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I have hyper armor
quick claim your waifus
>le quirky poise meme
wow you guys are so funny
>people actually think poise is useful now
>Rapierfag tries to trade with me and my claymore
>what should have been certain victory for me is undone because he hits me faster than my Hyperarmour can activate
Predict the guy.
Where is your hard evidence that supports otherwise?
Knowing that poise is determines your HA longetivity and overall HA efficiency, is a godsend.
This shit is useful knowledge dude.
What went wrong?
>HA longetivity HA effciency
More like HAHA wow you guys are so funny with forced le quirky poise mem
why am i doing this to myself? i hate waifufags yet i am becoming one
i wish i had a souls bf
HA was never good to begin with, and poise only helps HA if you're trading with another HA weapon.
It does nothing to save you from fast weapons poking you between HA moves, which is the big issue.
this knowledge has been around for months, its only the hard data that just got released
You dumb nigger, I'm not saying that, I'm bitching that a Rapier can completely negate my hyper armour. I don't give a fuck if I lose to being outskilled
Except it was repeatedly denied by anti-poisers and nostalgiafaggots.
GS L2R1 can beat pokefags.
Bloodbourne is a new IP on a console in which that is the only good game.
It's more helpful than you realize.
No, this doesn't mean poisestacking will magically become good, but now that we have empirical evidence that HA failing is a thing, not random, is not latency-dependent and follows a defined set of rules, it makes it much easier to play around your hyperarmor.
Prior to this, there was always that confusion when an attack gets interrupted. You're never certain if you just got interrupted before hyperarmor activated, or if latency caused it, or where exactly your hyperarmor frames actually started.
What this makes clear is that the frame data for hyperarmor is actually much more forgiving than anybody thought, and much more versatile in general and that instances of it failing are generally the result of poise mechanics and not simply timing or latency. Plus, understanding the mechanics means you can make slightly better informed decisions on when it's safe to rely on HA or not. For example, if your HA gets broken, leading into a followup hit, and then when you roll away they attempt to rollcatch but fail, you can be reasonably certain the next trade will break your HA, since the game considers you to have already taken two hits against your refreshed poise value.
And knowing, for example, that Curved GS have radically weaker hyperarmor than glaives is incredibly useful for making judgements about when to attempt to rely on a HA trade or not.
Basically all this information allows users of HA weapons to play better, and make more informed choices about the mechanic their weapon relies on.
I hate waifufags too, but it's fun to post
>GS L2R1 can beat pokefags.
Not if they roll behind you after seeing the massive tell fromt eh WA stance, then punish you during recovery frames.
Sup /v/.
Forgive the noob questions, but I am trying out the pvp on dark souls 3, and I keep getting rekt by the double katana guys. They could seemingly repeatedly using the jump attack, and even if it didn't directly hit me (or i assume it didn't because I didn't take damage, it kept stunning me. It seemed pretty resistant to stagger while he did it too. Am I just supposed to dodge it and roll catch? because it seemed pretty hard to time a last-minute roll, so I had to kept giving it a wide berth. When I did dodge it i could hit them with a dagger or rapier once, but anything else seemed pretty slow.
Is this like baby's first build cheese that I just need to git gud for, or this a legitimate problem with the game that I need to build around?
Other than that, haven't had too much issue besides being ruthlessly ganked every invasion, but that has been par for the course for a few games now.
It can't, if you attack before their attack comes out. Predict them.
Use bloodring
Roll behind them and punish
Just stay away from them and roll away.
I'd love to see some videos where people track their poise via CE while having pvp matches. I still encounter enough bizarre inconsistencies online that I really feel like we still don't have the whole story
That's exactly what you are saying. And if you want to rely on HA then you need to work on your spacing .
Is the bloodring that essential? I figured it was just a crutch
I might just play lame until I can learn how to roll through it better
Thanks for the input. I will work at getting better at it.
Bamco interference. There is a reason DeS, BB, and the first half of DaS1 are the best in the series.
Have you ever been summoned by a big streamer or you tuber and been featured on their stuff before?
Well we still take poise damage during rolls and shit, but either way, I'm running 45 poise and I've definitely noticed that I've been able to HA through attacks that I would never have been able to HA through before at the very beginning of a fight, but it goes back to "normal" during it.
>I'm bitching that a Rapier can completely negate my hyper armour
It can't. It hit you before your HA was active.
You don't get hyper armor for your entire swing, that would be retarded and allow you to just mash R1 to win.
>700 of those bloodborne veiws are one streamer
Views dont mean shit about a games activity, its all about whos playing.
