Dead Space Games general /dsgg/

Here we discuss space games that cannot sustain a general, such as: Erectile: Dysfucntion, Scam Shitizen, and No Man's Buy

Post useful links in the thread and the next OP, if even this thread survives, will contain the most important ones like buying information, major updates, etc.

Other urls found in this thread:

ded general

First for new memes

>Dead Space Games General
>The one I voted for in that one straw poll


Well, we managed to have a couple of these before the poll.

I miss the anecDOTAl edition... and the good old days.

Do NPCs still sperg out if you stay on a pad too long?

Useful Elite: Dangerous links, please include these in next OP as well as relevant links for other games:

>Where do i buy x module/weapon for my ship?
High-tech systems have the best inventory, look there. The more population the better.

>Where the fuck can I find materials for engineers?

>What's this RES you guys talk about?
Resource Extraction site. spawns pirates and space cops that shoot each other. HAZRES in best left until you have a Vulture or better.

>Pilots Guide:

>Steam Group (post your commander info in the announcement so we can add you)

>Change HUD color:

>Markets Tools:

>Ship discounts (report these as you find them)
All systems exploited by Li Yong-Rui have a discount on ships and outfits for example:
NU TAURI - Parmitano Terminal
BD+28 413 - Gunn Station

>Horizons? Engineers? What?
Horizons DLC added planetary landings, explore planets with the blue icon and gather materials for special boosts, ammunition or Engineer upgrades that modify your ship modules.
>List of Engineers & blueprints:

>Test your ships before you buy:

>/edg/ faction stuff from the previous thread:

Previous thread →

If you're really going to do this, you should put the game's actual names atleast somewhere in the OP or /edg/, /scg/, and /nms/ in the OP so people can Ctrl+F and easily find the thread.

Nobody will ever find this thread without tags or proper game names.

inb4 merge threads never work

Posting what I have as important update information for SC.
>Star Citizen

>Weekly Info Dumps
Bugsmashers 29:
Around the Girth 3.1 LA:
Reverse the Wurst:
>wtf I'm not watching all that shit
Although their new format is fantastic go here for summaries
>Ok what's next
2.5: Pirate base, Reliant+argo flight ready/currently Evocati. 2.6 Star Marine. 2.7 Proc Gen something. Gamescom SOON

This needs to be condensed somehow. It's way too much for a merge thread. Maybe have a pastebin with most of the links?

My mistake. If we make it to next thread, I (or hopefully whoever makes it at the time) will be sure to add all of those. Game names and general names.

aight we gud now

We should let this thread die and start a new one with the names in the title like said

OP here. I agree with this. I dun fucked it up, but I'm about to sleep Just random space images will do. Saging

pity bump :^)

What about "Elite /edg/, Star citizen /scg/ and No Man's sky general. /dsgg/" for the title from now on?
That way anyone searching via crtl+f, alt f3 or the search feature will find whatever game/general they're looking for

That's a long ass title. You can just include /edg/, /scg/ (and /nmsg/??) in the OP and the search function will find the thread.

I personally search by putting "elite" in Veeky Forums's search bar, so if your suggestion was to be the title the thread would not be a result if I was to search by my usual method

Say if someone comes on Veeky Forums and wants to find the star citizen general. what are they more likely to search by, star citizen or /scg/? If they're new to Veeky Forums how are they to know the way generals are abbreviated
I figure we cover all the bases with my suggested method, but admittedly the title is rather long

>al saud city
do muslims even believe in space

I run through

culling low effort posters might not be so bad given last thread


A proposal for the new OP

"Whatever the title is"

Welcome to /dsgg/, which stands for Dead Space Games General, a place to discus Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen and No Man's Sky as well as other miscellaneous space games

The main discourse of this general will be centered around Elite and Star Citizen.
However off topic games such as the X series are welcome here as long as discussion of said games does not derail the thread.

