Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

Patch Notes:

Rank 8 Archers:

Previous: >Can I play the game now?
YES YOU CAN (Get it on steam)! Rank 8 Soon™

TOS Info:

This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>What is Tree of Savior?
Tree of Savior is an action MMORPG with a lot of classes, cute hats and autism grinding.


>Cards List:

- kTOS - Server : dead
- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA), Fedimian (EU), Telsiai (SEA)

>Official Translation Project -
Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.

>/tosg/ Guilds info
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena/Silute, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a templar.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.
Futureproof (Lolipan)
Clover (Karga)
Database (Cattly)
CuteNotLewd (Plasmagica)
Cake (DeliciousCake)
FOE (Jinsae)
Kotatsu (Colyo)
CoffeeHouse (Capyba)
Comfy (Katzenberg)

Other urls found in this thread:

/Ohayou/ when?

How's this game? I've been gone for a few weeks. Have the latest patches made it any better?

See ya after the maintenance's maintenance

If someone made /Ohayou/ as a guild would you join user? E

We have pvp content and some events as well as very slightly better pvp balance but otherwise it's the same game. If you didn't like it before you won't like it now.

Of course!

Hi everyone that's still here! Um, so people were saying chaplain was a meme?

Its good at low lvls, but shit later.
Like QS3

Ok then.

yes don't do it

I know that's your first character so are you more interested in the PvE side of things?


Will Runecaster ever get buffed?

depends on server


Nohva is just a flavor-of-the-month new poster like Geropi.

What is Marzi's baby's name?!

I've seen the t. something thing before, what is that? I saw some people using it next to peoples name and I thought it meant to whisper them or something similar.

It's my first char but not my first MMO. So I wouldn't mind pvp, but until I learn the game more I think I will stick to PVE for now.

QS3? Also, I thought chaplain was for the synergy of priest.

No. Can't risk Cryo's actually having something.

I finally got it
its in the game now

Buto if you or Cattly are reading this some shit came up and I probably won't be on OW after all tonight, sorry


Who's going to be her next victim...

someone dray kayori violated deeply already...

Where is it from?


There's no reason not to go Chaplain if you're going Priest 3.


NO WAY!!!!!

363mb patch downloaded and patch notes said next to nothing, what do you guys think they'll add with this maintenance? besides more bugs

You could get cleric 2 and be better at healing+have divine might. Chap is good for farming and dropping Capellas in GvG provided you have a Daino slut but otherwise it doesn't offer that much as the damage falls off pretty hard late game and very few classes are auto attack based in the end game to benefit from last rites.

Unless that reason is you want to be more useful. In which case you can go Oracle instead.

Ranger and Linker nerf.

Less fps!

it's still better to not be chaplain even with priest 3 trust me

Surprise Sapper 2 quest fix

I'm already cleric 2, priest 1. That build wouldn't work with what I have already. The more people tell me about what's good, the more im afraid I might have to reroll... I only have 6 points in the protect spell and 5 into cure.

Replace Chaplain with Oracle.


what does ranger have that possibly needs nerfed user?

The ktos steady aim buff?

Or is it reverted already?

The best route you can go for right now is Cleric 2, Priest 3, Oracle 1, Kabba 1.

However, we're getting rank 8 information on Thursday for clerics probably so it may be worth holding off on making a decision for your r6+ classes. Priest 3 is pretty much mandatory if you're committed to Spr already.

Rerolling at rank 3 is not a big deal though.

It was never implemented, and that wouldn't have been a buff as that was the original rate. Regardless we never got it.

i fucking wish we did though.

Stop making her become a lewd Oracle like Kayori.

It became her destiny the moment she joined CuteNotLewd.

>nerfs stuff he saw in some meme videos
>leaves actual broken shit in the game forever

During a guild battle I opened up my gpu driver and cpu monitor to try to figure out what the weakest link was. At exactly 0.72 FPS, CPU usage was 28% overall with all 4 cores getting equal loads, and none of them anywhere near maxed out. I could alt tab without delay and use background programs smoothly, as if ToS wasn't even running. Over 2gb of ram were still free, and the page file wasn't getting any new activity.

The real surprise was the gpu. It reported activity between 0 and 52%. Despite being overclocked, the temperature was sitting in the idle range at 53C with 31% fan speed, far below where it gets with other games.

Yes, Im con=spr with 10 rogue points into int form the start of the game where I had no idea what I was doing... and I saw when I increased int that the healing on heal went up. Since then I've been told that's not the route to go.

Non-bias analysis on /tosg/ guilds and their leaders:

Futureproof (Lolipan)
+ Participate in GvG
+ Serious about PvP
+ /tosg/ only members
- Leader's reputation in the gutter
- Prone to be the subject of shitposting
- Not much into PvE

Clover (Karga)
+ Decent guild leader
+ Participate in PvE
+ First /tosg/ to get guinea pig
- Lacking PvP
- Always get sidelined by the other guilds

Database (Cattly)
+- Latest guild
+ Serious about PvP
- Leader's a shitposting avatarfag

CuteNotLewd (Plasmagica)
+- Literally who leader
+ Decent members

Cake (DeliciousCake)
+ Comfy social guild
- Literally who leader

FOE (Jinsae)
+Serious about PvE
+Participate in GvG
- >Wind God
- Discord

Kotatsu (Colyo)
+Comfy social guild
- Dead server

CoffeeHouse (Capyba)
+ Leader's made a pact with the devil to have insane luck
+ Participate in end-game PvE
- Horsefucker member
- 50% outsiders
- Doesn't GvG

Comfy (Katzenberg)
+ MMO Jesus as the leader
+ Participate in GvG
+ Participate in PvE
+ Top rankers of TBL
- Dark and troubled past
- Outlaw server

Feel free to add, ammend and change as you see fit.