I played with Iron Pineapple before but he cut me from the video for whatever reason
>~700 of those bloodborne viewers are watching a speedrunner
>all of the dark souls 3 streams are small fight clubs and such
Even then, I encounter shit consistently like a katana R1 interrupting me during HA frames twice in a row. According to this data, after the first interrupt I should regain all my poise and the second should work, but it does not.
It makes me wonder if something else is at play here, like in DaS2 where certain running attacks arbitrarily dealt like 280 poise damage.
BKGA dude is me
Can you manually invade as a Watchdog?
Most people do not know how to use words like this correctly. A crutch is something that is not good, but makes it easier to play lazily/badly. For example, the Drake Sword.
The bloodring is good if you're actually good enough to dodge and not trade hits too much (since it increase damage taken). It's the opposite of a crutch.
If I'm predicting their attacks, I may as well parry.
Nope. Enjoy waiting 30 minutes even though the red eye orb works in 10 seconds.
I've streamsniped literally every DaS2 pvp streamer, most of the notable ones multiple separate times. This goes as far as humiliating scottjund with an ivory straightsword, beating otzdarva repeatedly with a fatrolling "new player" disguise and beating some much better, but much lesser known streamers with unique things like pure caster builds and fatrolling poise builds, and great machetes and the like.
I don't think I've ever been featured in any videos, but that's probably because I've mostly just embarrassed arrogant e-celebs with handicapped joke builds and BM.
>poise has exceedingly good effect with halberds which are already borderline overpowered
well it was fun while it lasted
Good luck.
Why does people praise DaS1's first half so fucking much? I always found it pretty meh, then again i played DeS first. Anor Londo and Duke's Archives are the most memorable DaS1 areas to me.
wolf ring unlocks the true potential of the winged knight halberd
The weapon art is fucking scary now
Not really.
The 1.5x modifier basically means that glaives virtually never have to worry about being poisebroken, even with low poise. They basically get so much for free that it obviates the stat.
In other words, glaives having almost 100% reliable, consistent hyperarmor has always been part of what makes them broken and they don't have to build or specialize for it at all. This information really changes nothing with regards to them.
Greatswords are the same, except they were never overpowered because they're slower than glaives, have smaller HA windows, less damage and worse movesets.
then what is best poise stack meme weapgon
Anor Londo is considered part of the first half. Everything after Anor Londo is consider the second half. New Londo is debatable.
People tend to look on Lost Izalith, Duke's, and Tomb of the Giants poorly because they are so short and feel rushed, especially Lost Izalith.
did you also graduate top of your class in the navy seals?
>poise is good now
t. someone playing the game again after like 6 months
Yeah, and good luck actually getting HA to connect.
There is none. Poise is shit. It always has been. Just because we know how it works doesn't mean it's useful.
Why do you think it took so long to figure out how it worked? Because the effects were so pathetic people barely noticed it, even during hundreds of hours of playing.
its not, people just overhyping stale news from leddit.
FUGS, Gundyr's since it does a shit ton of poise damage, GSoJ
It hasn't changed, we just understand a bit more of the specifics.
Basically, the stat listed as "Poise" in your equipment screen works as Absorption for your Poise "Health", which is ALWAYS 0-100.
You are able to have hyperarmor when you have poise health remaining, but your HA will be broken if it turns to 0, then it resets to 100 again.
It also recharges back to full immediately after 30 seconds of taking the first bit of damage.
Poise is still crap. There is just a new theory about how it works, but it doesn't change anything.
Talking to yourself or something?
It's not. We just found out how it works. It still does next to nothing.
People are just being retarded and trying to come up with meme poise builds.
Yeah, and good luck actually getting HA to connect, and not just whiffing and getting punished for it.
Who /poise/ here?
Easy as fuck. Just don't attack twice, or do if they come in range. Greatswords and halberds are good for this.
People usually cut it up as the first "half" ending at the lord vessel being acquired.
The second "half" is much smaller than the first in terms of content and total playtime, but it's just divided up that way because it groups all the rushed, unfinished and generally mediocre areas together.
>anti-poisers going full damage control
holy fuck my cock is literally as hard as my elbow right now jesus christ. i love the saltiness of all these fucking das1 vets seeing poise be something different than what it used to be while stil lremaining effective for those that learn to utilize its benefits.
Me as fuck.
>tfw HA suddenly works like it ought to
I'm never taking this glorious goddamn ring off again.
I hope this is bait.
>stating the obvious is "damage control"
Sure thing, buddy. Let's see that epic poise build in action.