>Elite: Dangerous information pastebin. Update as needed.
>Star Citizen information pastebin. Update as needed.
>No Man's Sky
>Being more than a FOTM game
Feel free to shitpost about it here though.
(Perhaps we could add a pastebin of recommended space games here, we're all space autists after all)

Comments and criticisms welcome.
I tried to keep it short and digestible but then I kept adding more to the info at the top

I'm yet to see how this formats so that may need to be changed if we decide to go with it

still smaller than any of the individual OPs, it has my vote. I'd say even drop the pastes and just have a couple of the most recent important infolinks for each. if any one group wants more real estate in the OP they can try their luck making their own general again; when they've got some new content to talk about they'll probably be able to survive for a week or two on their own anyway.

This is good.

Disagree. Keep the pastebins, as they are useful. If one general wants to split again having a pastebin won't hinder them.

Pastebins are great.

OK, looking at the pastes the ED one is actually good FAQ material, but the SC one is just the latest weeklies, not really prescient info for anyone seeking this place out already. I'd say it should be rewritten to have some actual FAQ stuff, much needed for the game actually as it literally just dumps you in space with no form of tutorial at the moment, but I'm not gonna write it, at least not right now.

I'd write it if I knew anything about the game, hell I've never even played it
I just copied and pasted this post but yeah it could probably do with someone who knows their shit doing a typical Q&A type thing and a small starters guide like the elite one.

that's fine; I lied, I'm writing it right now.



fuck herrrrrrrrrrr

>(Perhaps we could add a pastebin of recommended space games here, we're all space autists after all)

If anyone has any suggestions for the list respond to this post with them

I'll throw them in a pastebin after we've got a decent list going and add it to the OP draft, or we could just scrap the rec games idea

Just respond to the draft with the link when you're done, or post the raw text and I'll pastebin it and add it when there's enough feedback about the draft for a solid decision to be made about the future of the general(s) either way

>SC paste


This looks good, I'll add it in a couple of hours to the final draft when more responses have come through about peoples opinions on the draft and such

Honestly the stuff in there about stealing a ship that looks nice, having to put a space suit on, there already being spacelegs and hacking a computer to erase your criminal record have got me interested in the game where as I didn't really care about it before.

I've been running the Sothis/Ceos route for 3 days now, i've gone from 4 million credits to 85 million, and i still feel empty.
Will i still go to heaven if i've smuggled a city's worth of slaves?

Just pretend you're smuggling them to freedom if it makes you feel better, like some kind of space railroad

>i still feel empty
You'll get used to it if you keep playing the game

Well Freespace, Rebel Galaxy, House of the Dying Sun, X3 Albion Prelude (if it seems too autistic, look for mods), Endless Sky (2D, spiritual successor to Escape Velocity, worth a look) are what come to mind immediately.

I heard buying a bigger ship will fill the void
Are Anaconda's big enough?

They carve the void bigger with their size so you have more emptiness to comprehend.
So yeah. Enjoy buying that Anaconda, kitting it out and realising that you have no idea what to do now.

This is where you either quit or turn on hardcore emergent gameplay dadmode where you force yourself to enjoy the game, do menial jobs and roleplay your balls off. That's what I did. And I finally realised how fun the game is. I'm having the time of my li... FLY SAFE CMDR o7

Nearing a final draft for the new OP I think

Title: Elite, Star Citizen and friends. /dsgg/ +Edtion name at the OP's discretion(Not Final, still open to suggestions)

Welcome to /dsgg/, which stands for Dead Space Games General, a place to discus Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen as well as other miscellaneous space games.

The main discourse of this general will be centered around Elite and Star Citizen.
However off topic games such as the X series and No Man's Sky are welcome here as long as discussion of said games does not derail the thread.

>Elite: Dangerous information pastebin. Update as needed.
>impying Elite get's updates often enough to worry about updaing the pastebin
>Star Citizen information pastebin. Update as needed.
>implying similar implcations
>No Man's Sky
>Being more than a FOTM game
Feel free to shitpost about it here though.
>A /dsgg/ recommended spess games list. Discussion of games in the relevant category of the list is welcome.
(This is still a work in progress, and may be scrapped.)
>If you have any suggestions for the list please feel free to post them in the thread or provide a pastebin link with them added for the next thread. (May just add this bit to the pastebin link instead. Will save space that way.)
(Will cut down on text as the idea develops)

This is a work in progress. Please assist with any ideas or advice. Thank you.

