Quant background SJW hate thread

>this pisses off the quant

Post your best of SJWs who can't into business or school & motivation thread.

I'm trying to build up a folder.

Other urls found in this thread:


When did university start becoming babysitters? I've actually lost respect for schools that cater to these soft faggots.

when everyone started getting participation trophies

who cares, market forces will take care of it

"The world is intersectional and my sociology major is just as valid as a theoretical physics degree!"

I wish I had images to contribute but collecting stuff like this would just make me angry

I can't fucking read this "&" bullshit.


Reminder that this is the type of retards they are churning out at the Ivy Leagues.


Gazenwagens are the only solution.

"We are your priorities now".
"You strip people of their humanity".

Is this really US Ivy Leagues? US is fucking DOOMED lol, what a bunch of cucks. Those are so far from what I imagined real Americans to be.

>All that finger snapping

What the hell am I watching



From my personal experience, the liberal arts departments of ivy leagues (including my own) are particularly awful. There's something about reasonably smart and rich kids that can turn them into flaming idiots when it comes to social policy. I've always wondered if it had to do something with the fact that they've never actually experienced the real world - the most hippie people I knew were the ones that vacationed in the fucking Hamptons.



BLM activist advocates white genocide at Harvard

Combination of being sheltered and a false sense of superiority

It's easy to be a retarded SJW on your iphone, in your gated community, when you've never broken a sweat working, and have never even met a non white that wasn't serving your food

This isn't the universities fault, they are just meeting a market that millennials are demanding.





Steven Crowder HIDDEN CAM: #SJW Preferred Gender Pronouns

Some of the comments on the video:

>The Emperor was great. 'Are you students?' 'Is...there a major called gender studies?' lol

>"Are you guys students or what?" DAMN, that guy knows what's up! He knows only students would be that stupid...

>I think society is starting to see 'students' as the idiot class. Probably why nobody is hiring them either.

>Yeah, I can completely understand. I wouldn't want to hire one either, unless they can prove they resisted the SJW indoctrination.

>I am actually kinda scared of using my G.I Bill after i get out the army, i hope this shit isn't on campus
>Go to a technical school or community college. Avoid public universities and private schools.

>Especially students of sociology, philosophy, poli-sci, women's/gender studies, and psychology-- though there's a whole load of other bullshit majors that have recently been invented that are just as asinine.
>I just finished an MA in philosophy, and can attest to the fact that they are the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet. Kids who take those majors often already have some fucked-up ideas, and they only go to uni to learn how to defend those ideas-- not to refine their ways of thinking and grow the fuck up.

>These college SJWs won't last in the real world, nobody gives a shit about their feelings or gender pronouns.

This is gold

That finger clicking triggered me.

That video summed up everything wrong with modern liberals. Whiney, entitled, well-spoken morons with a victim complex and zero sense of perspective; constantly demanding a soapbox while denying their opponents the same; thin-skinned and fiercely proud of it. Real life is going to cut these faggots down like stalks of hay. Jesus fucking Christ. That professor deserves a medal for not burying his thumbs in that bitches eyesockets up to the second knuckle. FUCK. I'm mad.

Wait, these are actually Ivy Leaguers?

America's cream of the crop?

Brave New World, motherplucker.

Although, to be fair, they look like they got through with the help of affirmative action.

Black student with 3.0 GPA will get through whereas a 4.3 GPA Asian or White wouldn't.

>everyone ITT & not putting & everywhere

$1,000,000 4u in BTC if you can prove that the majority of these agitators are studying STEM, medicine, law, economics, or business. It's piss easy to get into these universities on "hebrew studies", "sociology", "gender studies", "urban development", "anthropology", "feminist theory", etc because you are effectively paying for a vanity qualification. The top universities mostly protect the serious subjects and provide rigorous training within those fields. University is not an investment for SJWs because most of them oppose the idea of working in the capitalist-hereronormative-patriarchal cistem.

The universities saw the market for bullshit post-structualist nonsense and sell degrees to morons. The only utility of these degrees is that they are a prerequisite for teaching the nonsense. I call this "ponzi post-modernism" because it only survives if more and more people buy into it.

how do I short universities and post-secondary education?