application.

How is resistance to flow a benefit for any reciprocating positive displacement pump such as a four cycle engine?

It is not in any form.

Twenty seconds using an internet search engine would have shown you that the benefits of a smaller diameter pipe are caused by the increase in the velocity of the exhaust pulse which in effect increases the negative pressure area behind the initial pulse. This low pressure area can aid in the removal of spent exhaust gasses from the combustion chamber, named scavenging. Do not patronise with your answers when your answers are nonsensical.

Back pressure in the exhaust tract is only of benefit to a two cycle petrol engine making use of an expansion chamber. The increase in pressure in the chamber equals an increase in density, which in effect increases the speed of the exhaust pulse as the speed of the wave increases in direct proportion to the increase in density. This is only of use for the second pulse in the expansion chamber that directs unburnt charge air back to the combustion chamber.

Turn your brain on.

Straight pipes make you look like the biggest twat in the world.

Also they sound awful in shitboxes.

Sorry didn't mean to respond to you

Why would I need to do that for a Saturn ion?

Because NA 4 bangers sound fucking horrific straight-piped. I also like cruising around real late at night, doing that with a straight pipe makes you a faggot.

tldr: get electric cut-outs if you wanna be a ricer/hillbilly.

>How is resistance to flow a benefit for any reciprocating positive displacement pump such as a four cycle engine?
>what is volumetric efficiency?
efficiency can be over 100% you know. it might be difficult to understand because the most work you've ever done on a car is to just shove a broom up your exhaust pipe for ebin gains. in which case you probably just had a broken or clogged cat and this was the only improvement.

Get Magnaflows. Loud when you open it up but quiet when you want.

>high flow cat
you know this is actually more likely to clog because it wont get enough heat on a stock exhaust and engine.

>tfw both of your cars have fully stock exhaust systems. an LS1 V8 and a honda civic d15

the ls1 fbody with stock exhaust is almost a sleeper. literally everyone thinks its a V6
>being a ricer with shitty loud exhaust


It's illegal and i don't want to get fined

my mate has a 3rz, not sure if cats are still there or not. has a pin dick muffler so pretty much a straight pipe, it is loud as fuck doesn't sound too bad really but is very drony when cruising

I'm not a 12 year old hoonfaggot.

already did on my mustang, have to install my catless offroad x pipe next so she'll really roar

thought about doing it to my SHO but any decent cat backs for that are expensive as fuck

Tldr, you still have shitty low end torque and all the flow in the world won't fix that

Considering it was $30 for pipe and installation, I'll take what I have and replace in a few years.

You're retarded

Go ahead and use some 4130 tubing and watch how fast it disentergrates in a couple of months compared to 304/316 stainless

Also calling chromolloy mild steel. Do you metal at all bro?

Because I actually drive my car for longer than a half hour at a time. For road trips especially, because loud gets old.


Someone told me I'd lose too much backpressure for my supercharger to operate properly if I remove my mufflers.

Is that true?

On forced induction engines you want exhaust flow; on normally aspirated engines there is an optimal amount of back pressure that is useful for cylinder scavenging. Cylinder scavenging isn't a thing you worry about on forced induction engines.

>I know what this completely random anonymous person on the internet drives

I have. And the cats.

2.2 5cyl turbo reporting in. On this there is no substitute for straight.

Scavenging also isn't a thing you worry about on 4 stroke engines, which have valves in the combustion chamber so there is negligible loss of unburned fuel.

So many morons think in backpressure is still a thing. It's 2016 and you guys are still this misinformed



More like 800, fgt.

Seems almost nobody on Veeky Forums knows how any engines work.

Depressing, isn't it?