>implying similar implcations
>impying Elite get's updates often enough to worry about updaing the pastebin
>First letters of these not being capitalized nor do they have proper punctuation
I should have gone over this again
Damn it reeeee

I-I could go out to Jaques Station and help make the new bubble
T-that could be fun

Just add this to the NMS bit

It's a FAQ website of sorts with cited sources on shit.

Will do

Kind of like ?

Just kill yourself.

We'll have to see if anyone's autistic enough to write a big enough checklist and go

>See that mountain over there, you can climb it
Sean Lied, you can't climb that.

My last draft for now

Title: Elite, Star Citizen and friends. /dsgg/ +Edtion name at the OP's discretion.(Not Final, still open to suggestions)

Welcome to /dsgg/, which stands for Dead Space Games General, a place to discus Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen and other miscellaneous space games.

The main discourse of this general will be centered around Elite and Star Citizen.
However off topic games such as the X series and No Man's Sky are welcome here, as long as discussion of said games does not derail the thread.

>Elite: Dangerous information pastebin. Update as needed.
>Impying Elite gets updated often enough to worry about keeping the pastebin up to date.
>Star Citizen information pastebin. Update as needed.
>Implying similar implications.
>No Man's Sky
>Being more than a FOTM game
Here's some information about it if you're interested in it.
Feel free to shitpost, within reason, about it here.
>A /dsgg/ recommended spess games list. Discussion of games in the relevant category of the list is welcome.

I'm off to bed, someone else take over the autism mantle for a while.
Keep updating and changing this until we all agree on it.
Changed some pastebin links. Added the NMS link. Added the Broken promises link to the elite pastebin. Grammar and shit.

We shouldn't be dying for a while so we have good time to discuss the proper OP in this thread :----)

You're doing gods work user

The VISION can never die

Brotastic friendly nu-bumpsky

What is best FDL PvE loadout?

One huge beam and four multi-cannons or one huge multi-cannon and four pulse lasers.
Huge PA is always a solid choice if you have decent aim

I am a pretty good shot, so huge PA and pulses good?

>even Spore's creatures looked better
>literally just chopped and combined parts, no meshing, no color matching


Yeah that'll work fine, but you'll want the best power capacitor possible because the huge PA eats a massive chunk per shot

>2000$ paid for review copy with no updates from Jan

k senpai

Do the Slothis to Ceos missions require you to go silent running?

Nah, just equip 2 chaff launchers, line up with the slot around 8k out, boost, 4 pips to SYS, one chaff at 6km, second at 3km.

Oh, and remember to request docking.

The game is guarenteed to be not even close to what the developers described it as.

So like, any game so far. gotcha

Cheers man, gonna try it now!

In similar fashion to E:D? Most certainly. Just because others have also fucked up doesn't make NMS any less of a fuck up. Of course, NMS will be a fantastic game for people who want to explore endless, colorful randomly generated stuff.

>NMS will be a fantastic game for people who want to explore endless, colorful randomly generated stuff.

So like, ED but with more colour, and actually being able to walk around planets, with stuff to do, instead of dead planets.


>stuff to do
Like grinding to infinity? Most certainly. Look, I know NMS is going to have more interesting things to do with planets in their game but so far it doesn't seem to have anything to hold a significant playerbase for more than 2 or 3 months. If exploring forever and grinding is your kind of playstyle, I don't see why you wouldn't enjoy the game. At the end of the day we're 2 people with 2 different sets of preferences, but I do think that NMS is shit for similar principles of why E:D is shit.

I know, it's not even about audience retention with them.

For me, it's having something to do other than the intense depression sinkhole that is grinding in this Elite game after I got triple Elite and my Anaconda.

Or waiting on that fucking dreadfully slow Star Citizen project to cobble something together that's "fun" and playable.

I'm just bored out of my mind and want something new.

Chaff doesnt do shit to scans when will you fucks learn.

>I'm just bored out of my mind and want something new.

There's really nothing much that can be done from this. You could become a tester for SC but that's tedious and comes with the obvious fps issues, bugs, crashes, etc since it's being released to people for those purposes. It's really just a waiting game at this point. I'm waiting for gamescom so that I can regain some faith in Star Citizen. I've lost all hope in elite a long time ago, and nothing has changed since then unsurprisingly. NMS is overpriced for what it offers.