God damn I wish this fucking bait meme would just fuck die off. Just because I call antipoisers out on their utter retardation and outright denial it doesn't mean I am trying to "troll" them, which is something that hasn't actually meant anything for years
The fuck are you talking about? This system doesn't make poise better; it makes hyper armor worse. All I have to do is spam R1 before your HA activates, and you still stagger like you have zero poise. Even worse is that with this system you can't even be sure you HA will work even if you time it perfectly.
It was already in action when I split you in half with my hyper armored cock, idiot. You think I play naked or something?
>poise works
That....actually explains why my new mage build using the lothric knight spear seems to be staggering less during trades than I'm used to
I picked the weapon cause it's fashion and has cool R2's
Wait so, if you attack first, its better? Hasnt that always been the case? I guess with the wolf ring it just makes sure quick weapons poking doesnt stop your second attack? I still feel like.....that changes nothing?
Yea mean, this new "poise" sure is great thats why everyone was using it a month or 2 ago when it was actually discovered what it did.
So is heavy armour like Havel's useful now?
Okay, now all I have to do is figure out how to align my HA with your R1s.
That's literally all their is to it. Timing.
Don't relegate this age of Dark Souls ENLIGHTENMENT to "lul jus cuz wolf ring werks it dudnt mean ur gud hahah" shut the fuck up you stupid fucking tripfaggot nigger.
Maybe a piece of the set to minmax
no, nothings changed, people have just found actual number values and other specifics to explain it better.
Well, it does have the most poise, bar the gloves, and the second most physical protection, but it is quite heavy.
However, it's one of several good-looking armor sets, so it's definitely my top pick, honestly.
Wolf's Ring+2 and Havel's is about 48ish poise, which is about double what people normally have.
It's not useful unless you're using attacks that benefit from hyperarmor often.
>greatswords and halberds not only have better hyper armor frames but also 50% better hyper armor than ultra weapons
If you want poise, use the wolf ring
If you want LODES O' POYZ, use Yhorm's greatshield.
The greatshield adds more poise alone than all of havel's armor combined and weighs significantly less. If you want vit for poise, go with that.
Optimal heavy armor is still some combination of Cathedral Knight, Morne's, Winged Knight and Gundyr's, so if you wanted to be a vitgouged poisebuild you'll end up looking like a goofy clown man wearing a trashcan with a truck's fender strapped to your back.
No, that's how HA would work if it wasn't dependent on poise or a hidden health bar.
It's exactly as useful as it has always been.
All we've learned is the mechanics of poise interactions. We actually don't even know enough to say that a certain level of poise is good for powering through the attacks of certain weapons.
>tfw Sirris always does that chime hyper armour cancel thing where she has the glow and has passive poise for a second or so while she estoc spams you
Is there some hidden tech to this? I've seen her do this a few times now
Oh, that's because of all the super huge damage that greatweapons do, it would be too strong if the poise was too breakable.
The visual effect lingers but the actual effect does not. Most miracles can be canceled at the very start of their animation if you hit circle early enough
How can you R1 spam someones poise broken before they attack you once?
I'm not going to theory-duel you, but you should know by now that everyone plays passive reactive in this game. There's no reason for someone with a fast weapon to attack when they can get punished for it. They can walk up to you, wait for you to swing, do a rolling attack, and roll away from the counter, even if HA is involved in it. I've done this myself. That's how you fought poise in DaS1, if you were good enough to know how to do anything other than backstab, and it still works in DaS3.
Im sure this isnt the place for it, but I cant find an answer. My friend cant use the gesture menu, and cant get to Archdragon Peak as a result. Has anybody else had this problem and found a way around it or a way to fix it? Nothing he does fixes the issue, it works with other games but not on DaSIII
You're theory dueling me right now.
All I said was that you can whiff an attack and not be punished, or even bait someone if you know what you're doing.
what are you even trying to ask here?
When they start swinging, you have to deliver enough hits/dmg to drop their poise hp (poise * weapon multiplier or some shit) and they get staggered.
How can you hit someone enough that their poise breaks if the first thing that's gonna happen is a trade?
HA is unreliable, yes, but with poise it increases the chances that R1 spamming won't break your poise, meaning poise is good. Also, if you hit the person once after their poise is broken, their poise resets back to 100, from what I understand?
I don't think you can hit them enough that their poise breaks in the same trade.
>tfw been spamming gs stance since the big poise fiasco reveal
>90% success rate
>often able to get reliable roll catch with rolling 1hr1 immediately after (hollowslayer spear)
I'd like to add that I guess some really slow weapons can be hit twice before the end of the swing, and in punishes before the HA swing, but it's not worth trying to do it when you might get hit anyway because of latency and not knowing when the guys poise will break. HA poise breaking just happens randomly during fights, I don't think this will change.