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hana song

Fixed for happy couple and a harness for autistic user


new skins tomorrow

Should Omnics be allowed to participate in the Olympics?


i am hana song



You're my hero user

>queue with a 5-stack in competitive
>ask them to join team chat
>they refuse
>one of them plays Symetra on KOTH
>they refuse to group

Shit like this should be against the rules. If you're going to queue with 5, just find a 6th and stop torturing the poor sap you get matched with.

>mfw just beat a meme attack 6-stack composed of a payload bastion, reinhardt, mercy, zenyatta, D.Va, and Soldier 76 while solo queued

I love shitting on cheese comps

Why would they want to? When Brazilians lose in their own country, they will riot and kill everyone there [Brazilians are subhuman scum and cannot control basic animal emotions]

That's an odd way to spell /xivg/.




Why not?

Widowmakers low body temperature means i can smash raw right? Like my sperm won't be able to survive long in her icy womb right? Would she humor me with french maid role play?

>no back straps on Tracer's reflection in the mirror


You dont understand what a counter means. Her ult gets semi checked by lucio and zen but not countered. Reaper wraithing away from the ult is a counter.

Also the best hero in the game requires you to be semi grouped to get healed and if you want to effectively push you need to group


>play lucio

is it seriously this easy

>it's okay for the game to be ruined and broken because it's not comp
might as well just delete qp in that case!


Reinhardt's beefy ass!

Backstory we were defense round 1 stopped attackers at the edge of checkpoint 2. Round 2 party leader tells us to go Winston for BLM and to fuck with the other team we made it about the same as round 1.

>quick play
>play of the game
>d.va blowing up 5 people with her super

Every time

at least 2 bastions
anti charge measure like mccree stun / hog hook
and obviously a healer, any will do

or just pharahs

>Mccree I dont think Jack pays attention to me anymore!
>Its okay maam, Ill listen to you prattle on about your kid

I know a lot of people don't believe the ME OOGA TEAM BOOGA stories about Genjis/Hanzos on your team but...

He kept on complaining that we had no healer even though he was the SECOND GENJI, and instalocked Hanzo when we played defense.

And look at his name....

These people actually exist

Why does no one use the Noir skin anymore?


You'll need triple bastion + Dva + reinhardt, with Lucio healing. Set up the bastions and burn down shields from a distance. Triple bastion is the only thing that is going to burn 4 shields fast enough that they can't infinitely take turns blocking. It will be an EZ game if you're able to get Bastions on a small ledge or anywhere off ground level, to avoid charges (which are the only option for the enemy). double Anas will not be able to break a Dva + reinhardt damage block in front of the triple bastions and even if they do, lucio is there to heal. Dva absorbs all fire blasts.


This is Hana Songs new legendary

Is Lucio actually your husbando?

what is your technique, because when that happens usually my team is too retarded to counter

Where are those Reaper mindbreaking Overwatch girls doujins

>The new maps blizzard promised is gonna be some shitty rocket league-type sports gimmic map to tie in with the olympics and the new skins.

You just know it's gonna happen.

This better be a joke guys


That gives me the mental image of D.va manually pedaling her MEKA to move around, flinstone style.

tracer actually looks cute in that outfit

I was a flanking Roadhog that kept hooking Mercy and Bastion off payload while my team sat back and distracted them

This game was made by ignorant, incompetent niggers.

Talon Tracer

>Not wanting glorious lioness Zarya

>Zarya with normal hair

Muh duck

useless cunts always quick to mkae a thread without linking the previous ones. fucking degenerate fuckers i swear to god, dont make the thread if you arent gonna make it proper you vapid cunts



>play competitive
>nipples get hard due to tension

anyoen else?

I need this

And overseen by a faggy fucking jew that should be lynched.

Zarya is CUTE!

fuck the Olympics seriously

I wonder if Sombra and any other future hero will come with sports skins even if its long after the olympics end

She probably acts like Dio.

>On a losing tilt for several games now
>first lootbox of the night get Captain Amari

At least that brightened up my night a bit.

pls no bully in regards to my toaster settings

I was living a peaceful life after taking a long break from ranked dota and now competitive overwatch is making me stressed out again. If only I could enjoy games casually....

What happened to that guy that posted art of reaper doing embarrassing things and getting busted by widow? I loved those.


Best thing that could happen to the world would be Blizzard getting firebombed and all of those newage faggots burning alive.

>wrestler reinhardt has a new charge animation without the jetpack where he just runs

Ok faggots, post your favorite ships. We all know you have some.

>McCree and Zarya
>Mercy and Pharah
>Junkrat and Mei


holy shit that mercy outfit is cute af. I might become a heal slut myself

Because it's garbage

Jesus fucking christ.

How many prestiges is that?

>(which are the only option for the enemy)

Firestrikes, user.

>karate zen
please make it real
so i can do 360 melees and yell TATSUMAKI SENPUKYAKU

why the fuck is ow esports so scummy in this video game? it's like everyone is getting accused of hacking and now seagull is in jail.

I just found out that 2 organized Meis on defense are the most infuriating thing ever.

They kept using walls at the exact same time to cockblock a shit load of ults, using ults in a way that they will cover far more space and overall focusing on bringing down single huge targets like AvenueSwine and Reinhardt.
I dont think I ever saw them alone, they always traveled together.

I mean, I'm not really mad, that shit was a-mei-zing... but fuck man, i would never want to face 2 organized Meis like that again. Thanks god for hero limit in comp.

Fuck. Fixed.

Bastion only has Boxing gloves and McCree looks the same what the fuck

These are sprays right?

There's going to be so much salt on /owg/ if the shins they've been crying for turn out to be some laffalympics bullshit.

Also why is Winston playing basketball? That's deeply racist.

I wonder what he smells like


lvl 547

happened in csgo too. It is easier to cheat in shooters.

tfw i completed my ranked placement matches and now I'm rank 73

my one and only ship

most likely yes, although the three on might be actual skins

>bike shorts Hana

This poster is a registered sex offender and forced his internet boyfriend to role play as a toddler so he can piss on him.

You wanted Summer Skins, didn't you? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? IS THIS NOT WHY YOU ARE HERE?

>Also why is Winston playing basketball?
...it's volleyball

pharah also looks the same, but it makes sense since she's an amputee with a cyborg suit :^)

Getting the feeling only Tracer, Zarya, and Lucio are getting the skins

like it matters


>Pharah's exactly the same

You're at the weekend Bingo game and she says "I've got you in my sights".


It makes her ass look like garbage, and widowmaker without the ass is pointless.

Because why not?

>Also why is Winston playing basketball?


>and now seagull is in jail.
nigga what

Pharah is exactly the same

>flabby armed limp shoulder bitch

pink hair doesn't make you zarya


It's a maymay. The LG Overwatch team left the organization.