FOE does PvE? I mean I see one member every few dullas, but few and far in between. I don't think they actually PvE as a guild.

>lacking pvp
If anything it's just timezone differences with Karga

t. is a finnish thing short for regards, it's also a dusty meme that this general learned about a couple months ago

Damn, I'm gonna have to figure out where and farm for that.

>- Not much into PvE
This personally bothers me a lot.
>Hey, we need you guys to get leveled
>Okay, well this is slow going because leveling this class isn't exactly the fasted or more efficient grinder

>- ERP

>Serious about PvP


SEA is literally the only server that matters.

Yeah, that about sums it up for us, except maybe;

+ Casual as fuck
- Casual as fuck

You're full of shit

>50% outsiders
32 members 6 outsiders and 1 isn't even active
>Horsefucker member
He quit the game more than 1 month ago
>Leader's made a pact with the devil to have insane luck

S-sorry, I'll try harder!

Any Rodel fags in here? How did the merge affect you? before the patch Rodel is famous for having High CC and no damage, did the patch change it to High CC mediocore Damage?

I want to try Rodel2>Fencer2, is this a bad idea?

>Any Rodelfags


You should probably remove the serious about PvE part from F.O.E.
I left because they never fucking do anything. There's less than 5 people in the guild that are 280, and they only just hit 280 2~3 weeks ago. None of them do ET, they never do Saalus, they only do world bosses when they can get carried by Alysse or Rynn (people from outside the guild) and don't stay ontop of their resets.
Even fucking FP is more serious about PvE, at least Lolipan does his daily 200 rushes :ok_hand:

>I want to try Rodel2>Fencer2, is this a bad idea?
Absolutely terrible. You only go Fencer 2 if you intend to go Fencer 3 (otherwise you'd get Rode3). Fencer 3 has a stance that ignores shield bonuses. Fencer is not meant to be a shield class.

>implying im not the worst of the lot

im supposed to be rerolling a main and here i am playing MAXIMUM SWORDIEBROS with my brother

pic related, our initiation ritual

What guild is Alysse in?

Kayori's tits and thighs must be so fuckable


post good alche builds
srs builds only pls i want to level fast enough to fuck with the mafia and roast gems for free

Explain this

if you just want to turbo yourself to alch c2 and not care about what happens after

pyro linker c2 sorc alch 2

is it really that terrible? I assume that slithering is a good way to approach wizards?

KEK why is he in the reddit guild?

Pyro2Linker2Alch if you want to level pretty fast
Pyro2Linker1Thauma1Alch if you want to farm mats

Thanks for clearing that up, I appreciate it.

But yeah, I guess ill just continue on cleric2 -> priest 3 and at that point figure out what to do. I just want to be helpful.
Also I want the game to be back up :(.

Does Stake Stockade have an unlimited amount of times it can trigger, assuming I run mobs back and forth into it?

Does Stake Stockade get an increased duration based on skill level? If not, isn't it just a 1 point wonder then?

Can Punji Stake still instantly kill any mob pack if you stack up enough of them because of the knockback attribute?

Is Collar Bomb multihit? Is it true AoE?

I've read Collar Bomb is buggy and doesn't always trigger, is this still true?

Do the Sapper traps that hit flying benefit from the double dmg vs flying attribute when using a 2h bow?

Wait until we know what skills the homunculus can copy. Also you are fucking retarded if you actually take gem roasting, waste of points.

alright, thanks anons. i think ill do thaum build. how hard is it to find parties without linker c2?
im autistic enough to waste few days of my life to fuck with mafia, so yea

>Kayori is now a sultry semen demon who preys on girls and boys alike
>they have to try their hardest to resist her seductions or they get their logs leaked and leaked all over the place

as long as you're a linker nobody really notices how many links you do

A pair of Petamion, Karacha daggers, a pair of Gladiator Bands and pic related are the only thing i ever found from any cube

>tfw all I've gotten from cubes is a single arde, a ledas, and a fucking monk hammer

>A pair of Petamion
>A pair
FUCK. How did you sell your soul? I want that kind of luck for myself.

>A pair of Petamion,

Meanwhile the best thing I've got so far is Arde (by around lv150) and it seems I get more cards than talt

H-how do I resist her

B-but Kayori already stopped doing it!

feels the same, getting kited still sucks

By keeping in mind that it's a greesy fat neckbeard irl

I'm on the exact same boat as you, my man. Religiously doing all my daily dungeons and missions for cards and shit drops. In fact I've just hit 160 today with only an arde to my name.

>implying that matters

I'll drink to that, but we should still fite! After I get home from the bar we- Oh as I was writing this I realized that the games down.. what on earth will I do with the rest of my day?

Stake stockade is fucking good. No AoE limit and no count limit. You can walk mobs into it over and over until it expires.
It is shit in party because it requires people to know what to do with it, but if they know then you're going to kill mobs pretty fast.
Max it if you can since it actually does three hits per strike.

>ToS doesn't even use GPUs


Oh. That's right...

But Kayori is fit irl! Null tier qt!

There was a fag last thread wanting to go hunter3/fwee2. I also followed that path, and I recommend you to see this channel

This one is from a korean that went the same build and show it's stats and some gameplay

And this video

You should REALLY consider getting the penguim if you're serious about going hunter3


t. Kayori

Kayori is a narcissist who manufactures his own drama to feel important :^)

Post kayori dick