Overpriced when its going to be the only open 3d planet exploration game for a bit thats done?
If anything its taking advantage of a monopoly and can't fault it that. Waiting for a sale to but I don't begrudge them not sitting on their asses when elite and sc are failing to fill a niche.

It stops them from starting the scan. I have never been scanned, even going in slow as hell, while regularly chaffing.

I think a much larger amount of people, myself included, would have picked it up for $30-40, but not $60. That's how I felt before anything leaked, and especially now after seeing it in action, I can't help but feel this is going to be a lot of buyer's remorse and we'll see a good chunk of players getting refunds.

I've never played or invested in E:D
is this true

It does nothing if they already are locked on to your or if the scan has already started, but if you chaff it makes it harder to target you to start the scan.

You'd have to test that with someone else because the devs said it doesnt effect scanning at all.

>no previous thread links
>no pasta
>retarded image instead of a glorious vision cruise including all 3 ded games
>not naming it dead space general
>and severe lack of VISION
OP fucked up hard

I'd believe it


Maybe it messes withthe AI? Like how targeting them and deploying hardpoints caused them to stop scanning and deploy hardpoints too? Or maybe it's just placebo.

your denial is delicious

this thread is going turn into a shit throwing contest too fast

merge is not a good idea, we tried before

>one person is in denial about a game
>this whole thread is fucked!

I think it's worth trying again since the games can't stay alive on their own.

First time, no harm done. Gotta have growing pains before we get everything knocked into place.

It makes more sense now since almost everyone's gone except the last of us hanger ons, and at least 90% of us crosspost anyways.

/edg/ was doing surprisingly fine thanks to the VISION

but fine lets try again
also add starsector to the mix

I just want to hear/see guns with engines taped on.

Its the orky in me. Although space dildo orca is a hilarious ship for ramming still and got even better with the reinforcment changes.

>E:D was doing fine

We died the thread before last, sadly.

Is starsector good? I had fun with Rebel Galaxy, even if it was a bit silly.

I just want more hard points so I can strap on more multicannons, shape irrelevant.

Is Evochron Mercenary good?

The latest game Evochron Legacy has a demo you download and try out if you want. I was a faggot and didn't sit through the tutorial so I'm stuck now. I would suggest you do the tutorial But I think I can redo the tutorial

Are they actually different games? They way they're titled makes me think of the X3 subtitles.

Hey, fuck you.

I'm not in denial.

I own all 3 games now.

Star Citizen, Elite: Dangerous and NumaleSky

You know why Elite has most of my playtime?

It's because it's the only one out of the 3 that's RELEASED.

Star Citizen is promising a lot, but it's highly unplayable right now.

You can fuck off with your doomsday attitude, I'm here to stay, and I'll fucking keep playing E:D if NMS turns out to not hold my attention for more than 20 hours.

>this entire post
My suspicions were right about you. Carry on, Commander o7

>durr not allowed to have fun with mutiple games

fuck off

I honestly don't know what the differences are, except that Legacy was released in 2016 and is the most up to date game. From what I played, it's not too bad, but I didn't play much thanks to my stupidity. Most I did was kill some NPC traders flying to and from the beginning station.

>giving him attention

I want to be 100% clear with this

At gamescom, Star Citizen will be showing off their pirate asteroid base, a first person shooter update, procedural technology developments, an new star system, and then at Citizencon they will be showing off their single player aspect of the game?

If this is everything they're showing, should I be hyped for it? I missed their last events last year but I heard it exceeded expectations.

I have a good life tip for you:
Never be hyped for anything.

I haven't kept up since arena commander and even I'm excited to see the solar system stuff.

Such a shame Braben told everyone fuck all at lavecon except "w-w-wait for gamescom guys, big surprise, we swear!" as if it wasn't utterly fucking obvious all it's going to be is announcing the new bubble, thargoids, and ships in ships, all three of which are going to release broken beyond all hope of repair thanks to their spaghetti code. And likely still no storage, because fuck the players.

>should I be hyped for it?

If you're not vested in the game, don't be hyped. Getting hyped for things is bad.

Oh boy, Derek Smart's at it again.

>here's a bait thread that's made just for replies with old and stale re-posts

>I'll link to it because that's how bait is dealt with
